In the eyes of Zhan Ji Ling Ma, this is simply a very stupid behavior.

He has the ability to become a god, but he gave up. If it is not stupid, what is it?

Because of this, everything Zhan Ji Ling Ma does now is for himself.

In order to be able to obtain the power of God and achieve his ambition.

As a person outside the plan, although Lu Li brought news about the golden fruit, Zhan Ji Ling Ma just wanted to use Lu Li.

For the golden fruit, the two will inevitably have a battle in the end.

It is good for him to know Lu Li's power in advance.

"Yaozi, come with me to see, let me see whether our investor is more powerful or our director is more powerful."

Before he finished speaking, Zhan Ji Ling Ma got up and walked out of the laboratory.

There was still a little bruise on Yaozi's face, which was left by the previous battle with Inna.

There was also a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She knew the power of Wu Daoguihu.

And Lu Li, an external investor, does he have a chance to defeat Wu Daoguihu?

In the training room of the World Tree

The entire training room looked very spacious. It was usually used for many tests related to armored knights.

Lu Li and Wu Daoguihu were facing each other.

There was no one in the training room except the two of them, but outside the training room, there were quite a few people.

Everyone was curious about who would win this battle.

But in the eyes of most people, the one who could win this battle should be Wu Daoguihu.

After all, for them, the power possessed by Wu Daoguihu, the project director, was very terrifying, and they had seen it with their own eyes.

As for Lu Li, the outsider, they didn't know what kind of power he had.

At least in their eyes, Wu Daoguihu had never failed, so they naturally believed that Wu Daoguihu would win.

Taking out the Battle Extreme Driver very elegantly, Wu Daoguihu pressed the Melon Lock Seed in his hand.



He casually threw the Melon Lock Seed in his hand into the air, then caught it accurately and buckled it on the driver at his waist.

"Lock.On! Soyia! Melon.Arms! Heaven.Defend.Free!"

Kamen Rider One One Zangetsu!

Holding the melon defense shield, Zangetsu pulled out the unparalleled saber hanging from his waist.

"Then... it's my turn.

Before he finished speaking, a golden awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist, and he took out a card at random.



When the card passed through the awakening device, a dazzling golden light enveloped Lu Li.

Kamen Rider One One Callis!

To deal with the current Zangetsu, Lu Li didn't even need to use the ultimate form, just the initial form could solve it.

Of course, Lu Li could deal with it even if he didn't transform.

But... wouldn't that be too boring?

Outside the training room, Zhan Ji Ling Ma saw another power he had never seen before, and his eyes were full of strong curiosity.

Biting his fingers, Zhan Ji Ling Ma's eyes were full of confusion.

"Another power I haven't seen? ! How much power does this Lu Li have that I don't know about? ! ”

Zhan Ji Lingma really dislikes unknown powers.

Unknown means unpredictable, and he really dislikes this unpredictable feeling.

Zhan Yue was very surprised to see Lu Li who had not transformed into a golden demon.

He originally thought that Lu Li would use the power of the golden demon to fight him, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

A power he had never seen before made him unsure of the opponent's strength for a while.

However, now was obviously not the time to consider these things. Zhan Yue didn't hesitate at all and rushed to Lu Li at the first time.

It's better to strike first, he didn't know what kind of means Lu Li had.

What if Lu Li's form was also like the golden demon, with all kinds of special attack methods, and even the ability to strike back, it would not be very good for him.

Zhan Yue, who was usually the attacker, didn't like to passively fight back, and always took the initiative to attack.

"Clang! ! "

The Wushuang Saber and the Xinggong collided with each other instantly, and sparks flew out:

Zhan Yue had a higher combat power than Gaim and the others, and also had rich combat experience.

Compared with those rookies, he had almost absolute suppression power.

But unfortunately, the opponent he faced this time was not Gaim and the others, but Lu Li.

The Wushuang Saber was instantly deflected, and Lu Li waved the Xinggong, with an attack speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly attacked Zhan Yue in front of him.

"Clang! Chila! !

Bursts of collision sounds or the sound of blades scratching on armor spread throughout the training room.

Lu Li's terrifying attack speed has completely exceeded Zhan Yue's defense.

Even the more honey melon defenders can only block one or two, but more attacks still fall on him

After seeing this scene, the people outside the training room widened their eyes in disbelief. Is this still their invincible director?

In their eyes, the director is an existence with unmatched powerful forces.

But even such a powerful director didn't even have the strength to resist after a confrontation.

"No way?! Is this really the director? Why was he completely suppressed?!"

"Unbelievable! Is the other party really just an inspector sent by an investor? He actually has such terrifying strength!"

"The director is totally no match! Too scary!"

"It's the first time I've seen the director being taught such a lesson. I never thought that such a thing would happen."

"Why doesn't the director fight back! Fight back quickly, director!"

Hearing the voices coming from his ears, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes became deep.

I never expected that the power displayed by Lu Li would be so terrifying that he suppressed Zang Yue in an instant.

If he had completely researched the Genesis Driver and the Energy Lock, would he be able to deal with Lu Li?

Zhan Ji Lingma himself didn't know about this question.

The Genesis Driver has been basically researched, but it still lacks experimental data for adjustment.

It seems that the pace must be accelerated and the Genesis Driver must be completed as soon as possible.

Minato Yoko looked at the powerful Lu Li and was surprised that he could suppress Zang Yue.

You know, Zang Yue is not only very powerful, but also has rich combat experience.

But even such a Zang Yue doesn't even have a chance to fight back now.


It was a one-sided crushing!

Zang Yue, who was completely suppressed, tried to find opportunities to counterattack several times, but in the end, all failed.

Every time he used the honeydew melon defense shield to block, he felt an extremely terrifying force hitting his arm fiercely.


Zang Yue, who barely blocked the attack, was knocked to the ground by this powerful force on the spot and rolled around in a mess.

There were very obvious marks of slashing on the honeydew melon defense shield, crisscrossing.

His arm trembled slightly, and Xin Yue felt that his hand was completely numb.

After being hit by many fierce attacks in succession, Zang Yue had a hard time resisting.

His chest rose and fell rapidly. Zang Yue had never thought that he would be beaten so badly after gaining the power of a knight.

He had never been in this situation before. This was the first time.

"Director Wu Dao, it seems that your strength is only this much, it seems... not good enough."

A teasing voice came from the ear.

Zhan Yue suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Li, who was holding the awakening bow on his shoulder, with his eyes full of unwillingness.

Using the Wushuang Saber to support his tired body and stand up, Zhan Yue's body shook for a while, and it was obvious that he was not in a good condition.

Zhan Yue, who was a ruthless person and didn't talk much, didn't say a word at this time.

He just silently threw away the melon defense shield in his hand and quickly pushed the knife-shaped push rod device on the Zhan Ji driver.

"Melon. Squash!"

A stream of emerald green energy was released from the lock seed and wrapped around the Wushuang Saber.

He suddenly jumped up, jumped high from top to bottom, and slashed towards Lu Li in front.

Wushuang Slash!

The energy accumulated to the peak at this moment, and Zhan Yue placed all his hopes on this slash.

If he couldn't deal with Lu Li even if he released his ultimate move, then he really had no way out.

"Heh! Wushuang Slash? I wonder if it's really... Wushuang in the world?

Squatting down slightly, Lu Li took a jumping posture and stomped on the ground.

However, this move directly caused a lot of cracks to appear on the floor of the training room.

Seeing the changes in the floor of the training room, Zhan Ji Lingma's face suddenly changed.


What a terrifying power!"

You know, the floor of the training room has been specially strengthened and modified, and there is no problem using it for training and fighting, but it was crushed by Lu Li's foot!

This power can no longer be described as just terrifying.

But in the process of jumping, the shadow of a golden card merged into the awakening bow in Lu Li's hand.

This card is exactly Spade 2 Slash Lizard!

The already sharp blade of the awakening bow flashed with cold light, giving people a chilling feeling and exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

Finally, the two collided with each other!


Sparks splashed, and a terrifying force spread around.

Zhan Yue felt the terrifying power coming from his hand, and quickly used his other hand to hold the hilt, trying his best to suppress Lu Li.

But he was still too naive.

Because this was not a matter of one hand or two hands, but the difference in strength between the two sides was not at the same level at all.


Suddenly, Zhan Yue keenly noticed that a crack appeared on the Wushuang Sabre.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and Zhan Yue never expected that the Wushuang Sabre would not be able to support it.

The crack was extending little by little, and Zhan Yue's hands were still shaking with all his strength.

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