Not understanding this, and the fact that Ukiyo Hidetoshi itself made him very uncomfortable, Kiroli asked dissatisfiedly.

"What is he going to do? Does he want to interfere in the game?"

It is his right as the game administrator to decide who can participate in the game.

But now Neelam wants to intervene suddenly. What does he want to do?

Seeing the unhappy look on Kiroli's face, Samas crossed his arms over his chest and said to himself.

“It’s just one more contestant, it won’t affect anything.

Moreover, this matter is Lord Neelam’s decision, so just follow it.

Lord Neelam has not arranged anything else and will not make it difficult for you, the game administrator. "

Kiroli was naturally dissatisfied with Neelam who interfered in his work without authorization.

However, the other party's rights are indeed greater than his.

Just adding one person to participate in a Desire Grand Prix is ​​not a big deal.

As long as it doesn't interfere with the game or interfere with the game, it's not a big deal.

What's more, Kiroli didn't want to confront Neelam because of this matter. After all, the other party was his boss.

"I understand, I will arrange for Zimli to deliver the things."

He waved his hand casually, not wanting to see Samas very much.

After all, while I was working, if the other party suddenly came over and pointed fingers, anyone would be upset.

Samas nodded and immediately exited the Temple of Desire.

After she left the Temple of Desire, she went directly to look for Si'er.

Regarding the matter between Lu Li and Nilam, she had to report it to Si Aier as soon as possible.

Deep in the Temple of Desire, Samas searched for a long time, but could not find Si'er.

Just when she was disappointed and ready to go back, a figure suddenly appeared behind her.

"Samas, what do you want from me?"

Wearing black clothes with a red robe, and a strange mask on his face.


The original founder of the Desire Grand Prix, he also served as the game producer of the Desire Grand Prix in ancient times.

He is also the man who runs the apex here.

He almost never shows up, but he is always observing everything secretly.

"Lord Sir, it was like this before...

Afterwards, Samas directly gave all the information and a complete report to Siel.

After listening to her report, Si Aier suddenly became interested.

"Oh? Does a human hold power different from ours?

It's interesting. He wants to participate in the Desire Grand Prix, so let him participate.

Being a resident player is not a problem. It may bring some different experiences to our games.

Anything else to report? Samas.

There was no hint of dissatisfaction in his words. Si Aier seemed to be quite interested in Lu Li's appearance.

"This... is gone.

Samarth wanted to say very much, shouldn’t Neelam be punished for making such a decision without permission?

But she still didn't say this.

What if Siair didn't want to punish Neelam, but she just said so.

If word of this incident reaches Neelam, she may not be able to eat and walk around.

As a subordinate, he actually slandered his boss behind his back.

You don’t have to think about it to know that you will definitely be tricked by your boss in the future.

It took a lot of effort to get to where she is now. As long as she finds the right opportunity and takes another step forward, she can become the game producer of the Desire Grand Prix.

She didn't want to be hated by Neelam because of this little thing.

"Well, since there's nothing else, just go do your own thing."

After saying that, Si'er disappeared directly.

Looking at the place where Si'er disappeared just now, Samas bit his lip unwillingly and finally left.

At first, she just had the idea of ​​giving it a try. Although she failed, she couldn't say she was too disappointed.

Zimli had just finished delivering the Desire Drives and Knight Core D to the contestants when she was suddenly called over by Kiroli.

"Zimli, take this thing to Kurama's house and give it to Kurama Light Sage first. Do you understand?"

After saying that, Kiroli handed the storage box containing the Desire Drive and Knight Core D to Zimli.

? ? ?

There was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

Zimli was very sure that she had not forgotten to give it to the contestants.

Why is there suddenly another contestant now?

Zimli's doubts could be seen at a glance, Kiroli said expressionlessly.

"This contestant is decided by the operations side."

"I see."

Although she didn’t know why, Zimli didn’t delve into this issue.

She is just the guide of the Grand Prix of Desire. Although she is a member of the operation, she is at the bottom of the operation.

As long as the lowest-level staff accept orders honestly, there won't be too many questions.

As the guide of the Desire Grand Prix, Zimli naturally attaches great importance to the rules of the competition.

Although there is no precedent for adding a temporary contestant like this, it does not break the principles of the Desire Grand Prix, so Zimli has nothing to say.

After taking the storage box, Zimli went directly to Kurama's house.

Lu Li and Kurama Guangsheng had just arrived at Kurama's house, and Zimli had already arrived.

Coming to Kurama Mitsuyoshi, Tsumurai naturally knew that the man in front of her was the head of the Kurama family, and he was also one of the sponsors of the Desire Grand Prix.

She handed over the storage box in her hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Kurama, this is what the game manager asked me to give you."

Hearing this, Kurama Mitsuyoshi turned his head and looked at Lu Li on the side.

"This thing is not for me, give it to him, it was originally prepared for him."

After saying that, Kurama Mitsuyoshi walked directly home.

He had done what he should do, and the next thing had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Kurama Mitsuyoshi leave directly, Tsumurai didn't know what to do for a while.


He looked at Lu Li on the side and found that (Zhao's) Lu Li was also looking at him carefully.

As a created future person, Tsumurai has not experienced too many things so far, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Lu Li looking at her like this.

Thinking of what Kurama Mitsuki said just now, Tsumurai came to Lu Li again and handed the box to Lu Li with both hands.

"Hello, this is the invitation letter of the Desire Grand Prix. From now on, you are a Kamen Rider. Congratulations! "

Tsumuli had a faint smile on her face.

However, this was her standard smile, not just when she saw Lu Li.

As a guide, she naturally needs to smile from time to time, so that she can do her job better.

Taking the storage box from the other party, Lu Li opened the box and saw the Desire Driver and Knight Core D placed in it.

For Lu Li, the function of this thing is only limited to allowing him to participate in the Desire Grand Prix.

As for fighting, it is not impossible to use it for fun.

After all, there are still many interesting upgrade buckles in the Desire Grand Prix, which is also good to play.

And if he performs too well at the beginning, he will inevitably be frightened by other contestants, wouldn't that be fun?

He came here to have fun, and it would be inconvenient to have fun if he was too scared of him.

Chapter 673 Assemble! The Desire Grand Prix is ​​open!

"Thank you, Tsumuli."

When Lu Li called out Tsumuli's name directly, a hint of surprise flashed in Tsumuli's eyes.

"Eh? ! Do you know me? "

Blinking her big watery eyes, Tsumeli looked very cute.

She was very sure that Lu Li was a newcomer who had never participated in the Desire Grand Prix.

But since he was a newcomer, he should not know her.

But why could he call her name directly?

It's unreasonable!

Tsumeli couldn't figure out this question no matter how hard she tried.

It's so weird!

Seeing Tsumeli's cute expression, Lu Li suddenly reached out and gently pinched her smooth face.

"You can guess."

Seeing that Lu Li didn't intend to tell her, Tsumeli puffed up her face unhappily.

Who is this person?

Still guessing? I'm not a child!

He obviously knows me, but he doesn't want to tell me, it's too much!

Forget it, why bother with him?

If it were someone else, Tsumeli would probably have turned around and left.

But she always felt that Lu Li was a little special.

So she left a message before leaving.

"I have other work to do, so I'm leaving first.

After saying that, Tsukimuli turned and left.

Seeing Tsukimuli leave directly, Lu Li did not call her, there will be many opportunities to meet in the future.

He took out the Desire Driver and Knight Core D in the storage box.

The head carved on Lu Li's Knight Core D is a white unicorn.

The Desire Grand Prix has a variety of Knight Core Ds, and it is not surprising to have any kind of pattern.

Now that the things are in hand, we can go to the gathering place of the contestants first.


With the Desire Driver, Lu Li inserted the Unicorn Knight Core D in his hand into the center of the driver.


As a mechanical sound sounded, Lu Li clearly felt a force that transferred him to another place.

A white light flashed in front of his eyes, and when Lu Li appeared again, he found himself in the square of the Temple of Desire.

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