This is just like someone sending you a pillow when you are sleepy. Don't be too comfortable.

But he didn't know what a terrible existence he was facing.

When he heard that Sigurd was looking for the forbidden fruit, Bai Ya was not surprised.

Compared to the excited Sigurd, Zhan Yue Zhenxin felt something was wrong when he saw Bai Ya.

This guy in front of him seemed to be much stronger than the Overlord just now.

Strong enemy!

Following the sound, Qi Wen Jie Dou staggered out and naturally saw Sigurd and Zhan Yue Zhen.

His eyes changed slightly, and Qi Wen Jie Dou said in a deep voice.

"World Tree?"

This is the depths of the Helheim Forest and the depths of the ruins. It is an area that has not been explored by the World Tree. I didn't expect the World Tree to come.

Seeing the staggering Qi Wen Jie Dou, Zhan Yue Zhenxin was slightly surprised.

No wonder I haven't seen Qi Wen Jie Dou for a long time, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually appeared here, and was injured.

"Oh? Isn't that Qiwen Jiedou? Why does he look so embarrassed? Hahaha!"

Noticing the embarrassed Qiwen Jiedou, Sigurd immediately laughed wildly.

He was not only unhappy with Geye Hongtai, but also with Qiwen Jiedou.

But he did not forget his purpose, the forbidden fruit was the most important.

His eyes returned to Bai Ya, and Sigurd asked coldly.

"Overlord, where did you hide the forbidden fruit? Hand it over honestly!"

In his opinion, Bai Ya did not look as irritable as Zhenhong, maybe his strength was not good enough.

"Come for the forbidden fruit? You should be talking about this thing."

While speaking, Bai Ya spread out his right hand.

A flashing golden light appeared on his right hand.

Slowly, a fruit that looked like a golden apple appeared in the golden light.

Golden fruit!

That's right, in these two days, the golden fruit has matured.

After the golden fruit matured, Bai Ya immediately took the golden fruit in his hand.

For Bai Ya, the golden fruit is extremely important.

This is the key to the agreement between him and Lu Li.

No one can take the golden fruit from him.

When the golden fruit appeared, the eyes of the other three people were all on the golden fruit.

When Sigurd saw the golden fruit, his heart was full of surprise.

He seemed to have seen himself gaining the power of God and becoming the supreme god.

And there was no desire in Zhan Yue Zhen's eyes. His eyes were mainly focused on Bai Ya.

His brain was running fast, and he came to a conclusion.

The white Overlord in front of him was very dangerous.

The forbidden fruit was so important, but it was in his hands, which was enough to show how terrifying his strength was.

It must be more powerful than the Zhen Hong he had seen before.

A very dangerous guy!

Thinking of this, Zhan Yue Zhen didn't dare to stay here for too long, and quickly turned around and left.

That's right, leave!

He didn't want to fight with a guy whose strength was unknown and terrifying here.

After all, his target is Ge Ye Tong Tai and Lu Li, so there is no need to waste his time on other things, or even put himself in danger.

Noticing that Zang Yue Zhen ran away directly, Bai Ya did not intend to chase him.

As for Qi Wen Jie Dou, when he saw the golden fruit, his eyes also revealed desire.

He came here just to pursue a higher level of power.

But in his current state, if he wants to fight for the golden fruit, the possibility of success is very small.

"Is this what you want?"

Sigurd was attracted by the brilliant golden light and walked towards Bai Ya unconsciously.

"Yes... That's mine...

The greed in his eyes was not concealed at all, and he only saw the existence of the golden fruit.

However, he did not know how terrifying the guy he was facing now was.

Bai Ya's opponent put away the golden fruit again and slowly raised his other hand.

A blue light bloomed on his hand, and a terrifying telekinesis suddenly attacked Sigurd.

"Uh ah! ! "

Sigurd, who was just moving forward, suddenly felt an extremely huge sense of oppression, which made him not even qualified to move forward.

"What on earth is this.? !"

The other party didn't even move, but he didn't even have the qualifications to get close.

Sigurd was forced to stand still.


Bai Ya snorted slightly and threw it to the side.

"Ah-yi-yi! !"

Accompanied by Sigurd's terrified scream, it hit the ruins stone wall next to it fiercely.

"Bang! !"

"Hua La La! !"

The body hit the stone wall, splashing countless gravel, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Just one hit made Sigurd very embarrassed.

He didn't expect that this white Overlord would be so terrifying.

At this time, Sigurd had been overwhelmed by the golden fruit and didn't care so much.

"Asshole! !"

He stood up quickly and quickly pulled the sonic arrow.

"Swish! ! "

Shoot cherry-like energy directly into the sky.

The cherry-like energy suddenly split into a large number of energy arrows in the sky, falling crazily towards Bai Ya below.

But it's a pity that Sigurd doesn't understand what a terrifying existence he is facing now.

With his little attack, he couldn't even tickle Bai Ya.

The energy arrows were bounced off by an invisible force and landed around Bai Ya, exploding one after another.

...Please give me flowers...

"Boom boom boom!!"

Bai Ya, who was in the middle of the explosion, was not affected by the explosion at all.

Seeing that the long-range attack had no effect, Sigurd immediately rushed forward.

If long-range doesn't work, then use melee combat. There is always an effective way of attack.

At this time, he had been dazzled by the golden fruit, and could not see the strength gap between them at all.

Facing the menacing Sigurd, Bai Ya slowly raised his left hand, and blue light bloomed in his hand.

The telekinesis released a terrifying repulsive force, making it impossible for Sigurd to even get close.

Under the terrifying attack of telekinesis, Sigurd was completely beaten passively.

He was not even qualified to touch Bai Ya.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Screams echoed in the ruins.

This was the first time that Qi Wen Jiedou saw Bai Ya take action.

He was able to suppress Sigurd easily. No, to be precise, it shouldn't be called suppression, but crushing.

The combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level at all.

The gap in combat power between the two is like a chasm.

But even after being beaten back many times, Sigurd, who greedily longed for the golden fruit in his heart, still did not give up.

Suppressed by the powerful telepathy on the stone wall of the ruins, Sigurd was under tremendous pressure.

The sonic arrow in his hand had fallen aside, and he even felt that it was becoming very difficult to breathe.


Taking difficult steps, Sigurd approached step by step.

Every step he took was a feeling of exertion.

"Leave here honestly. If you do, I won't take your life."

Bai Ya had no intention of killing Sigurd, mainly because he was tired of killing.

However, Sigurd didn't need Bai Ya's mercy and kindness at all.

"Stop joking! I don't want to listen to other people's orders anymore!

I will never let anyone yell at me again! ! "

As he spoke, Sigurd kept getting closer.

It seemed that Sigurd was very unhappy and resisted being called around.

Bai Ya's command-like tone just now reminded him of the time before when he was ordered around like this.

Sigurd's obsession with the golden fruit made him barely resist Bai Ya's telepathy.

But within a few steps of getting closer, the Genesis driver around his waist had reached its ultimate load.


Sparks flickered, and the method and drive finally reached their limit and were destroyed by this terrifying power.

Turned into countless fragments!

The knight armor on Sigurd also disappeared at this moment, and the transformation was released.

But even so, West Germany is still greedy and wants to get the golden fruit.

"I want...I want...beyond human beings!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!"

Roaring hysterically, but he couldn't take another step forward.

Having lost his knight armor, he has now reached his limit.

And without the protection of the knight's armor, his current physical condition is extremely bad, and he relies entirely on will to persist!

Chapter 635 Atonement with death! The mountain god is born! Bai Ya's rejection

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