It was really beyond his expectation. Who could have thought that this was the idol of many people!

Yashuzi, who was lying on the bed, immediately showed a mocking smile and made a face.

"Hehe! It's what you deserve."

"This matter really has to be solved by us." Philip said, leaning on the chair.

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo was very unhappy and lay on the table.

"Hey! Philip, did you listen to me just now?"

How can he deal with this matter when he is so unwelcome?

When he thought of Princess Wakana's attitude towards him, Shotaro Zuo was particularly discouraged and could not raise any interest.

At this time, Philip came over with a magazine related to Sonosaki Wakana in his hand.

"The one who called was the dopant. That bastard is now making the city cry. Do you still plan to stand by and watch?"

This is completely Shotaro Zuo's weakness!

He regards this city as his own back garden. How could he make the city cry?

This kind of thing, even if he is reluctant in his heart, he must do it.

With a helpless expression on his face, Shotaro Zuo really wanted to refuse if he had a choice.

"And Shotaro, you are completely wrong. Sonosaki Wakana is an angel, innocent and cute, and is simply an ideal goddess."

Not only Shotaro Zuo, but even Philip likes Sonosaki Wakana very much.

(Lu Li: Shut up! That's your sister!)


Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana had just entered the hall when they saw Sonosaki Ryuhei walking in from outside with Mick in his arms.

When he saw Lu Li, a trace of displeasure flashed across Sonosaki Ryuhei's face.

In the past month, Sonosaki Saeko's actions seemed to be getting more and more frequent.

The power that almost occupied half of the museum made Sonosaki Ryuhei very unhappy.

Even if he knew this situation, Sonosaki Ryuhei did not dare to act rashly.

It was just because he didn't know his eldest daughter's current strength.

The strength of the taboo doping body that has reached a complete state...I am afraid it is not inferior to his own.

If the two sides really want to fight, it may cause extremely serious consequences.

Sonosaki Ryubei is very reluctant to see this happen.

If the museum he built with great effort has problems because of this civil war, then it will be a failure.

He can't afford such a loss and will never allow such a loss to happen.

Sonosaki Saeko occupies half of the museum, but at least she has not betrayed him yet, which makes Sonosaki Ryubei even more reluctant to take the initiative.

He holds a glimmer of luck in his heart. As long as his eldest daughter has not betrayed him, there is still a chance to save it.

Although he has not seen Lu Li for a month, he believes that all this must be extremely related to Lu Li.

If it weren't for Lu Li's existence, maybe everything would not have come to this situation now.

He is full of regret for keeping Lu Li in the family.

But he has his daughter's determination to Lu Li, and all this has become a foregone conclusion, and he is powerless to change the situation.

He did not fight with Sonozaki Saeko, and was also afraid of Lu Li's powerful and terrifying strength.

Sonozaki Saeko and Lu Li joined forces, and he was definitely not an opponent.

Therefore, he chose to take a different approach and wanted to find a powerful person to cooperate with.

And in his intelligence, there was indeed such a person.

A guy with quite good strength and very crazy 0......

Although there is still a certain gap between his strength and his own, as long as he can be trained, there will be no problem in growing up.

But Sonozaki Ryubei still had a little fear in his heart. If that guy grows up, can he still control him?

If he can control him, it would be the best, and he can become his right-hand man.

But if he can't control him, wouldn't that mean he has cultivated another enemy for himself?

He has done this kind of behavior of aiding the enemy once, and he must not do it again.

Then he was still hesitating whether to do this thing, mainly because Lu Li has not come back during this period.

Now that he has come back suddenly, it naturally brings him great pressure.

We must hurry up. If we don't hurry up, the remaining half of our territory will probably be emptied out.

He couldn't just watch and watch the museum lose control.

He worked hard to build all this, not to make wedding clothes for others.

It's time to make up his mind. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, there will be no next opportunity.

After taking a deep look at Lu Li, the hesitant heart of Sonosaki Ryubei finally became firm.

Lu Li naturally noticed the old fox's eyes and keenly realized that the old fox seemed to be planning something.

But what it was, it was impossible to see at a glance.

However, Lu Li saw the deep fear in the old man's eyes clearly.

He hadn't been at home for a month and hadn't done anything to this old fox, so it shouldn't be that serious.

At this time, Sonosaki Ryubei set his eyes on Sonosaki Wakana on the side, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He didn't understand why his little daughter came back with Lu Li, but he knew what happened before.

"Wakana, have you encountered any trouble?"

As soon as she heard this, Sonosaki Wakana's face suddenly became a little ugly.

When she thought that she didn't know which guy had caused a lot of trouble for herself, she felt very irritable for no reason.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly patted Sono Saki Wakana's head and took the initiative to take matters into his own hands.

"Wakana just encountered a little trouble. It's not a big deal. I will help her solve it."

He had already agreed to Wakana just now, and Lu Li was not one to go back on his word.

It just so happens that you can test the new drive again, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Upon hearing what Lu Li said, Sonosaki Wakana's eyes suddenly flashed with deep emotion.

It's better to have a brother-in-law who is willing to help him.

Seeing that Lu Li had already taken the initiative to take over the matter, Sonosaki Ryuhei naturally didn't want to say anything more.

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you. I hope you can handle this matter well."

After leaving a word that was neither salty nor light, Sonosaki Ryubei turned around and walked upstairs.

He was going to go out and meet the guy first to see if he could be cultivated.

If the other party is willing to express loyalty, he doesn't mind helping the other party grow stronger.

To be able to become the right-hand man of the center, there is nothing wrong with being stronger.

I am afraid that I will accidentally raise a white-eyed wolf.

The next day.

Yesterday, Lu Li agreed to help his sister-in-law, Sonosaki Wakana, solve the 1.9 troubles she encountered. Lu Li was pulled up early in the morning.

After all, I agreed to her, so I can't go back on my word.

After Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana left home together, Sonosaki Ryuhei also left home.

He was going to see that guy today to see if it was possible to help him.

If it could really help him, he wouldn't mind training the other person to make him stronger.

But if you can't help yourself, you have to find another way.

The museum was created by him, and it could only be him!

Even if it is his own daughter, he must not get involved.

The eyes under the sunglasses were full of coldness, not because he was afraid of the strength of Sono Sakiko and Lu Li's team-up. As a grown-up parent, he had already taught his daughter a lesson.

But there is no way, who let him have a very excellent son-in-law?

Taking a special car to Wind Dance Radio, Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana saw the police car parked outside as soon as they arrived.

Such a big thing happened yesterday. It's not surprising that the police would know about it. They sent people here as soon as possible today.

Sitting in the back seat, Sonosaki Wakana felt a little unhappy when she saw the police car.

"Tsk! What use can these guys have? Humph! Do you want to see my joke?"

Obviously, this incident made Sonosaki Wakana very unhappy, and she had been suppressing the anger in her heart.

Seeing that Sono Saki Wakana was in a bad mood, Lu Li gently patted her on the head.

"Okay, go quickly. I won't let you in for the time being. It's a little more convenient for me to be outside."

Hearing this, Sono Saki Wakana nodded slightly, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Thank you, brother-in-law! Well, after that guy is dealt with, we will go eat delicious food. I'll treat him."

Before she finished speaking, the girl had already opened the car door and headed to the radio station.

PS: Thanks————Fengmo Kaiqi-Hanying for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————13107.. for your monthly votes! .

Chapter 82 Violence, Blade, Awakening Sword

Originally, there should have been a lot of reporters gathered around the radio station, but since the police were involved in this matter, they naturally didn't want too many people gathered around here.

Because of this, Sonosaki Wakana was quiet and not surrounded by a bunch of fans or reporters.

I arrived at my work place smoothly, and as expected, there were already people from the police here.


Even in the face of these almost useless police officers, Keyon Saki Wakana still put a smile on her face.

The police officer responsible for this incident was none other than Chifu Basano.

Then... Shotaro Zuo secretly followed him.

After everything was almost ready, Sonosaki Wakana started her radio work today.

The surveillance equipment on the police side has already been turned on.

As long as the two parties talk for long enough, they can locate the other party's location and thus find the other party's location.

At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that Ueio Qiang is not here at all.

Just now, this guy found another excuse to have a stomachache and left.

"Princess Wakana, when the so-called Mr. Problem calls, try your best to delay it and extend your call time.

As long as we have enough time, we can find his location, absolutely no problem. "

Although she was not very optimistic about this plan, Sonosaki Wakana still smiled and nodded.

A very fake smile, very perfunctory.

But in Basano Chifu's eyes, it was a beautiful smile, a healing smile.

Anyway, she believed that with Lu Li here, there would be absolutely no problem with this incident.

As for why they are so separated, Sono Saki Wakana doesn't know why.

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