Even if there are one or two fish that slip through the net, they will be eliminated under this high voltage current.

Not long after, after a quick run, Kuzuya Kota finally found this place.

After some observation, he found that the World Tree also arranged people at the location of this crack.

In order to prevent foreigners from entering.

Just now, a group of primary foreigners approached and were directly dealt with by the black shadow guards and the queen.

The remaining fish that slipped through the net were also eliminated by the terrifying high voltage current, leaving no one.

After seeing what the World Tree did, Kuzuya Kota had a bottom line in his heart.

The other party was protecting Shiya City, so the purpose of both parties was the same, so why not cooperate temporarily.

Moreover, he really wanted to get some relevant clues from Zhan Ji Lingma.

This is an opportunity!

Just thinking of this, Kuzuya Kota strode out.

Facing Kuzuya Kota who suddenly appeared, the black shadow guards raised their shadow pine trees and aimed at him.

They naturally did not dare to relax their vigilance against an enemy they were not sure of.

"Welcome, Kuzuya Kota.

With a faint smile on his face, Zhan Ji Ling Ma was quite happy to have an extra helper.

He actually had no interest in the survival of Pan Ya City, but he was very interested in Kuzuya Kota.

Especially, it has always been a mystery where the Genesis Core and the lemon energy lock in the other party's hands came from.

Zhan Ji Ling Ma has always wanted to find out who is behind the other party.

"Zhan Ji Ling Ma, what is your purpose here?"

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Ling Ma shrugged slightly and smiled.

"In short, our current purpose should be the same."

"If the alien breaks through this gap, you will...

Kuzha Kota's face was full of solemnity.

Nodding as a matter of course, Zhan Ji Ling Ma spoke without any waves.

"That's right, then we can only give up the entire Pan Ya City.

However, the World Tree also hopes to solve this matter gently, so it is doing its best to stay here."

Just then, a burst of strange noises suddenly came from the side.

It turned out that another group of junior aliens were approaching.

The queen and the shadow guards rushed up and tried their best to stop the aliens from approaching here.

A very fierce battle broke out between the two sides. The shadow guard team was large in number and had no problem dealing with this group of aliens.

But as time goes by, if the crack is not closed, there may be more and more aliens.

Zhan Ji Lingma has no intention of taking action now, and he turned his attention back to Ge Ye Hongtai.

"Ge Ye Hongtai, I think you should have your own ideas.

But now we are seriously short of manpower here, and our interests are the same.

So. Shouldn't we temporarily stop fighting and join forces to fight the enemy?"

With a confident smile on his face.

Zhan Ji Lingma felt that he had figured out what kind of person Ge Ye Hongtai was.

He believed that Ge Ye Hongtai would join this confrontation.

"Anyway, I will help you temporarily today. By the way, what have you been doing since the beginning?"

If you just want to stay here, it seems unnecessary to use some other unknown instruments.

We only need to keep the instrument that releases high voltage current at the crack.

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Ling Ma pointed at the things in front of him for a moment.

"Try to use the equipment we have at hand to see if we can make the crack disappear earlier."

"Can this kind of thing really be done?!"

Kuzuya Kota's eyes suddenly lit up, full of surprise.

If this kind of thing can really be done, Pan Ya City will not be so dangerous in the future.

We can get through this crisis as soon as possible.

However, Zhan Ji Ling Ma smiled and shook his head.

"No, no, this is impossible. There is just a nasty boss who insists on pushing this matter over.

I can only pretend to make him think I am working hard."

The nasty boss he mentioned is naturally Wu Dao Gui Hu.

I thought that if I could close the crack in advance, I could reduce the possible dangers that Pan Ya City might encounter.

But I didn't expect that Zhan Ji Ling Ma was just pretending here.

This is a matter of life and death for so many people, and Kuzuya Kota was a little angry.

He walked over and slapped the table.


"Hey! Now is not the time to fool around!"

Seeing him so angry, Sengoku Ryoma put away the smile on his face.

"Some things can't be done no matter what, it's not a matter of whether you want to or not."

"But isn't your research the key to whether you can be saved?!"

So far, although Kuzuya Kota knew that what Sengoku Ryoma was researching could save the world, he didn't know exactly how to save the world.

Pretending to be surprised, he looked at Kuzuya Kota and continued

"Eh? Didn't I say it before? My research has now achieved the minimum goal."

"What do you mean by that?"

He didn't quite understand what the minimum goal was.

"To achieve mass production of the Sengoku drive, but the foundation of the human salvation plan, the Ark plan."

"Ark.. plan?"

This was the first time that Kuzuya Kota knew about the Ark plan of the World Tree.

At this moment, another group of aliens rushed over, more in number than before.

After awakening Ge Ye Hongtai who was in a dazed state, Zhanji Lingma urged.

"Okay, okay, we don't have time to talk now.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that there were so many foreigners around him, and Ge Ye Hongtai had no time to think about it now.

Immediately transform into armor and join the battle.

This time, Kaiwu only used the cherry energy lock seed he grabbed from West Germany to transform into a new form.

Jinha Cherry! 5...

Possessing extremely high mobility and extremely fast speed!

He was particularly concerned about the Ark plan mentioned by Zhan Ji Lingma just now. Kaiwu asked questions while fighting.

"You just said that mass-producing belts can save the world. What do you mean?"

"The driver I made can turn the Helheim Fruit into a lock seed, and then convert it into harmless energy through the belt.

In other words, there is no need for people to eat. In this way, humans can survive in the environment of Helheim without becoming aliens. "

Zhanji Lingma is still very proud of his own research.

That is to say, only someone as smart as him can make such a powerful thing.

After successfully dealing with two foreigners, Kaiwu noticed that there were no more foreigners around, only the black shadow guards.

After closing the lock seed and canceling the transformation, Kuzuye Hongtai is now more concerned about the Ark Project.

“According to what you say, do you want everyone to rely on their belts to survive?

But can you make so many belts? "

You have to know that there are 7 billion people on the entire earth. Can so many drives be built just by World Tree?

This is the issue that Ge Ye Hongtai is most concerned about right now.

Chapter 597 The outrageous truth! Shura field? What a joke!

Shrugging slightly, Zhanji Lingma crossed his legs and answered to himself.

"At most... we can only build one billion units.

"One billion? But the total population of this world..."

The pupils shrank suddenly.

When Geye Tongtai thought of the way World Tree handled things before, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Yes, there are about seven billion people in this world, which means that only one out of seven people can survive."

When answering this question, Zhanji Lingma's expression did not change at all.

It's like it doesn't matter to him whether the remaining six billion people live or die.

To be precise, it's not these six billion people. Even if everyone is dead, Zhanji Lingma doesn't care.

The only thing he cares about is the golden fruits in this forest!

"What does this mean? Are you going to ignore the six billion people who know nothing about it? They are all innocent people!"

Obviously, Ge Yehongtai is still too naive.

Yggdrasil’s Ark plan is not just about saving a billion people.

If the remaining six billion people are not dealt with, they will eventually become aliens.

The truly complete Ark plan is to retain one billion people and eliminate all the remaining six billion people!

Looking at Kuzu Ye Hongtai like an idiot, Zhanji Lingma felt that the child in front of him was really innocent.

Why is it the same as if the brain is inside his head?

"Ignoring death? We won't do such a naive thing. 13 Once the earth is completely eroded, those people will obviously become aliens in the end.

If left unchecked, they will threaten those who are still alive, so you should understand. "

After hearing this, if Ge Yehongtai still doesn't understand, then he is really a fool.

Even though he is called Silly Cheng, it does not mean that he is really stupid.

"Do you want it?!"

After hearing the news, Kuzuye Hongtai felt that his world view had been subverted.

These guys from World Tree... can no longer even be described as ruthless and ruthless.

It’s simply inhumane!

"Yes, within the ten years that Helheim gradually covers the earth, we will reduce the total population of the earth to one-seventh.

With its advanced technology, World Tree can be regarded as the world's leading pharmaceutical company. As long as it uses a little trick, there are many ways to do this. "

When telling such a cruel truth, Zhanji Lingma's expression did not even change.

It was as if killing six billion people had no burden on him at all.

This made Ge Yehongtai feel that the guy in front of him really couldn't be considered a human being.

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