Not wanting to get himself involved in danger, Zang Yue kicked Kaiwu away and retreated quickly.

While retreating, Zang Yue also took a deep look at Lu Li.

Before, he wanted to talk to Lu Li after the battle, but now it seems that there is no chance for the time being.

As for danger, he doesn't think Lu Li will encounter any danger.

Just based on the magic that Lu Li used when he transformed before, it was weird and unpredictable. He didn't think Lu Li would encounter danger.

The conversation between the two can be put aside for later, Zang Yue is not in a hurry.

Kaiwu, who was kicked in the chest again, fell to the ground with a buttocks.

Rubbing his chest hard, Kaiwu said helplessly.

"Can't you kick in another place? Why is it always the chest?"

For Zang Yue, Kaiwu is indeed very resentful.

Noticing that Zang Yue left, Long Xuan dared to speak at this time.

"Brother Kota, what should we do now? There are too many of these guys!"

There was a tremor in his voice. No matter what, Long Xuan was only sixteen years old.

When facing danger, it is good enough not to run away directly.

"I don't know either!"

Gaiwu stood up again, and when he saw so many aliens, he felt a headache.

Who could have thought that so many aliens would suddenly appear, the key is that they don't know how to fight.

"Humph! Come if you want! If you want to escape, get out of here!"

Baron has no intention of retreating at all, he is completely stubborn.

Not only does he not retreat, but he wants to take the initiative to attack and fight so many aliens head-on.

"Hey! Stop fighting! You can't win against so many aliens, come back quickly!

Although the two sides are in the hostile camp, Gaimu can't just watch someone die in front of him and do nothing.

For Gaimu's call, Baron didn't take it to heart at all, and suddenly jumped up, from top to bottom, and threw the banana spear in his hand down.

"Swish! ! "

The sharp banana spear pierced through a primary alien and nailed it to the ground.

But before Baron landed, a flying bat alien suddenly jumped out from the side, hugged Baron, and both fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the other aliens rushed over, and it seemed that they were going to besiege Baron.

Kicked the bat alien away, and before Baron stood up, two more aliens rushed over.

Baron, who was in a hard fight, was soon surrounded by many aliens. In this case, the possibility of breaking through was almost zero.

PS: Thank you

One fany. for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 528 The shocking impact brought by Yongqi! It's time to show off, Longxuan. Watermelon Armor!

Seeing this situation, Kaiwu gritted his teeth and rushed over immediately.

Originally, Longxuan was going to say not to care about Baron, and the other party was originally a competitor to them.

"Brother Kota! ”

Unlike Gaim, the only people Long Xuan really cares about are the members of Team Gaim.

As for the others, it doesn’t matter to him.

But Gaim is different. He can’t just sit back and watch.

Even though Baron is his competitor, he didn’t think of killing him in this way.

Seeing that Gaim had already rushed forward recklessly, Long Xuan had no choice but to follow him.

At this time, he couldn’t just abandon Gaim and run away alone.

If he really did this, how would Gao Siwu look at him?

The two rushed forward to help Baron together, barely repelling the aliens around him, and Gaim pulled Baron up.

Seeing that the two didn’t abandon him and run away, but came to save him, Baron felt very uncomfortable.

It was as if he was a weak person who needed help, and he didn’t want to be a weak person.

“Don’t think that you saved me, and expect me to show mercy to you in the future. "

The mouth is still so hard, Baron will never give in to anyone.

"I don't expect you to show mercy to my men."

Gaiwu retorted.

The reason why he came to save Baron was that he never thought that the other party would show mercy to his men in the future battle.

It was just because he didn't want to see the other party die in front of him, he couldn't do it.


With a slight snort, the arrogant Baron no longer entangled in these things.

The three of them stood back to back, facing dozens of aliens around them, looking so helpless.

Some aliens noticed Lu Li and Gao Siwu here, of course they couldn't let them go, and rushed over quickly.

Gaiwu noticed the situation here and wanted to help, but was stopped by the aliens.

"Wu! "

He was very anxious, but Kaiwu couldn't get through at all.

Long Xuan was in a similar situation.

But facing so many aliens, he was already overwhelmed, how could he take care of Gao Siwu

The three of them faced many aliens and were in a bitter battle for a while.

Facing the surging aliens, Gao Siwu was very scared and hugged Lu Li's arms tightly with both hands.

Even though she already knew that Lu Li was a magician, now facing so many aliens, even if Lu Li was a magician, he might not be able to cope with it.

The first to approach was a huge wild boar alien.

It was burly, with two horns on its head, and its body was red. It was obvious that it had a strong impact force.

The distance was getting closer and closer, thirty meters... twenty meters... ten meters... five meters!


Seeing the wild boar aliens so close, Gao Siwu was frightened and screamed.

Hearing this scream, Kaiwu and the others were extremely anxious, but there was nothing they could do.


Besides calling out loudly, they could do nothing at all.

At this time, a voice suddenly came to Gao Siwu's ears.

"Can you speak a little more quietly? My ears hurt a little.

She opened her eyes in horror, but found that she and Lu Li were still standing there, intact.

Recalling the wild boar aliens just now, Gao Siwu hurriedly looked over.

But she found that no matter how hard the wild boar aliens collided, they could not get close to them.

Gao Siwu had seen this power before.

It was just that Lu Li was just a few aliens at that time, which was completely different from the wild boar aliens this time.

And there were many other The existence of aliens from other regions, but I didn't expect that they could still block it.

Gao Siwu, who was extremely nervous, felt relieved for some reason and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Lu Li's words that she was too noisy, Gao Siwu couldn't help blushing.

Compared with the other party's calmness, her performance just now was really too bad.

Even at this moment, Gao Siwu still felt that her legs were weak and she couldn't walk.

If she hadn't held Lu Li tightly with both hands, she would probably have fallen to the ground now.

"Now... can you let go? It's okay if you want to hold me, but you have to wait until I get rid of these guys first. "

Hearing this, Gao Siwu immediately let go of her hand with a blushing face.

At this moment, she did not dare to look at Lu Li at all, and her fingers kept stirring.

This time, Lu Li actually saved her twice. Gao Siwu really didn't know how to thank Lu Li.

Lu Li took out the fusion drive and a pure white memory.

He pressed the pure white memory in his hand, and a mechanical voice came.



After inserting the eternal memory into the fusion drive, Lu Li opened it casually.

The power of the eternal memory was released, and countless pure white fragments appeared beside Lu Li and quickly attached to him.

The pure white warrior appeared in front of Gao Siwu, the yellow eye armor suddenly lit up, and the black eternal robe appeared on his shoulders.

Blue flames burned on his hands, and finally turned into blue flame stripes, which was very gorgeous.

Kamen Rider Eternal!

"Eh? ! "

The last time I saw Lu Li transformed into a golden demon, he could use magic at will and easily crush the aliens.

But I didn't expect that Lu Li seemed to have other powers.

Seeing the pure white warrior in the black eternal robe in front of him, Gao Siwu's first feeling was that he was handsome, and he felt more handsome than the golden demon he had seen before.

After the transformation, Lu Li walked forward step by step.

Facing the wild boar alien who looked very violent, Lu Li punched the blue-white horn on its head.

The terrifying force broke one of the horns on the spot. The wild boar alien felt the pain from the top of his head and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Lu Li directly removed the telekinetic wall unfolded by telekinesis, and the aliens who lost the obstacles rushed towards Lu Li frantically.

Seeing these aliens rushing towards Lu Li frantically after losing the obstacles, Gao Siwu's heart tightened and he shouted hurriedly.

"Be careful! "

Just when Gao Siwu thought Lu Li would be in danger, the next scene directly overturned her view.

It was just a group of small fish. Even the superior aliens were just small fish in Lu Li's eyes.

Suddenly clenching his fist, blue flames burst out from Lu Li's arms, as if the flame stripes on his arms were alive.

"Boom! !"

The aliens hit by a punch exploded on the spot and disappeared from this world.

The speed of action was so fast that the eyes could not react. As an ordinary person, Gao Siwu could not see Lu Li's actions clearly.

I only vaguely saw a blue flame shuttle back and forth between many aliens, that's all.

"Boom boom boom! ! "

But the violent explosions that came to his ears made Gao Siwu understand that Lu Li must have done something terrible just now.

When Lu Li appeared again, he casually threw the Eternal Robe behind him.

Then there was a violent explosion, and under the impact of the explosion, the Eternal Robe swayed wildly.

A real man never looks at the explosion behind him!

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