In the collision of power, he did not have any advantage.

But as the king of the Fimsim clan and the strongest ruler of the Helheim Forest, Bai Ya naturally could not admit defeat.

With a wave of his hand, the Helheim plants that were originally quiet suddenly became active.

In an instant, a large number of plants rushed towards Lu Li frantically.

In a blink of an eye, they had already wrapped Lu Li.

The Helheim plants directly wrapped Lu Li into a ball and quickly tightened at the same time.

It seemed that they wanted to rely on this method to oppress Lu Li and force him to lose his fighting power.

Feeling that the plants wrapped around him were oppressing him, Lu Li did not feel panic at all.

Although the oppression was strong, it was not enough to threaten him.

A faint black light flashed in his dark eyes, and Lu Li lightly snapped his fingers.


The Helheim plants that enveloped him seemed to be affected by some special power and burned in an instant.

The flames burned very fiercely.

In just an instant, they burned through the plants that enveloped him.

Supernatural irritation!

This is an extended use of the ability under the control of microscopic particles.

Supernatural irritation is actually to change the material into a plasma state and then ignite it.

Flames have extremely high temperatures. Although Helheim plants are special, they are still a kind of plant and naturally cannot avoid being burned.

Appear in the flames.

Lu Li's dark and oppressive figure appeared in front of Bai Ya intact for the 10th time.

Useless? !

Bai Ya's heart sank suddenly.

He didn't want to get rid of Lu Li in this way, but just wanted to restrict Lu Li in this way.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li broke through the restraints in such a short time.

The flames spread rapidly and burned all the surrounding plants directly.

It made the surrounding Helheim plants impossible to get close.

Lu Li, who came out of the flames, was like a fire god, giving people an infinite sense of oppression.

At this time, Lu Li released a terrifying murderous aura.

The target locked by this murderous aura that was almost condensed into substance was naturally Bai Ya.

Bai Ya's body trembled violently because he had never expected Lu Li to have such a terrifying mental attack.

The terrifying murderous aura made it almost impossible for him to breathe.

It was as if in an instant, Bai Ya suddenly saw a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

But fortunately, Bai Ya was a battle-hardened king after all. He had experienced countless battles and killed many enemies.

He also had similar murderous aura, and his mental strength was also strengthened.

Although he was affected to a certain extent by Lu Li's murderous aura, it was not enough to make him lose his fighting power.

After just a moment, Bai Ya had adapted to this terrifying murderous aura.

Lu Li was not surprised that Bai Ya could break free from his murderous aura control in such a short time.

This was Bai Ya, the real King of Fimsim.

The most powerful ruler of Helheim Forest!

It would be really strange if he could defeat Bai Ya with murderous aura alone.

"I still underestimated you. In this battle, you have brought me great surprises time and time again.

Lu Li, your strength has been recognized by me.

Now, let me see if you have the strength to defeat me!"

Bai Ya has now fully recognized the power that Lu Li possesses.

Hearing this, Lu Li grinned, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Then... give it a try!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li took a step forward.

The body suddenly soared into the air and turned 360 degrees in the sky.

The terrifying sealing energy and flames wrapped around his feet

From top to bottom, a terrifying flying kick that killed him was formed in the blink of an eye.


Like a dark meteor falling from above.

Facing the aggressive Lu Li, Bai Ya was very serious in his heart

This blow actually made Bai Ya feel a fatal threat.

This is a very incredible thing.

Bai Ya has not felt this kind of fatal threat for a long time.


At some point, the horse-slashing broadsword appeared in Bai Ya's hand.

Gather all the strength in the body into both hands, and pass it to the horse-slashing broadsword through both hands.

A blue energy enveloped the horse-slashing broadsword, like a blazing blue flame.

This was the strongest attack Bai Ya could use, a slashing attack released with all his strength.

If he couldn't take down Lu Li with this attack, it would mean that Bai Ya completely lost to Lu Li.

Who could have thought that such a terrifying battle would happen in the depths of Helheim Forest.

The final victory was finally decided, and the queen was watching from a distance, and she was also very nervous.

Who will win?

Will it be Bai Ya as a king, or Lu Li as a human!

She currently doesn't know what Lu Li is, and only regards him as a powerful person.


The two energies finally collided.

The collision of black energy and blue energy suddenly burst into a dazzling white light.


The earth trembled for a while.

The ground around the battlefield was lifted up, splashing mud all over the sky.

All the plants around were uprooted or extinguished by this terrifying energy.

Sensing this terrifying energy explosion, the queen did not dare to hesitate at all and retreated quickly.

Even standing so far away, she was still affected by the terrifying energy. She did not think she could withstand it.

Quickly evacuate, the white light soon spread over the place where the queen was just now.

Wherever it passed, no grass grew!

The entire Helheim Forest seemed to have an earthquake, and every place seemed to be shaking.

This side of the artificial crack of the World Tree.

The sudden strong vibration scared everyone.

Many experimental instruments fell to the ground.

"Earthquake! How can there be an earthquake here?!"

"I don't know! There is no sign of an earthquake detected at all!"

"There has never been an earthquake before, how can there be an earthquake suddenly?!"

The researchers looked for places to hide, fearing that they would be affected by the earthquake.

Fortunately, the earthquake was mainly inside the Helheim Forest.

There was a tremor on the artificial crack, but it was not particularly strong.

The World Tree headquarters trembled for a while, and then there was no movement.

Zhan Ji Ling Ma, who was in his laboratory, felt the tremor just now and was surprised.


It was the first time he felt an earthquake after coming to the World Tree for so long. It had never happened before.

Ban Ya City itself is not in an earthquake zone, so there has never been an earthquake.

At most, there are some aftershocks, but it is definitely not so strong.

When the earthquake occurred, Zhan Ji Ling Ma had already noticed that something was wrong.

Not only Zhan Ji Ling Ma, but also Wu Daogui Hu and Wu Dao Guang Shi in the director's office felt the earthquake and realized that there was a problem.

Just when the two brothers were confused, Wu Daogui Hu received a notice from the monitoring room.

"Director, just now, the Helheim Forest suddenly shook violently.

This vibration even affected us."

"What?! There was a violent vibration in the Helheim Forest?!"

Wu Daogui Hu suddenly couldn't sit still and stood up suddenly.

His face was a little ugly, he was worried that something unusual had happened in Helheim Forest.

If that was the case, the problem would be troublesome.

At present, the activity level of Helheim Forest 643 has exceeded that of the past.

If some unknown abnormalities suddenly occur at this time, the Ark Project may be difficult to continue.

He must not let unknown abnormalities affect the Ark Project!

You must know that the premise of the Ark Project is to produce one billion mass-produced drives to ensure that one in seven people survive.

This is a ten-year plan for the future, and it cannot be completed all at once.

"Mitsumasa, come with me."

"Got it."

Then, the two brothers hurried to the artificial crack of the World Tree.

When the two came to the bottom of the World Tree, they saw that in the huge room where the artificial crack was located, a large number of instruments had fallen to the ground crookedly.

The researchers were all in a hurry to solve the problem, and it would take some time to complete it.

Seeing Wu Daoguihu coming, the person in charge here hurried over.


"What happened? Is it confirmed that the source of the vibration is in Helheim? "

Kuito Wudao frowned, not wanting any unexpected situation to happen at such a critical moment.

The person in charge nodded quickly.

He was at the man-made crack at the time, and he could clearly see the vibration from the Helheim Forest.

"That's right, Director, this vibration is indeed from the Helheim Forest.

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