In the combat meeting room.

As Wang Xin spoke, all the members of the Knight Squad nodded.

In the next few days.

Under such a mission, the special response team will definitely be dispatched. Even Wang Xin, who usually guards the base as the captain, will probably lead the team to search for the base of the alien insects this time.

For the follow-up, the arrival of the Kamen Rider at the headquarters will prepare for the complete elimination of the alien insects.

“Oh, Captain Wang.”

“I’m still curious, where did you get all these injuries? And that Kamen Rider Evo1, the battle was over when you rushed over, so how did you know about it? I don’t think there is any information about this knight in the database.”

Just after arranging the tasks, Wang Xin was about to ask everyone to set off. A member asked again with curiosity on his face. Suddenly, all eyes were focused on Wang Xin’s face, and almost everyone’s face was filled with curiosity. And it was visible to the naked eye. When he heard the question, Wang Xin’s face obviously darkened. The meeting room fell into silence.


Suddenly, a laugh broke the silence. Tian Wuwu was holding a mobile phone and seemed to be chatting with someone. He looked up while laughing and couldn’t help but glance at Wang Xin who was sitting in the main seat.

For some reason , Wang Xin always felt that Tian Wuwu seemed to stay on the bandage wrapped around his body for a few seconds.

And the same as Tian Wuwu.

At this moment, there was Xu Qiaoqiao.

On her face, there was also a smile as if she had discovered some secret and was amused.

She glanced at Wang Xin with her mobile phone.

Facing the inexplicable gazes of the two girls , Wang Xin was stunned for a moment, but then he seemed to understand something and his face became obviously darker.

Everyone knew that Xu Qiaoqiao had also completed the contract with Qin Tian.

By replaying the satellite images, they all saw Qin Tian transform into Kamen Rider Faiz.

He defeated the two superiors, Orphino, and the members of the Blood Society one after another.

They were shocked by the powerful strength.

They were also surprised that Xu Qiaoqiao, the captain of the Jiangyang City Special Response Team, who was second only to Wang Xin but the second strongest knight, had also made a contract with Qin Tian!!

First, it was Kabuto of the school beauty Chen Xihan.

Then, it was Kuggga of the newcomer Tian Wuwu.

Then it was Faiz of Xu Qiaoqiao.

In addition, everyone speculated that Qin Tian had a great probability of contracting a cyborg knight.

That is a full Four knight girls.

Four kinds of knight power!

In Qin Tian’s hands, whether it is Kabuto, Kugga, or Faiz, the combat power they showed in several battles was extremely strong!!

It can be said to be exaggerated.

Knowing the situation of Qin Tian’s contract, this is why Wang Xin suddenly understood something.

I’m afraid that Xu Qiaoqiao and Tian Wuwu at this moment.

Have already known from Qin Tian, or the other party’s contracted Kabuto knight girl Chen Xihan, that after reporting to the headquarters, they deliberately tried their best to conceal the fact that they were beaten up by Qin Tian from the members of the branch.

But now, seeing that Xu Qiaoqiao and Tian Wuwu already know.

I’m afraid that in a short while.

This matter will be known to the entire special response team.

Thinking of this.

Wang Xin’s face became even darker.

If he was just defeated, it would be fine.

But in the battle that night, he was almost completely crushed by Qin Tian in a crushing manner!!

As the strongest combat force of the Jiangyang Knight Special Response Team.

He doesn’t care about his face? And most importantly.

The reason for the fight was that he got angry and misunderstood and started the fight.

If it were to get out.

How embarrassing!

But now, he is afraid that he will lose all his face soon!

It’s okay.

Xu Qiaoqiao and the others should only know that they were defeated by Qin Tian.

They should not know the details.

Comforted in his heart.

Wang Xin felt uneasy, and immediately stood up quickly with a stern face and waved his hand to everyone:”Okay, everyone take action immediately and set off.

” After saying that, Wang Xin took the lead and walked towards the door.

His rapid steps made him look quite hurried.

When he walked out of the meeting room, he heard a faint laughter behind him in a moment, mixed with one or two words like”Captain Wang was beaten by Qin Tian?” It was like a close call!

Add salt to the wound!

It made Wang Xin pause.

His face was as black as coal.

When he took another step, he had already decided to find a few alien insects to vent his anger.

At this moment, Jiangyang University.

Even though two days had passed , the battle between the alien insect leader and Kamen Rider Evo1, and the terrifying explosion that occupied the entire night sky caused by Qin Tian’s nuclear explosion kick were still topics of discussion for countless people.

“I saw an analysis by a guy on the forum, saying that the battle broke out between the Zerg and the Kamen Rider.”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense?”

“The latest news is that a big shot has analyzed that the alien insect is very powerful, maybe it is a leader or something, and the one fighting against the alien insect should not be the knight of our Jiangyang City Special Response Team.”

“So, is there any video of the scene?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been searching the internet for days and still can’t find any live battle videos.”

“Me too, I can’t find it at all, even if it’s blurred into a mosaic, that’s fine!”

“But you know what, the Knights’ special response team is really efficient. When I passed by yesterday, I saw that the damaged areas were almost repaired.”

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. Have you seen the news these days about many students getting sick?”

“I saw it, it seems that they are all students from No. 1 Middle School”


On campus, many students were discussing that after this disastrous battle, the entire Jiangyang City fell into a calm before a storm.

It was quiet.

The alien insects seemed to have disappeared.

And then, a sudden news in Jiangyang City became a hot topic.

【Recently, many students have experienced symptoms such as headaches.】

【After investigation, more than 40 high school students have been hospitalized, all of whom are students of Jiangyang No. 1 Middle School. So far, more than a dozen cases of cerebral hemorrhage have occurred and the remaining students are receiving emergency treatment.】

【It is initially suspected that some unknown disease may have occurred in the school. The school has been urgently suspended and all students have been sent to the hospital for treatment.】

【And for some reason, the dead students all looked terrified.】

【According to some parents, they received calls from strangers who hung up immediately after answering, and found envelopes with unknown dates written on them in their students’ rooms.】

【Other students said that they could always see a man in black wandering around.】

【The specific situation is still under investigation. 】

It was noon in the cafeteria of Jiangyang University.

Many students came to eat.

On the big screen in the cafeteria, a news report was being broadcasted about many high school students of Jiangyang No. 1 Middle School being rushed to the emergency room of the hospital due to unknown headache symptoms. This caused a lot of noise.

“Oh shit!”

“Can’t rule out human factors? This is too scary!”

“Could it be possible that someone poisoned me?”

“Could it be a weirdo?”

“What are you thinking? Don’t all weirdos just appear and destroy and kill people? How can you poison them? But the description in the news is so scary.”

“Fuck, no matter if he is a weirdo or not, attacking students is simply beastly!”


Voices filled with fear or anger continued to sound.

Echoing in the cafeteria. They fell into the ears of one person.

Sitting by the window, Qin Tian’s eyes were also fixed on the news playing on the screen. Listening to the reporter’s description on the screen, his brows were slightly furrowed.

Just because, what was being broadcasted on the screen at this moment.

There were photos of the relevant students.

Some had already died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Some were still receiving emergency treatment.

But without exception, the expressions on the faces of these students were terrified, extremely scared, as if they had seen something that frightened them like a nightmare.

In the torture of fear, they died….

The description of this news made Qin Tian inexplicably think of a strange man. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

If it was that bastard…

“Qin Tian, Junior Brother.”

At this time, a crisp voice sounded. Chen Xihan, who was sitting opposite Qin Tian

, also withdrew her gaze from the screen with a solemn expression. Her subconscious told her that the situation reported in the news was most likely not man-made or caused by some disease.[]

It was caused by… a monster!

She immediately said to Qin Tian, “I’ll ask Wu Wu to see if he knows the specific situation and whether it is related to the monster.”

As she spoke, Chen Xihan had already taken out her phone to contact Tian Wu Wu.

Because of the contract with Qin Tian.

The three knight girls.

Naturally, they added their contact information and formed a small group to chat on weekdays.


Soon, the call was connected quickly

“Sister Xihan”

“”Is there something wrong? I’m just about to set out to search for the Zerg base. I told you that Captain Wang Xin seemed to know that I had discovered that he had been beaten up by Senior Qin Tian. Haha, his face turned black.”

A smiling voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

After hearing the words,

Qin Tian took the phone from Chen Xihan and slowly said,”Wuwu, do you know the details of the news about those students with cerebral hemorrhages?”

The voice fell.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then Tian Wuwu’s voice became serious.

“Wait a minute, Senior Qin Tian”

“As far as I remember, this matter was handed over to our special response team yesterday. I will go to ask the intelligence department and tell you the situation.”

After that, there was a sound of footsteps.

After a while, some information was sent to the mobile phone, and Tian Wuwu’s voice sounded again:”Sister Xihan, Senior Qin Tian, this matter was originally handled by the police according to normal circumstances.”

“The man in black on the news”

“Yesterday, plainclothes officers found him while they were on duty. When they wanted to arrest him, he suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if he was moving at an extremely fast speed that was inhuman……”

“Therefore, this matter was handed over to our special response team for handling.”

“According to the intelligence department’s analysis, this man in black is most likely a weirdo. Judging from the current situation of weirdos in Jiangyang City, the preliminary judgment is that he is either Orpheus or….”

“Either Gurongi or Zerg”

“”One of these three weirdos!”

As Tian Wuwu told him the relevant situation, especially when he heard one of the three weirdos,

Qin Tian’s eyes flickered slightly.

He seemed to have confirmed something.

The next moment, he asked,”Are those students in the same hospital?”


“Because many students had headaches, they were placed in two hospitals.”

“Send the address”

“Senior Qin Tian, can you also help deal with this matter?”


In the short words, the addresses of the two hospitals were quickly sent to the mobile phone.

Soon the call was hung up.

Looking at Tian Wuwu, the photos in the relevant information sent were clearer and more comprehensive than those reported in the news.

Not only did they die of cerebral hemorrhage.

Some students.

No symptoms were detected, but they could not withstand the pressure of fear and terror and chose to commit suicide.

Looking at those young faces swallowed by fear.

Qin Tian’s eyes flashed coldly.

After knowing the location of the two hospitals, he immediately stood up and returned the phone to Chen Xihan who also stood up, and quickly said:”Since there are two hospitals, let’s split up into two groups.”


Soon, the two walked out of the campus cafeteria and left slowly.

At the same time, in a secluded suburban area of Jiangyang City, several factories stood here. It was during the working hours, and there was a rumbling sound of machinery running.


Suddenly, there was a sound of an explosion, causing the surrounding air to shake violently!

Then, there were continuous explosions, and it was clearly seen that in one of the factories, there seemed to be emerald green flames rising from the half-open door.


In the factory, a powerful voice sounded.

Accompanied by mechanical sound effects, a blue-gold energy arc cut through the air, and Kamen Rider Gatack jumped up and kicked, heavily kicking a bloated larvae of alien insects.


The flames swept through, and in the explosion, all the alien insects in the factory were killed one after another.


Amidst the piercing and sharp hissing sound, the remaining alien insect seemed helpless.

Its ferocious and terrifying eyes stared at the figure of the knight holding two scimitar-like sharp blades slowly walking out of the emerald green flames that appeared after the explosion of its companion.

Under the reflection of the firelight, it seemed full of oppression, just like a god of war!

Every step it took out of the explosion flames, as if representing the footsteps like the bell of death, echoed in the ears of the only remaining alien insect.


1.6 Immediately, the alien insect hissed and rushed forward fearlessly.

Its tentacles and claws fiercely cut through the air and attacked Kamen Rider Gatack.

“” Bang.”

With a muffled sound, the tentacle’s slashing was easily blocked by the hand.

Then, the Gatack blade in the hand slashed out swiftly. The blade slashed on the body of the young Zerg, splashing large pieces of sparks. With the continuous slashing, the young Zerg was constantly repelled. Suddenly, it seemed that this attack had caused the damage that the Zerg could withstand to reach a certain limit!


Visibly, the alien insect’s retreating body suddenly stopped.

Then, accompanied by high temperature, the emerald green body turned red quickly. Under the extremely high temperature, the outer shell of the body was constantly melting, as if undergoing some kind of transformation.


This juvenile alien insect was about to molt into a more powerful adult insect that could use the ability of time-up!

In a short while, as the bloated body faded away, the original juvenile alien insect had turned into a flea alien insect with a white body mixed with dark red lines and covered with spikes.


The moment after molting, the flea alien insect disappeared directly on the spot.

The fierce murderous intent immediately enveloped the whole scene.

Seeing this scene,

Kamen Rider Gatack just slowly tapped the switch on the side of his belt.

In the sound of mechanical sound effects, he disappeared on the spot.

Only to see that a large number of sparks appeared out of thin air in the air, and a violent explosion rose up in a short breath, and the figure of the god of war appeared again!

In just a few seconds, the flea alien insect was killed!

With the end of the battle, Wang Xin was about to leave after solving this small base of alien insects.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed for a moment. A figure appeared on the side at some point!

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