"Mr. Lu? Minato?"

Obviously, he didn't expect that he was still alive because of these two people.

"Mr. Lu, did you save me?"

"Otherwise? Even your brother wants to kill you. Who else do you think will save you besides me?"

Lu Li ripped open the scar in Wu Dao Guihu's heart without caring.

I felt very sad for no reason.

Wu Dao Guihu, however, was not in a hurry to refute Lu Li.

Just because what Lu Li said was true.

He was indeed betrayed by his younger brother, and his younger brother even wanted to kill him with his own hands.

"What's the purpose? Why do you want to save me?"

The voice was a little hoarse.

He didn't understand why Lu Li chose to save him.

He would not naively think that Lu Li was out of kindness and wanted to save his life.

The other party must have a purpose.

As for what the purpose is, he doesn't know yet.

"Purpose. I just think you are a good person and a talent. Keeping you is useful to me.

At least in the future, I need you to manage World Tree for me. "

Lu Li said this very lightly.

As if this is a very trivial thing.

But to Wu Dao Guihu, this was a very incredible thing.

With his eyes widened slightly, Wu Dao Guihu looked at Lu Li in disbelief and lost his voice.

"You want the World Tree?!"

He never expected that Lu Li's ambition would be so big.

You must know that World Tree is a very large multinational group.

Especially in the field of medicine, it is in a leading position in the world.

To get the World Tree is almost impossible in Kureto Takatora's opinion:

Even though the Wu Dao family owns a lot of shares in World Tree, they cannot fully control World Tree.

PS: Thank you

-A monthly pass for Falling in Your Eyes ((☆0☆)/!.

Chapter 615 You owe me your life, it’s dark under the lamp! unconventional means

Although he is the director, he must also obey the orders of the World Tree Board of Directors.

As soon as Lu Li came up, he made it clear that he wanted to control the World Tree.

The first reaction in Wu Daoguihu's mind was that it was impossible.

It's not that simple to control the world~tree.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled calmly.


Nothing is impossible.

When you are strong enough, you don't have to be restricted by too many restrictions on anything you want to do.

It’s not up to them to decide whether to give it or not.

As long as Lu Li wanted it, they had to give it to him

"Do you think it's impossible? That's just what you think. Don't worry, the World Tree will be mine sooner or later.

Takatora Kureshima, I will save your life when you are in danger.

So do you owe me your life? "

Although I don’t know where Lu Li got the confidence to control the World Tree, Lu Li is right.

He indeed owed Lu Li his life.

Nodding slightly, Wu Dao Guihu looked at Lu Li with a serious face.

"Yes, I was indeed saved by you, and I owe you my life.

If you can really control the World Tree, I wouldn't mind doing things for you.

But all this must be done after humans are no longer threatened by the Forest of Helheim before I can do anything for you. "

He is not an ungrateful person.

Since Lu Li was indeed kind to him, and it was a life-saving grace.

Then he must find a way to repay Lu Li.

But what he is most worried about right now is the invasion of Helheim Forest.

If there is no way to prevent the invasion of forests, sooner or later the earth will assimilate and humans will become aliens.

When Wu Dao Guihu agreed to his request, although there were preconditions, the preconditions were nothing to Lu Li.

"Guihu, you are truly worthy of me. Even if you have reached this point, you still think about the safety of mankind.

Don't worry, I will solve your problem for you.

But don't forget what you just promised. "

With Wu Dao Guihu's personality, since he has agreed to Lu Li, he will naturally not regret it.

Looking closely at Lu Li, Wu Dao Takahu could feel that Lu Li was not joking with him.

Is the man in front of me really capable of solving the crisis facing mankind and the earth?

There is no point in thinking about these questions now.

"Okay! If you can achieve it, I will definitely not forget what I promised you!"

Wu Dao Takatora's words were very firm.

He didn't mind asking Lu Li to do things.

"Okay, this is what you said, just don't forget the agreement between us.

Guihu, this hotel is a hotel affiliated with World Tree, and you prepared it for me.

Keep it to yourself for now

But I advise you not to wander around for the time being. Once Zhan Ji Lingma discovers you, I'm afraid... he will kill you by any means necessary.

After all, your existence has now become a threat to him, and he will not allow you to ruin his plan.

There is a word called "darkness under the light". You are still very safe if you stay here.


Taking a deep breath, Wu Dao Takahu also knew that his current situation was very bad.

If he dares to show up now, he will definitely be discovered by Zhan Ji Lingma, and he will never let her go easily.

He wanted to fight Zhan Ji Lingma, but his current physical condition was simply not enough to do it.

The most important thing now is to rest and recover your body first.

"Okay, now that you're awake, take a good rest. If you have any questions, call the hotel staff.

Yaozi, we should go."


Then, Lu Li took Yaozi out of the room.

Only Wudao Guihu was left in the spacious room.

Lying on the soft bed, Wudao Guihu felt complicated.

Being betrayed by his own brother, the person he trusted the most, was a big blow to him.


Thinking back to the last moment of the battle, when Long Xuan had dealt him a fatal blow without hesitation, Wu Daoguihu felt quite sad.

Unexpectedly, he and his brother would end up in a situation where they were at odds with each other.

In his opinion, it was because he, as an older brother, had not taken good care of his younger brother and had not educated him well that things had become like this.

Lu Li, who had just left the hotel, had used instant teleportation to leave Pan Ya City and go to the company under the museum.

In the president's office on the top floor.

Sonosaki Saeko was dealing with work matters at this time.

However, compared to the beginning, Sonosaki Saeko's workload was much less now.

Seeing Lu Li and Minato Yoko suddenly appear in the room, Sonosaki Saeko immediately stopped her work and said with surprise.

"Dear, why are you here suddenly? ! "

The main reason is that Lu Li has been busy with the golden fruit, and now he has almost never come to the company.

Hearing this, Lu Li didn't mind Kou Yoko beside him at all, and walked over and picked up Sonosaki Saeko and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't treat her as an outsider, Kou Yoko turned her head slightly to the side, a little embarrassed to look.

Of course, she understood that Lu Li didn't mind her being there, and he completely treated her as his own.

This... is a good thing.

However, she and Lu Li don't have any substantial relationship at present.

For this kind of thing, she is still a little embarrassed.

"Saeko, I need you to start dealing with something now."

Being held in Lu Li's arms, Sonosaki Saeko was not shy at all, and had long been accustomed to it.

She even boldly hugged Lu Li's neck, staring at Lu Li with her beautiful eyes.

"Dear, just tell me what arrangements you have, and I will arrange someone to do it immediately. "

But Lu Li shook his head slightly and said cautiously.

"No, Saeko, I don't trust the people below to do this. You can do it yourself or arrange for Inna to do it.

She is an expert in this area, and it shouldn't be difficult to solve this problem.

I thought it was not a troublesome thing, but Lu Li actually designated someone to do it.

Let Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but be curious about what it was.

"What is it? I have to arrange Inna to go personally. It shouldn't be a small matter."

Sonosaki Saeko guessed it instantly. This matter is definitely not simple, at least there will be some trouble.

........Please give me flowers.................

"It's very simple. This is a list of the board of directors of the World Tree Group. What you have to do is to let them hand over their shares obediently.

I want the entire World Tree!"

That's right, Lu Li didn't plan to obtain all the shares of the world through formal means.

Because that method is impossible to achieve. As long as they are not fools, the directors of the World Tree will not hand over their shares.

Since it can't be done through formal means, it's better to solve it directly through other means.

After learning what Lu Li wanted to do, Sonosaki Saeko immediately understood Lu Li's idea.

"I see. In this case, it would be better if Inna could do it. After all, she is very capable in this area."

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