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Chapter 636: Transformation of the Yamadam Spirit Stone! Golden figure, sublimation of the ultimate dark eyes!

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

The underground space of Fuutoson Saki's house.

After absorbing and transforming the energy of the two types of knight locks, this power has caused the Yamadam Spirit Stone to transform again.

At this time, the Aguru belt does not look much different from before.

The silver belt, the middle part of the belt is gold, and the Yamadam Spirit Stone in the middle is black.

After this strengthening, the degree of gold in the middle has become a little more than before.

Overall, it seems that the difference has not changed much.

But as the owner, Lu Li clearly felt the terrifying power increase.

Lu Li, who closed his eyes, now vaguely saw a golden figure in his mind.

The golden thunder around was shining, very powerful.

Kuga. Sublimation of the Ultimate Form (Dark Eyes)!

That's right, after this energy absorption and transformation, Lu Li successfully entered the next stage.

He can now transform into the sublimation ultimate form.

As for the super sublimation ultimate form, it is not enough for the time being.

Of course, the sublimation ultimate form that Lu Li transformed into cannot be the same as the sublimation ultimate form that a certain little man transformed into.

In addition to mastering the original power, the Kuuga who transformed into the sublimation ultimate form can also exert his own power to the limit.

Even though he appeared in the play, a certain little man could not fully exert his combat power.

Almost no ability can be seen, 06 is a group of poor!

It's just a small horse pulling a big cart.

A series of golden arcs flashed on the Aguru belt, and then passed into Lu Li's body.

This time, the Knight Lock Seed Power absorbed was not only used to strengthen the Aguru belt, but also strengthened Lu Li's body.

Lu Li, who already had a very strong body, reached a new height after this strengthening.

The power of the two knight locks had been exhausted and disappeared.

At this time, Lu Li slowly opened his eyes.

A golden light flashed in his black and white eyes.

The Yaguru belt on his waist automatically disappeared at his waist.

His body slowly fell back and landed smoothly.

Lu Li clenched his fists and felt his current strength, which was stronger than before.

The power of the knight is indeed good, but it also requires the corresponding user to be able to exert the real power.

The stronger you are, the stronger the power you can exert after the transformation.

Lu Li was somewhat surprised that he could be strengthened and successfully open the sublimation ultimate form.

I didn't expect that a Heisei 15th knight lock and a Showa 15th knight lock would have such a good improvement, which is not bad.

Then, Lu Li left the underground space.

When he came to the hall, Sono Saki Yako and others were enjoying dinner.

Seeing Lu Li coming back from the underground space, Metz's eyes suddenly lit up and quickly turned into a stream of water to Lu Li's side.

"Lu Li, have you finished this?"

There was a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

Of course, the girls knew what Lu Li was doing in the underground space.

Others also looked over, and Lu Li immediately became the focus of everyone.

"Of course, after this enhancement, my strength has become stronger again."

Pinching Metzler's smooth little face gently, Lu Li took her back to her seat.

Sonozaki Saeko didn't know that Lu Li would finish it at this time, and didn't tell the servants to prepare Lu Li's dinner.

So she quickly told the maid to notify the kitchen to prepare another dinner.

Afterwards, Lu Li learned that it took him more than one day and almost two days to complete the enhancement this time.

It was already very fast to complete the enhancement in less than two days.

Although the improvement to himself was not too great, it was already very difficult to improve when he had reached Lu Li's level.

The long table was full of people, but there was one less person today.

Noticing Lu Li looking at the empty seat, Sonozaki Saeko smiled.

"Inna, take the Black Knight to do what you arranged before. Those people are in different parts of the world. It will take some time to deal with them."

Getting the shares from the directors of the World Tree Board of Directors was the task Lu Li had assigned before.

Sonosaki Saeko had arranged for Inna to do it before. Now, after a few days, there have been results, but it has not been completely completed.

Nodding, Lu Li naturally trusts Inna's ability.

She has the power of the Aurora Space Fusion Memory, and she also brings the Black Knight.

Solving this trouble is not a difficult task.

Of course, these World Tree directors are not just anyone who can bully them. These guys must have bodyguards with them.

And they are wearing mass-produced war drive, which requires some unconventional power to make them compromise.

Lu Li thought of Minato Yoko, who was left in Xunya City by Lu Li to pay attention to the situation.

Not knowing how things have developed in the past two days, Lu Li called Minato Yoko.

But unfortunately, Minato Yoko seems to be out of service area.

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Lu Li frowned.

Could it be that something happened to Minato Yoko? Or did something happen in Pan-Ya City?

Lu Li casually called Gao Siwu again, and the result was the same, all of them were out of service area.

The same was true for Ge Yejing.

He called three people in a row, and none of them were in service area. Lu Li could only think of the means of the World Tree.

The World Tree controlled the communication network of Pan Ya City.

It must be that the World Tree blocked the network communication of the entire city and blocked all entrances and exits.

People in the city could not contact the outside world, and at the same time there was no way to leave.

This also hindered the possibility of information leakage about the Helheim Forest and aliens to the greatest extent.

This is the best way, and the most helpless way.

The World Tree can only do this at present.

It can only be one thing to let the World Tree block the city.

I am afraid that Zhenhong ran into the city and made a big fuss, which caused this series of things.

It seems that even though he was severely punished twice by himself, Zhenhong still did not learn his lesson and was still thinking about making trouble.

He was completely looking for death.

But at present, there is really no one in Pan-Ya City who can deal with Zhenhong.

Especially after Zhenhong replenished enough Helheim Fruit, all aspects have been strengthened to a certain extent, becoming stronger than before.

His strength is far greater than that of people using Genesis Driver. Even Gaim's victory roar form is not enough to face the enhanced Zhenhong.

Seeing that Lu Li made several calls and the other side was out of service area, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but ask with some worry.

"Dear, is there something wrong?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and shook his head.

"It's not a big deal, just a small problem, don't worry, solve it tomorrow."

It was indeed a small matter.

Even if Zhenhong became stronger, the final result for Lu Li would be the same.

Just as everyone was enjoying dinner happily, a golden figure quickly rushed in from outside and quickly hid behind Lu Li.

"Master! Help me! I really don't want to play with Mick anymore!"

That's right, the golden figure that suddenly appeared was naturally Kivatlllshi.

These days, Mick can be said to have tortured him to death.

Only when Mick was sleeping and resting could Kivat Chuanshi be completely liberated.

Not more than 580 minutes later, Mick ran in and came to Lu Li's feet.

He rubbed Lu Li's trouser legs with his round body, as if he was acting like a spoiled child.

He held Mick on his legs, and this guy was a little heavier than before.

Seeing that Lu Li actually held Mick on his legs, Kivatl Chuanshi shrank behind Lu Li and hid.

Mick, who was lying on Lu Li's legs, was no longer as lively as before, and looked very docile.

This made Kivatl Chuanshi feel incredible.

Is it true? !

Is it still the Mick who chased him everywhere before?

With Lu Li's mediation, Mick finally stopped treating Kivatl Kawasei as a toy.

After learning that he was treated as a toy by Mick before, Kivatl Kawasei almost cried in the toilet.

Good guy!

I've seen people bullied, but I've never seen people bullied like this!

No, it should be a bat!

I am a noble Kivt clan after all, but I was treated as a toy by a cat. It's really bad.

At night, Lu Li was impatiently pulled back to the room by Sonozaki Wakana.

No words were spoken all night.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Lu Li went directly to Pan Ya City after waking up.

He arrived above Pan Ya City through space transfer.

As soon as he arrived here, Lu Li could clearly see that all the important checkpoints in the entire city were guarded by the shadow guards of the World Tree.

Not only that, there were almost no people on the streets, and most people could only stay at home in fear.

Now no one knows what is going on outside, and no one dares to run around. They can only stay at home and pray for safety.

Since the plot has developed to this point, the golden fruit should be ripe.

If nothing unexpected happens, the golden fruit is now in Bai Ya's hands

Chapter 637 The promise is about to be fulfilled! Zhenhong: I feel like I can do it again"

As long as he takes the princess to the Helheim Forest to fulfill the promise, he can get the golden fruit smoothly.

But there is one thing that Lu Li does not know for the time being.

That is, Bai Ya, did he share part of the power of the golden fruit with Xiangle like in the original drama.

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