Which one of us do you think is better?

If you had to choose, who would you choose? "

This time, Gao Siwu did not continue to move forward, but stopped and directly pulled Lu Li.

She must know the answer!

Seeing Gao Siwu's extremely serious look, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"Wu, only children make choices. As an adult, I...want them all!"

When Lu Li answered like this, Gao Siwu's eyes widened in disbelief.

This answer is simply amazing!

"Brother Lu Li, you...you...!"

For a moment, Gao Siwu was so surprised that he was speechless.

She didn't expect that Lu Li would answer like this.

Then his head shook vigorously like a wavy drum, and Gao Siwu quickly hugged Lu Li's arm and shook it back and forth.

"No! How could it be such an answer? Brother Lu Li, please stop joking.

You must choose one, choose one! "

The little girl's inquiring look makes people laugh.

"Are you kidding? Wu, I'm not kidding you. I'm very serious."

If you don’t say anything shocking, you will die!

Gao Siwu, who had been begging Lu Li just now, finally fell silent at this moment.

She never expected that Lu Li's answer just now would be serious.

The other party was not 713 joking.


For a moment, Gao Siwu felt that his mind was in chaos.

It's like a mess that can't be untangled.

It took some time to deliver Gao Siwu to the doorstep.

Lu Li noticed that he had been in a daze ever since.

Gao Siwu said nothing.

Use your fingers to gently lift her smooth chin.

Gao Siwu was forced to raise his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, she didn't know what to say.

Mainly because Lu Li's answer just now was a bit too exciting.

This girl can't even come to her senses now.

Looking at Gao Siwu who seemed confused in front of him, Lu Li lowered his head slightly and pursed his delicate lips.

Gao Siwu, who was still confused just now, suddenly felt something abnormal coming from his mouth, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

When she saw Lu Li so close, her pupils suddenly dilated.

I just felt a buzz in my head.

My mind is completely blank!

Without any reaction time at all, Gao Siwu's body tensed up.

After a while, Gao Siwu finally recovered from his confusion.

A blush quickly appeared on his face, and his body became slightly weak.

He used all his strength to push Lu Li away.

After whispering something, Gao Siwu hurried home.

"Brother Lu Li! You are so evil!"

If you pay careful attention, you can find that Gao Siwu's ears and neck have turned red.

Seeing Gao Si Wu fleeing away, Lu Li smiled slightly.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he turned around and walked into the distance, his figure disappearing into the night.

(befd) Gao Siwu hurriedly ran home. After opening the door, he closed the door forcefully and leaned nervously behind the door.

The whole person looked as if he had taken a bath in a hot spring, and he was red.


Gao Siwu could feel that his heartbeat was significantly faster than before.

She had never experienced such a feeling since she was so old.

My heartbeat suddenly accelerated, completely out of control.

Touching his lips gently, a flash of memory flashed in Gao Siwu's eyes.

Just now. What was it like?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Gao Siwu reacted instantly.

When she realized what she was thinking, her face became even more rosy.

dance! How can you think so? !

So shameless!

He hurriedly ran back to his room and threw himself on the bed.

By the way, he also covered his head with the quilt.

She didn't know what was wrong with her.

But she actually felt quite nostalgic for the feeling of physical and mental pleasure and rapid heartbeat just now.

As for what Lu Li said before, Gao Siwu had completely forgotten about it now.

Tonight, a girl is destined to lose sleep over this.

On the other side, on the street under night.

A lone figure is walking down the road.

The back looks a little lost,

This person is none other than Kuzu Ye Hongtai, who left the World Tree before.

After he came back, he had been thinking about a question in his mind.

Is the decision made by World Tree really correct?

In order to save some human beings, other human beings are even killed.

And not just one or two, but six-sevenths of the entire human race.

This is simply insane!

He really couldn't understand what kind of Ark plan the world had made.

This is absolutely unfair to those who have no idea how things are.

Killing all those innocent people, how can such an act be called salvation?

Is salvation obtained at the expense of others really considered salvation?

But... apart from this method, are there any other methods that can be found now?

Forests are already invading the world.

The cracks that appeared this time were in a densely populated area, and they could be discovered accidentally.

Even if such cracks appear next time, and there are more than one, I'm afraid it won't be as easy to solve as this time.

Then the World Tree's Sgra system will probably be activated.

The entire Pan-Ya City will be turned into a sea of ​​fire and reduced to ruins:

Except for those people in the World Tree and their families, everyone else in the city will be killed.

Thinking of that scene, Kuzuya Kota couldn't help but clench his fists.

"Damn it! Is there really no other way?!


Roaring helplessly, Kuzuya Kota felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He obviously wanted to protect the people in this city, but now he found that he couldn't do anything at all.

Moreover, he felt that what Wudao Guihu said was right.

He said it very high-soundingly, but he always relied on Yuya's sacrifice to gain strength.

What's the difference between me and the World Tree?

"What? Why are you yelling here in the middle of the night?

From the looks of you, have you encountered something unpleasant?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the side.

Hearing this familiar voice, Kuzuya Kota raised his head sharply.

I found that Sagara appeared in front of me at some point.

"When did you get here?"

Kuzuya Kota was very sure that there was a person in front of him just now.

How could Sagara suddenly appear here?

Sagara did not answer his question, but just looked at him with a smile and asked.

"What are you hesitating about? What do you want to do?

Before, you said you wanted to protect this city, what happened now?"

Recalling that I had said before that I wanted to protect this city and the people here, I was in a dilemma at this moment.

"I... decided to continue fighting because I felt that I could not forgive those people in the World Tree.

But I was like them, saying who I wanted to protect, but I sacrificed other people's lives for it."

The appearance of Kakui Yuya appeared in my mind, and Kuzuya Kota felt that it was his fault.

He was able to gain power because of Kakui Yuya's sacrifice.

It was true that he protected people, but he also sacrificed others.

"That's right, it sounds stupid."

Nodding in agreement, Sagara didn't think there was anything wrong with what Kuzuya Kota said.

Hearing this, Kuzuya Kota immediately questioned.

"Then what is the meaning of my fighting? Who should I help and who should I abandon? Do I have to make such a choice?

Is this behavior really considered protection?"

At this time, Kuzuya Kota was full of confusion.

He didn't know what he should do now, nor did he know if he could continue.

The behavior of the World Tree seemed to him the weakest, but it was somewhat similar to his behavior.

It's just that his behavior was in the individual, while the behavior of the World Tree was in the entire human race.

Slowly coming to Kuzuya Kota, Sagara said calmly.

"Fighting for protection, this kind of thing itself has many contradictions.

When you protect a target, you may hurt another target.

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