
On the other side.

Sudo Kirihiko had prepared a plan to steal all of W's memory and dual drives.

He placed all his hopes on the cockroach hybrid, but he didn't expect that guy to fail in the end.

The plan that was half successful at the beginning still failed in the end.

Even the cockroach hybrid that claimed to be a hero was killed in the end.

Sudo Kirihiko was fully confident that this plan would succeed, but he didn't expect failure to come so quickly.

It was indeed a bit unexpected.

I thought this was a chance for me to make achievements and avenge my previous shame, but I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

Sudo Kirihiko didn't dare to meet Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko when he learned that Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko had returned to the company.

He didn't have the face to meet them.

Previously, he said that this time he would definitely succeed, and his tone of voice was so confident, but in the end it was all in vain.

But what Sudo Kirihiko didn't know was that Sonosaki Saeko didn't take this matter to heart from the beginning.

When Sudo Kirihiko wanted to report this matter in the company before, Sonosaki Saeko ignored him and just said to wait and see the results.

Now there is no result, what is there to say.

In Sonosaki Saeko's opinion, although Sudo Kirihiko has some ability, his ability stops here.

The plan of the second Fuuto Tower was stopped last time, and it had nothing to do with him. It can only be said that he was lucky.

This is how he successfully retained his position as a cadre.

Otherwise, Sudo Kirihiko might have had his Nazca memory and Gaia drive taken back.

Sonosaki Saeko, who is now powerful enough, doesn't look down on Nazca memory at all, so naturally she doesn't care about Sudo Kirihiko, and she is too lazy to recycle the golden hand memory in his hand.

In the office.

The things on the desk are messy, and Sudo Kirihiko just lost his temper.

Sitting in his chair panting, he looks gloomy.

He really can't accept that he was smooth sailing when he was a salesman, and his sales performance is rising steadily.

After becoming a cadre, he seemed to be having trouble doing anything.

Up to now, the only successful thing he had done had nothing to do with him, what a shame.

He was eager to prove himself, to prove that he was not lucky, and to prove that he was worthy of the title of cadre.

He thought about what he had experienced before, and it seemed that it was all because of W.

Full of anger, Sudo Kirihiko said hatefully.

"W! Why do you keep hindering me again and again?!"

He had already regarded W as his biggest enemy.

In his opinion, if it weren't for W's existence, he would not have fallen to this point and become a laughing stock.

Even though he had become a cadre of the organization, he was still not liked by Sono Saeko.

She was even too lazy to listen to his report on the mission plan.

Such a situation made him feel very aggrieved in his heart.

And he blamed all of this on W.


In a blink of an eye, a month had passed.

During this month, Lu Li had been busy with his own affairs.

There are two things he has to do, one is the production of related memories, and the other is about the production of the new driver.

There are quite a few memories produced in this month.

There are wind memory, ace memory, metal memory, trigger memory, moon god memory and rocket memory.

After completing the production of these memories, Lu Li turned them all into new awakening cards.

And the production of new drivers has also made great progress.

Although there is complete data of the awakening device, it is still difficult to produce a new driver relying only on the two scientists.

And Lu Li, because he copied Philip, can be said to be the smartest person in the world.

With him, the new driver can be completed at the fastest speed.

In addition to the previous time, the new driver is almost completed, and the awakening weapon that matches it has also been completed.

The next thing to do is to test.

Only by passing the test completely can it be determined whether the driver has been truly completed.

For the following steps, Lu Li naturally does not need the two scientists, and all of them are sent back to the company, and he can do the rest of the steps by himself.

As for the two scientists, Lu Li asked Sonosaki Saeko to delete their memories.

They completely forgot what they had done during this period.

During this month, Lu Li stayed in the production room of the new drive almost all the time, rarely went out, and even rarely went back.

He didn't know what the current situation of the Sonosaki family was.

It was just that Sonosaki Saeko would come over sometimes. Lu Li learned from her chat that Sonosaki Ryuhei should have been in a good mood because he hadn't been back for a while.

The reason why it was said to be because Sonosaki Saeko's power was getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing his daughter grow up to be able to compete with him, Sonosaki Ryuhei would be happy.

Lu Li knew exactly what she wanted to do, intentionally or unintentionally weakening Sonosaki Ryuhei's influence in the museum.

Replace Sonosaki Ryuhei and become the new queen of the museum.

Because of this, the father and daughter often don't see eye to eye with each other.

As long as Sonozaki Saeko returns home, the two are almost in a cold war.

It feels like they might fight if they disagree.

Because of this incident, Sonozaki Wakana, the youngest in the family, is miserable.

Whether it is her father or her sister, Sonozaki Wakana is very scared, and dares not offend or help anyone.

Looking at the black and white buckle that has been made in his hand, Lu Li smiled.

Now it is finally done, and it is time to go back.

Regarding the issue of the experiment, Lu Li is not particularly anxious.

Since it is an experiment, it naturally needs a suitable target.

There is no target here, even if you want to do an experiment, it is not very realistic.

Opening the door and walking out, Lu Li felt the dazzling sunlight outside, which was very comfortable to the body.

Stretching, he heard Lu Li muttering to himself alone.

"I wonder what has happened outside after a month?"

Focusing on the production of the driver, Lu Li paid no attention to what happened in the outside world during this month.

Taking out his cell phone, Lu Li turned on the cell phone that had been turned off for a month.

As a result, just after turning on the cell phone, Lu Li suddenly received a call.

The name on the phone note was his sister-in-law.


Lu Li didn't expect that he had just turned on the phone, and this sister-in-law was the first to call him. Is it a coincidence?

Maybe it is really a coincidence.

Smoothly answering the phone, Lu Li smiled.

"Wakana, I just turned on the phone, and you can't wait to call me. Do you miss me so much?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a noisy voice coming from the phone.

"Please move aside..."

"Ms. Wakana, many people were implicated and injured this time..."

"Ms. Wakana..."

It sounded like a large group of people were surrounding Sonozaki Wakana. Lu Li only heard their voices and didn't hear Wakana speak at all.

"Uewei! Help me stop them. I'll make a phone call first."

The voice of Sonozaki Wakana suddenly came from the phone.

After a while, Lu Li heard the voice of Sonozaki Wakana talking to him.

"Brother-in-law, please come to our radio station as soon as possible. I'm stopped by many reporters here and can't leave."

Hearing this, Lu Li raised his eyebrows immediately.

0 ······Please give me flowers· ·········

I didn't expect that I would still encounter such a thing after I came out. I have to say that Sonozaki Wakana is lucky.

I have come out, otherwise she might not be able to make a call again.

It seems that the voice is very urgent, so Lu Li didn't think too much and nodded.

"Okay, then you wait a moment, I will arrange someone to drive over here immediately."

"Okay! Brother-in-law, hurry up, these people are really annoying!"

Before hanging up the phone, Sonozaki Wakana even urged him deliberately.

Obviously, she felt very embarrassed to be surrounded by so many reporters.

Lu Li then called the driver of the special car and asked him to pick her up here first.


On the other side.

Go out of the gate downstairs of Fengzhiwu Radio Station.

At this time, the exit was surrounded by many reporters, and there were even many fans surrounding here.

These people were holding things related to Sonozaki Wakana.

Ueki stood in front and tried his best to stop these reporters, but his short body could not stop so many people.

Even with the security guards, it was useless.

Sonozaki Wakana, who always looked weak in front of outsiders, was embarrassed at this time.

When she was in a very embarrassed situation, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"How come she doesn't know, but I can tell you important information about the criminal."

The reporters next to her became interested when they heard that there was something, and they all focused their attention on this woman.

"Who is she?"

"She is from the Wind Dance Radio, Saeki Motoko of the Wind City Voice program."

At this time, Saeki Motoko came over with a serious face and said confidently.

"My program also received such a call before."

..... ......... ...

As soon as all the reporters heard that there was important information, they immediately surrounded them.

A lot of people left, and the remaining ones were all fans, who were a little easier to deal with.

And Shotaro Sae, who came over because of this incident, was a fan of Sonosaki Wakana, and naturally wanted to show himself in front of his idol.

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