The pattern on this awakening card is a rocket propeller.


The shadow of the awakening card merged into the body of the golden mechanical elephant.

The next second, a rocket propeller appeared behind the golden mechanical elephant.


The rocket propeller exploded with full force, and the golden mechanical elephant exploded with even more powerful propulsion.

With this powerful force, the Super Chrysis Fortress was knocked to the ground.

And under the effect of this powerful propulsion, the golden mechanical elephant rushed straight into the sky.

"The force... is a little bit too much."

Looking at the distance from the ground, Lu Li did not want to escape from the gravity of the earth.

He immediately drew out the awakening gun, and the golden mechanical elephant lost Lu Li's power blessing and returned to its original appearance.


W, who was on the ground, witnessed all this happening with his own eyes.

His mouth under the facial armor opened slightly, and W said in disbelief.

"This... is outrageous!"

Originally, he wanted to control the mechanical elephant, but he didn't expect that Lu Li would be one step ahead.

Looking up at the sky, watching the golden mechanical elephant that had disappeared above the clouds, he really didn't know what else he could say.

"Shotaro, according to the flying speed of the mechanical elephant just now, at this speed, it should be able to break through the gravity of the earth and fly out of the earth."

Philip's voice sounded, and Zuo Shotaro was stunned after hearing this.

Good guy!

Is this going to directly destroy the universe? !

It's outrageous!

"Will that guy not come back? Can he survive at this speed in the universe?" Zuo Shotaro couldn't help muttering.

If this is the case, wouldn't he be unable to avenge the uncle personally?

"Impossible, Lu Li is not as stubborn as you, it is impossible for him to keep guarding the mechanical elephant."

As soon as Philip said this, Zuo Shotaro's defense was instantly broken.

"Oh my god! Philip, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by not being as stubborn as me?

Am I that kind of stubborn person? Don't slander me!"

"You are!"


There was a moment of silence. He didn't want to continue arguing with Philip about this issue. It was meaningless.


The speed of the ascent with the help of the rocket thrusters was also gradually slowing down.

Feeling that the speed was gradually slowing down, Lu Li immediately pulled out two awakening cards from behind the awakening gun.

They were the falling whale of diamond 5 and the fire firefly of diamond 6.

"Drop (whale)!"

"Fire (firefly)!"

The two awakening cards were quickly swiped, and the shadows of the two cards merged into Lu Li's legs.

He stepped lightly on the top of the mechanical elephant's head, exerted a little force, and Lu Li jumped high.

There was a backflip in the air, and a blazing flame suddenly burned on Lu Li's legs.

The body flipped, the legs were aimed at the position of the mechanical elephant, and the body fell towards the mechanical elephant at a rapid speed.

The energy of the flame reached a fixed point the moment before it touched the mechanical elephant.



The terrifying energy instantly hit the mechanical elephant, and Lu Li injected the terrifying energy of his legs into the mechanical elephant.

The mechanical elephant, which had already restored its color, instantly became like a huge fireball that was ignited at the moment the energy was injected.

The huge body, under this terrifying energy, fell to the ground at a very fast speed.

Like a meteor burning with blazing flames!

After kicking the mechanical elephant down, Lu Li used the power of the peacock to immediately lift himself up so that he would not fall with it.


On the ground.

Super Chrysis Fortress had stood up again at this time.

"Damn it! Where is that damn guy?!"

The angry voice of a child sounded, he was really angry.

He was obviously having fun controlling this huge toy, but suddenly an inexplicable guy came to interfere with him.

When he came to his senses, the strange guy suddenly disappeared again.

The people were originally chasing the virtual doped Emperor, but at this time they saw something falling from the sky.

A fiery red stream of light, like a meteor, was falling towards the ground.

"What is that...?"

Even Emperor did not understand what the fiery red stream of light was.

The virtual doped body took advantage of Emperor's daze and immediately fled.

This guy is really good at running. He ran from the city to the wilderness and took a lot of attacks. He didn't die. I have to say that he is really lucky.

The knights who were launching a group attack also noticed the fiery red meteor falling from the sky.

Looking at the red meteor that was getting faster and faster, the final rider held the Diend driver in his hand and tilted his head in confusion.

"What is that?"

He had never heard of any knight attack that could create a red meteor.

According to his visual estimation, the place where the fiery red meteor fell should be the location of the Super Chrysis Fortress.

The meteor was about to fall through the area where they were, and Haidong's transformed final rider immediately shouted loudly.

"Get out of the way! Something is falling!"

After hearing his voice, the knights reacted and left the battlefield quickly.

The knights flew in all directions, completely exposing the Super Chrysis Fortress.


There were bursts of air-breaking sounds, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

As the distance got closer, the specific appearance of the fiery red meteor was finally seen clearly.

W still remembered the mechanical elephant very clearly. He almost got it just now, but Lu Li got there first.

"It's that mechanical elephant!"

At this time, Philip suddenly reminded loudly.

"Shotaro, get out of the way! According to the current impact force, you will be affected if you continue to stay here!"


He was so far away, but he was still affected. There was no time to think so much now.

W, who reacted, immediately drove the Tough Guy and evacuated the battlefield at a high speed.

"Philip! If this happens again, you should speak up faster!"

He didn't want to be affected by the next energy explosion. The mechanical elephant turned into a red meteor, and the power of the fall can be imagined.

The new life form inside the Super Chrysis Fortress also noticed the fiery red meteor not far away.

"Is that... a new toy?"

At this time, the new life form did not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.

After just a few seconds, the red meteor finally collided with the Super Chrysis Fortress.


When the two collided, a terrifying explosion suddenly swept the entire battlefield.

Even though the Super Chrysis Fortress was very durable, it gradually began to disintegrate in the face of this terrifying explosion.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The explosions came one after another, and then the Xishi Fortress was soon submerged by this terrifying explosion.

In this explosion, the Super Chrysis Fortress turned into countless fragments, splashing all over the sky.

Fortunately, many knights left the battlefield immediately, otherwise, even they might not be able to withstand such a terrifying explosion.

W barely avoided the explosion, but the shock wave of the explosion still knocked the Tough Guy to the ground, and W also fell to the ground.

"Oh my God! I have already flown so far away, but I still can't escape?!" W patted his chest with lingering fear.

There was a strong sense of shock in his words.

I thought I had flown such a long distance, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I didn't expect that the aftermath of the explosion could knock him over. He was in the center of the explosion, and his fate could be imagined.

Seeing the battlefield with flames rising to the sky, W swallowed hard.

Compared with Zuo Xiangtaro, whose calves seemed to be trembling, Philip was obviously much calmer.

I only heard him analyze calmly.

"Shotaro, this... should be done by Lu Li.

Knocked down the mechanical elephant from high in the sky, relying on the powerful energy burst, plus the influence of gravity, it created such a terrifying attack."

Even though he had just escaped death, Philip spoke so calmly, Zuo Shotaro said he couldn't understand.

"Philip, can't you show a little fear? You make me look like..."

W patted his forehead helplessly, it really felt like he was a coward!


Inside the Super Chrysis Fortress.

Although the explosion has swept through the Super Chrysis Fortress, it will not blow the fortress to ashes in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!..."

The Super Chrysis Fortress is constantly exploding, and it will be completely blown to pieces soon.

Seeing this situation, the new life form naturally knows that this huge toy is no longer reliable.

A huge green sphere flew out, and the face on the sphere showed a trace of regret as it looked at the exploding Super Chrysis Fortress.

"I wanted to play more, but it seems I can't."

After saying that, the green ball quickly evacuated the Super Chrysis Fortress.


Decade was still chasing the virtual doping body.

Even though he didn't know who this guy was, he knew he was a monster at first glance, so it was better to destroy him.

Because of chasing the virtual doping body, Decade had already left the Super Chrysis Fortress, so the explosion did not affect him.

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