The terrifying destructive force destroyed the blood orange lock on the spot.

The battle is over.

Lu Li, who had just fallen back to the ground, had his magic cube armor gradually dissipated.

Kivatl Kawashi and Tatsulot: one on the left and one on the right beside Lu Li.

"You want to use your numbers to bully the few, but you don't even look at who your opponent is."

Kivatlll Shi, who had completed the battle, spoke with a hint of arrogance.

Tatsulot on the side echoed seriously.

"That's right, with this little power, you dare to besiege the master, you are simply overestimating yourself."

Tatsulot yawned just after he finished speaking.

"Ha~! Master, if there is nothing else, I will go back to rest first, call me if there is anything."

Unlike Kivatl Kawashi who wanted to stay outside, Tatsulot, as a dragon, is quite sleepy.

After the battle, the first thing this guy thought of was to go back to sleep.

Hearing this, Lu Li waved his hand to open the different space.

Seeing this, Tatsulot quickly entered the alien space, it wanted to have a good rest.

As for Kivatlllshi, he hid far away the moment the alien space opened.

It looked like he was afraid of being thrown back into it by Lu Li again.

It was like this last time, it didn't want to suffer this loss again.

Seeing Kivatlllshi so vigilant, Lu Li smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, I keep my word, you don't have to go back this time.

After hearing what Lu Li said, Kivatl Kawashi finally relaxed his vigilance.

At this time, Minato Yoko rushed over.

"Mr. Lu, are you okay? ”

Just now, when Minato Yaozi saw the terrifying power emitted by Lu Li, she was shocked again.

No matter what form Lu Li transformed into, he could exert terrifying strength and crush his opponents.

This is the man she chose to follow!


Looking at the black shadow guards who were still wailing in the distance, Lu Li didn't want to kill them.

After all, they are employees of World Tree, so they are still useful.

As a very large group enterprise, World Tree is also very famous in the world, with branches all over the world.

Although the company under the museum is developing very smoothly now and has a lot of funds, its popularity is still a little worse than that of companies like World Tree.

The main purpose is to get the golden fruit. Secondly, Lu Li also plans to take over the World Tree Group.

By integrating the museum and World Tree, the museum will become unprecedentedly large.

The future memory business can even be sold all over the world.

"What can I do? They should be the ones with problems.

Let's go, the troublesome guy has been solved. ”

This battle can only be regarded as a warm-up for Lu Li at most, and it is not challenging at all.

The reason why Lu Li transformed into Demon King Kiva was that he just wanted to try the power of Demon King Kiva.

With the ultimate move just now, even if Lu Li only used half of his power, Long Xuan would almost certainly die.

But Lu Li retained most of his power, so he did not kill Wu Dao Guang Shi directly.

If Wu Dao Guang Shi had been killed directly just now, there is no doubt that Wu Dao Gui Hu would know that this was done by Lu Li.

At that time, Wu Dao Gui Hu would definitely come to avenge his brother.

Although it is just a little trouble, Lu Li can I don't want to kill Wudao Guihu.

This guy is a talented person, it's a bit of a pity to kill him directly.

Moreover, Lu Li hasn't witnessed the famous scene of brotherly love, how can he kill Wudao Guangshi like this?

He is just a boring fun.

Let's keep the boy alive first and let him turn evil more thoroughly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be boring?

I believe that after this incident, Wudao Guangshi's degree of evil should be further improved.

By that time, I'm afraid Wudao Guihu will be in trouble.

Lu Li is also very curious whether the development of things will be the same as before, or because of his interference in advance.

Afterwards, Lu Li and Minato Yoko Left directly.

The shadow guards noticed that the two disappeared in the distance, so they dared to stand up quietly.

The battle just now has shown the difference in strength between the two sides.

There is no point in continuing to fight, so they chose to be wretched.

As for Wu Dao Guang Shi, he looked miserable at the moment.

Even though he had lifted the transformation state, his body was still embedded in the mountain wall.

The blood orange lock had been broken into several pieces, and it was very certain that it could no longer be used.

Not to mention that the whole person was in a coma. There were still many scars on his body.

(Zhao Zhao's) It was too miserable.

The shadow guards hurried over and took Wu Shima Mitsushi dug himself out of the mountain wall.

After all, this guy is their director's younger brother. If he really has something wrong in the forest, all of them will definitely not be able to survive.

After checking the vital signs, the captain of the shadow guard finally breathed a sigh of relief.

. There is no danger to life, just some skin injuries.

If Lu Li didn't want to take Wu Dao Mitsushi's life now, I'm afraid this kid would have died by now.

He took the ultimate move of the Demon King Kⅳa. If he really burst out with all his strength, how could he be fine?

The situation here was soon heard by Wu Dao Guihu.

When he learned about the battle in the forest, Wudao Guihu stood up in surprise.

"What did you say?! Guangshi surrounded Lu Li with a team of black shadow guards, and he was defeated by him alone?!"

The tone was full of disbelief.

Wudao Guihu never thought that Wudao Guangshi would do such a thing.

Just because Lu Li was an investor, Wudao Guangshi should not have attacked Lu Li, who was an investor of the world.

At the same time, he was also shocked that Lu Li actually defeated Wudao Guangshi and all the black shadow guards alone.

And according to the report, the battle on the scene was very fierce

Chapter 594 Guangjin: I will be a god! Suffering in silence, seconded

Knowing that his brother was injured, Wudao Guihu was angry and worried at the same time.

Although he was very strict with his brother, he just hoped that his brother could get better.

How could he not be nervous when his only brother was injured?

He hurried to the artificial crack of the world tree. He wanted to know what the current situation of Wudao Guangshi was.

Don't let anything happen, or he won't be able to see his father and mother in the future.

At the same time.

On a certain overpass in Pan Ya City.

Suddenly, a small crack appeared.

Gao Siwu, who happened to pass by here, immediately discovered the crack that was still slowly opening.

Of course, she knew what this meant, and hurriedly called to inform Kuzuya Kota.

She had planned to inform Wu Dao Guang Shi, but unfortunately, the other party did not answer the phone.

The World Tree also detected the existence of the crack.

For this reason, the World Tree immediately sent a team to block the overpass to prevent it from being discovered by ordinary citizens.

Once the matter of Helheim Forest is discovered, in order to prevent the spread of the news, the entire Pan Ya City will be destroyed!

And in another very hidden place in Pan Ya City.

A crack suddenly opened.

A faint golden light flashed.

A man in black clothes and curly hair appeared outside the crack.

He... is the artificial golden fruit Guang Jin!

When he came to this world, he already understood what kind of world this was.

A new world, a world invaded by the Helheim Forest.

"Interesting, I didn't expect there to be a civilization similar to Fimsim here."

Guangjin, who had just arrived in Pan-Ya City, didn't know much about the human world.

Now, he needs to obtain relevant information from various places.

While enriching himself, he can also use the opponent's weakness of 570 points to attack.

As for how to obtain information about the human world, it is not difficult for Guangjin, who is an artificial golden fruit.

Soon, after understanding and analyzing the information, Guangjin finally knew the situation of the world tree.

"Armored knight? It's really interesting.

If I can use their power, I should be able to become more complete."

Although he has successfully escaped from the seal, Guangjin's current power is very weak.

Only by finding a way to restore his strength can he restore his full strength.

By then, he will become the god of the new world, the only master of this world.

This time, without the obstruction of the overlord alien, he believes that he will succeed.

For this, he must hurry up.

Restore his strength as soon as possible, and then he can crush everything.

No need to hide like now.

He looked down at the burnt lock seed in his hand. This was the real body of the artificial golden fruit.

Golden apple lock seed!

Unfortunately, it is currently unusable because its power has not yet recovered.

Holding the golden apple lock seed tightly, Guangjin revealed a strong ambition in his eyes.

He wanted to dominate the world.

In order to recover as soon as possible, he needed enough hatred and fighting spirit as food to help him grow.

In order to recover as soon as possible, he had to let these armored knights fight each other.

They were just like the overlord aliens he had instigated.

During the struggle, the strong fighting spirit and hatred would eventually become his nutrients.

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