
Lu Li was in a deep coma, and had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

His consciousness was suddenly attacked by the seal slate, resulting in a coma.

The original third seal was used to replicate the power of the seal slate.

As a result, only a part of it was replicated, and it was discovered by the seal slate and immediately interrupted.

The power of this replicated part is very magical, one of which is the ability to... travel through the world.

During this period of coma, Lu Li also successfully mastered this power.

Of course, he cannot travel through the world anytime and anywhere.

At least Lu Li can't do that at present.

In order to travel through the world, Lu Li must wait for a certain cooling time.

How long it is, Lu Li is not sure yet.

In addition to the ability to travel through the world, Lu Li has other benefits.

One is that the spiritual energy has been greatly increased, and then his own body has been further strengthened.

To say that before, if Lu Li faced undead creatures other than superior undead creatures, he would need to transform to fight.

Now, he felt that he could fight those undead creatures with his physical body.

The superior undead creatures were not included, but this was already very abnormal.

In addition, Lu Li also obtained another special ability of the seal slate.

That is to transform a certain power into an awakening card. Lu Li now also mastered this strange power.

After being in a daze for so long, he finally returned and couldn't wait to open his eyes.

In the dark sea of ​​consciousness, a faint light shone in.

Soon, Lu Li in the real world also successfully woke up.


When he opened his eyes again, Lu Li saw the white ceiling at first sight.

When he saw the white ceiling, the first thought in his mind was whether he was dreaming.

He immediately turned over and sat up, and he found that he actually lived in a room with relatively gorgeous decoration.

He... returned to the human world? !

Lu Li was very shocked. He only remembered that he was hit into the crack of nothingness by the seal slate, and there was no memory left afterwards.

Suddenly, Lu Li remembered the ability to travel through worlds that he had obtained from the seal slate.

As expected, it has entered the cooling state.

He quickly raised his right hand to check the three marks on the back of his right hand.

The three marks that had lost their color have been restored.

This means that Lu Li has the opportunity to reproduce three targets again.

During the extreme battle, the marks in his hand did not recover, but now he has come to a new world and the marks in his hand have recovered.

In other words, every time he travels through a world, he can restore the marks.

Chapter 13 Black Households in the W World

After thinking calmly, the only thing Lu Li is curious about now is where he is now?

By using the ability to reproduce the seal slate in the endless void, he can travel through the world.

So what world has he traveled to now?

Will it be the world of Kamen Rider?

Lu Li is not sure in his heart.

Looking at the door at the door, Lu Li got up and walked over.

After opening the door, he can see a long corridor, which seems to be in a very grand villa.

Lu Li walked forward along the corridor.

He was looking forward to which world he was in now.

After walking through the long corridor, Lu Li finally saw the escalator next to him and noticed that there was another floor below the escalator.

When he walked to the side of the escalator, Lu Li looked at the scene on the first floor below and suddenly felt very familiar.

"Isn't this... the Sonozaki family?!"

Lu Li slightly widened his eyes and reacted immediately.

How could he not recognize that this was the Sonozaki family.

You know, this is the gathering place of the cadres of the monster organization behind the scenes in Kamen Rider W.

One of the most powerful admixtures, the fear admixture, is here.

At this moment, from a French window below, an old man in gorgeous clothes, amber sunglasses, and white and yellow hair walked in.

Although he was an old man, his walk gave people a sense of power without anger and was full of oppression.

And in the hands of this old man, he was holding a gray short-haired cat.

At the first sight of this old man, Lu Li knew who this person was.

Sonosaki Ryubei!

The biggest behind-the-scenes boss of the museum, and also the underground king of the entire Fuuto.

Holding the golden high-level memory fear, he is extremely powerful.

As for the cat, it is of course one of the executioners of the museum, Mick.

As if noticing the gaze, Sonosaki Ryubei slightly raised his head.

Just happened to see Lu Li standing at the entrance of the stairs, in ragged clothes.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a seemingly kind smile on his face.

"You finally woke up. Since you came to our house, you have been in a coma for three days. Come down and sit down."

Sonosaki Ryubei didn't seem to care about Lu Li's slovenly body, but very friendly invited him to sit down.

Putting Mick on the stool, Sonosaki Ryubei instructed a maid.

"Go and make two cups of hot coffee."


The maid hurried to the back.

Unexpectedly, I was unconscious for so long.

Three days.

This does not include the time he spent in the void space before he came to this world.

No wonder his hair has become so long.

During this period of time, Lu Li had no feeling at all about the passage of time.

As an undead creature, Lu Li would not feel any discomfort.

He is almost immortal, how could he feel tired after resting for so long.

After arriving downstairs, Lu Li was not polite at all and directly found a seat to sit down.

It's as if this is your own home and you don't need to see anyone outside at all.

You must know that this is the Sonosaki family, and the rules are very strict.

Even if you are a servant here, you must abide by the corresponding regulations.

Seeing Lu Li sitting down without any respect for him, Sonosaki Ryuhei didn't feel angry at all.

Three days ago, Sonosaki Saeko brought back Lu Li who was in a deep coma.

At home, the father and daughter usually have dinner together, but Sonosaki Saeko came back late because of something.

Coupled with the poor handling of matters at the Sonosaki subsidiary, Sonosaki Ryubei was going to be angry.

As a result, because Sonosaki Saeko brought Lu Li back, Sonosaki Ryubei actually stopped and did not get angry.

As the second daughter, Sonosaki Wakana found it even more incredible.

Is this still the extremely strict father? Why are you not angry all of a sudden?

"Father, this is a person I picked up on the way back. Before I picked him up, I suddenly felt an abnormal energy fluctuation.

My gut told me that he was not simple, so... I brought him back. "

Sonosaki Saeko told the whole story of the incident.

After learning what happened, Sonosaki Ryubei was silent for a while and finally made a decision.

"Put him in a room upstairs to rest. When he wakes up, maybe we will know the answer we want."

After saying this, Sonosaki Ryubei stopped caring about the matter.

Sonosaki Wakana, who usually likes to be against her sister Sonosaki Saeko, was surprised to see her father not being angry.

Sonosaki Wakana came to Lu Li who was lying on the ground, looked at him carefully, and suddenly asked.

"Sister, I don't see anything special about this man. Could it be that your intuition is wrong?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko glanced at Sonosaki Wakana lightly, and then took Lu Li to the second floor.

It was this sleep that lasted three whole days.

Sonosaki Ryuhei leaned back on his chair, exuding a powerful aura.

Ordinary people might not be able to bear it if they were in this kind of aura.

"What's your name? At present, we know nothing about you. We can't even find you in Fengdu."

Can't Fengdu find himself?

Isn't it normal that I can't check myself?

I am a shady person, why should I investigate!

"My name is Lu Li. I'm not from here. I just came here by chance."

Hearing Lu Li's unhurried answer, Sonosaki Ryuhei raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was rare for someone to remain so calm when facing him. Sonosaki Ryubei had to guess Lu Li's identity.

"Lu Li? It doesn't sound like the local name, but that doesn't matter.

Mr. Lu Li, I knew from the first moment I saw you that you are not an ordinary person.

You have a very powerful power, but I don't know what that power is.

I extend a formal invitation to you to join our museum. "

Unexpectedly, Sonosaki Ryuhei was very straight to the point, and went straight to the topic as soon as he came up.

He wanted Lu Li to join his side.

One is that Sonosaki Ryuhei is interested in the power in Lu Li's body, and the other is that he wants to increase the number of high-level cadres.

I haven't seen the real power exerted by Lu Li yet, but when Lu Li saw himself, he was not affected by the power of fear at all, which is enough to show that his power is extraordinary.

Chapter 14 The Old Fox’s Invitation

Looking at the old man with a malicious smile on his face, Lu Li blurted out without thinking.

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