Hidetoshi Ukiyo didn't want to hide anything. The upgraded buckle he got now doesn't mean it will be fixed later.

Anyway, whether the upgraded buckle has a fixed owner or not, it's the same thing if you get it from someone else.

Seeing that his nemesis didn't get the upgraded belt buckle he wanted, Azuma Daozhang immediately mocked Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"You didn't get the buckle you wanted. That guy has what you want.

As he spoke, Azuma Taoist Priest raised his chin to the gloomy man leaning against the wall next to him.

As an old player, he certainly understands that not all upgrade buckles are the same, and they are divided into basic upgrade buckles and rare upgrade buckles.

The zombie belt buckle he is holding now is a rare upgraded belt buckle.

In terms of strength, it is definitely much stronger than ordinary basic buckles.

And Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who got the basic buckle, is obviously no match for him now.

Kurama Niyin, who had a pleasant chat with Lu Li, asked curiously.

"Brother Lu, what kind of buckle did you get? This is mine."

Saying that, Kurama Neon took out his upgraded belt buckle, which was a pink hammer.

Warhammer buckles are also basic buckles.

He casually took out the fanatical slot deduction he had obtained, and his golden appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Jinwu Moriyu next to him glanced at the shield buckle in his hand. Compared with the buckle in Lu Li's hand, there was no comparison at all.

Suddenly he rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Brother, why don't we two switch? I seem to be pretty good."

The atmosphere at the scene immediately cooled down, and no one paid attention to him.

Good guy!

This little Golden House Moriyu was so troubled that he didn’t know what to say.

Soon, a new mission came.

After Kiroli answered the phone, he immediately asked everyone to go to the assembly point.

Counting Lu Li, there were a total of eight people left this time.

As for the remaining contestants who did not receive props, they were naturally eliminated.

"Everyone, I will use the props you obtained to defeat all the evil demons. The one who survives in the end will be considered the winner of the first battle."

Zimli spoke seriously about the next tasks and rules.

Koganaya Moriyu crossed his hands, feeling something bad, and asked quickly.

“What does it mean to survive?”

"This is...a game where your life is on the line."

Except for veteran players, novice players have no idea what will happen to those who die in battle.

Sakurai Keikazu thought that people who died and were eliminated during the battle could be resurrected without incident.

Since the owner of the soba noodle shop he knew before was resurrected, he naturally felt that the Kamen Rider was the same.

"No, Kamen Rider is not so lucky."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's words directly brought Sakurai Keiwa back to reality.

"Okay, everyone, now the mission begins."

Saying that, Zimli suddenly assumed the transformation posture of No. 1.


As her voice fell, a mechanized voice sounded.


The scene around everyone must have changed and they were transported to the destination.

At the same time, the knight core D in the center of the desire drive on the waist suddenly lit up, and they completed their transformations.

Lu Li also carried the Desire Drive and Knight D Core on his waist, so he inevitably completed the transformation.


Black body armor appears on the surface of the body, and the white head armor looks like a unicorn with a spiral sharp horn in the middle.

Except for a slight difference in the head, the physical form of everyone looks almost the same.

When everyone completed their transformation, a large number of evil demons suddenly appeared.

There is also an evil demon disciple among them, who looks quite special.

Chariot Evil Demon!

Compared with ordinary soldiers and evil demon disciples, they are more advanced elite monsters, and their combat power is much stronger than ordinary evil demon disciples.

After the evil demon disciple Chariot said a lot of evil demon disciples, all the evil demon disciples suddenly became restless.

"Jya! Jya!"

The evil demons rushed towards the Kamen Rider.

Although I don’t particularly understand what’s going on, it’s a survival game now and I have to survive.

After they completed the transformation, they had more corresponding knowledge in their brains, and they all took out their own upgraded buckles to transform.

Of course, not everyone rushes forward to fight very actively.

Sakurai Keihe's transformed Tairaccoon seemed a little resistant to risking his life to fight.

He didn't understand why everyone was able to let go and fight.

Just when Taili was feeling very confused, he suddenly noticed Lu Li who was not moving next to him.

"Well, don't you want to fight too? Sure enough, it always feels weird to risk your life to fight for no reason!"

Taili mistakenly thought that Lu Li, like him, did not want to risk his life in the battle, so he did not take any action here.

"No, I'm different from you. I just think these guys are too weak."

This answer left Tai 1.2 Raccoon speechless.

Will you die if you don’t brag?

His first reaction was that Lu Li was bragging to him.

These guys are monsters!

And when the last Desire Grand Prize was at the end, he and Kurama Neone almost died at the hands of these monsters.

But Tai Li didn't know this. Lu Li was neither bragging nor joking.

The evil demons were a little stronger than ordinary people. They couldn't beat ordinary Kamen Riders. At most, they could only rely on numbers to gain an advantage.

Once the knight had an upgraded buckle, even if it was just a basic buckle, it would be easier to deal with.

It just depends on the difference in individual combat experience.

Suddenly, Lu Li remembered that Tai Li was deceived by Polar Fox in the first battle and handed over the thruster buckle honestly.

He was really easy to deceive. Why not use the thruster buckle?

Just take it as a lesson for Tai Li, and never be deceived again.

After all, Tai Li was deceived not once or twice in the early stage, but many times. He was a guy who made people speechless.

It was really a blessing for Kai Kela to be his supporter. I'm afraid that when she saw his performance at the beginning, she was also very angry.

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