The terrifying power forced Heart to retreat continuously.

After taking a few steps back, Heart prepared to step on the ground.

This step directly caused cracks in the concrete floor.

The pain in his chest made Heart feel a little uncomfortable.

It had been a while since he'd tasted pain like this.

Looking at Lu Li with burning eyes, Heart was in a state of excitement and became very excited.

"Hahaha! Not bad! Lu Li, you are a very good opponent!"

The words were full of excitement.

Heart never expected that he would lose to Lu Li in a strength competition.

860 This actually greatly aroused the fighting spirit in his heart.

Medici and Braini, who were watching the battle, were shocked when they saw Hearti at a disadvantage.

Heart? They know very well how strong their fighting power is.

He never thought that Heart: would be unable to suppress Lu Li in a strength competition.

"How is it possible?! Heart.Hearti doesn't have any advantage in power?!"

Brain pushed up his glasses, which had been shocked off just now, with a look of disbelief on his face.

As one of the cadres who has followed Heartl for the longest time, he knows very well what kind of combat effectiveness Heartl has.

The battle this time completely subverted his cognition.

"Master Heart was suppressed?!"

Medicl's situation was not much better, and he was also shocked.

She never thought that Heart would be suppressed by her opponents after completing her evolution.

You must know that even the prototype veteran driver was crushed by Heart with absolute power.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and Medic suddenly realized that Lu Li was a difficult opponent.

If possible, she even hoped to deal with it in advance.

However, she knew Heart very well and knew that he would never allow her to do this:

Therefore, such an idea only exists in Medict's mind, and the possibility of implementation is very small.

By re-stabilizing his body, Heart can become stronger according to himself.

At this time, Heart's internal combustion mechanism's ability value has reached above the limit value.

I saw Heart: all red, releasing a lot of steam, and feeling like it was overloaded.


Following Heart's roar, a force even more terrifying than before erupted.

Dead zone!

This is the state he switches to when his internal combustion mechanism ability is opened beyond the limit.

It has more terrifying combat power, but at the same time Heart itself cannot fully control this power.

Heart entered the death zone and pounced on Lu Li.

Compared with just now, the speed and strength have been improved to a certain extent.

As Heart started to move, Lu Li took off a whistle from his belt.

Put the purple whistle in your hand in Kivatllll's mouth.


As the whistle blew, Kivatl's eyes turned purple.

At the same time, purple energy ripples spread throughout the body.

A huge purple war hammer appeared in front of Lu Li.

Both hands fiercely grasped the handle of the war hammer, and a large number of iron chains suddenly wrapped around Lu Li's arms, extending from his forearms to his shoulders.

When the chains shattered, thick purple armor appeared on Lu Li's body.

The yellow eyes also turned purple at this moment.

Kamen Rider Tsukiki-Tokuga form!

The huge war hammer in his hand is the weapon used by Moon Rider Dega in his form, Dega Heavy Hammer.


Lu Li grabbed Dega's heavy hammer and smashed it on the ground casually.

The terrifying Dega hammer instantly made a hole in the concrete floor.


Heart couldn't completely control himself at this point.

But he still wanted to finish the battle with Lu Li and see who could win.

To be precise, he had to win.

Because only if he wins can he know who has captured his companions.

Facing Heart, who had already pounced on him, Lu Li directly raised the Dega hammer and smashed it at him.

The Dega Hammer itself is a heavy weapon and should be used slowly.

But this is also divided into people.

In Lu Li's hands, the weight of the Dega Hammer was nothing at all, and he could swing it easily.


Hit Heart's arms with a hammer

Even after entering Heart, the death zone, with much stronger strength than before, no one could withstand the attack of Dega's heavy hammer.

Feeling the continuous output of power on his arms, Heart wanted to suppress it with all his strength.

But alas, he couldn't do it.

On the other hand, Lu Li, with a little force on his arm, actually knocked back Heart.

While Heart: had no time to react and his body was stiff, Lu Li hit him again.

It hit Heart directly on the chest.


He received a sharp blow to his heart, and his whole body flew backwards like a kite with its string broken.

He fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state, and his body could not stop sliding dozens of meters away.

After finally stopping his sliding body, Heart looked really embarrassed.

Since completing his evolution, Heart has never been as embarrassed as he is now.

Brain and Medic, who were just surprised that Lu Li was evenly matched with Heart, were now dumbfounded.

"What...what...what?! Heart...Heart was completely suppressed?!

Brain, I have never seen Heart suppressed so hard. This is definitely the first time.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it to be true.

Medic shook his head vigorously, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Impossible, Heart; Your Excellency will never lose. This guy must have played some trick!"

In Medic's opinion, Heart: There was absolutely no way that he could be beaten in such a miserable state. Lu Li must have used some insidious means.


At this time, Heart, who was lying on the ground, barely moved.

He could feel his current state. The death zone state was still there, and the power in his body was still exploding.

Not lost yet!

As long as you don't fall, you don't lose!

Standing up again, Heart: stared at Lu Li opposite.

"Lu Li, I didn't expect that you could suppress me when I entered the death zone. I was really surprised.'s not over yet!

After entering the death zone, I am not just like this! "

As soon as he finished speaking, HeartE's body became even redder.

Terrifying energy kept emerging, as if it was about to burst his body.

Simply can not stop


Heart's strength has reached its peak.

Red fireballs condensed on the hands, containing high-temperature and high-heat energy.

"call out!!"

Throw it out with all your strength, aiming directly at Lu Li in the distance.

"Boom boom boom!!"

When the crimson energy ball with high explosive energy touched Lu Li's armor, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.

The flames of the explosion swallowed up Lu Li, and the surrounding area suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

When Brain saw this, he immediately clenched his fists and showed excitement on his face.

"Yeah! I knew it, Heart; couldn't possibly lose!"

He had always believed that Heart was a very powerful being and would never be easily defeated by a guy he had just met.

Equally happy is Medic.

She has always admired Heart, so she naturally hopes that Heart, whom she admires, will win.

Even if the opponent is very strong, it is impossible for him to be hit by the terrifying attack just now without suffering any damage at all.

Compared to the two happy people, Heart itself was not happy.

Because he felt that Lu Li was definitely not an opponent that could be defeated easily.

The vigilance in his heart has not diminished at all, and Heart will never be careless and underestimate the enemy.

The strength Lu Li showed just now has been recognized by him. Facing a powerful opponent, he will definitely go all out.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the flames that exploded into the sky.


Immediately afterwards, Lu Li, wearing purple Moon Rider armor, was seen walking out of the flames of the explosion without any scratches on his body.

The explosion just now seemed to be just tickling him.

He patted the purple armor on his chest gently, as if brushing away dust.

Then Lu Li praised again.

"As expected of Heart, your power is indeed very good, but... it's not enough!"

Seeing that Lu Li was not hurt at all, he still looked calm and composed.

PS: thanks

Broly x’s monthly pass!

thanks one

L’s monthly ticket!

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