Wen Renyan's eyes suddenly opened and closed, the green magic power surged, and his figure instantly rushed into the sky.

At the same time, above her head, dozens of space cracks opened, and huge summoned beasts of various colors with strong aura rushed out to meet the flying figures of the monsters.

"It doesn't work!"

The tiger-headed man laughed and slapped the ground. The ground of the platform instantly lit up, with complicated lines intertwined. A huge energy shield covered the sky and the sun. In less than two seconds, a large upside-down bowl was formed, covering the entire The platform was enveloped.

At the same time, the five representatives of other countries who were supposed to face the enemy with Wen Renyan suddenly stood up, their magic power surged, and magic shot straight into the sky and blasted towards Wen Renyan.


A raptor suddenly changed its flight direction and stood in front of Wen Renyan.

The next moment, dozens of magic spells bombarded its body at the same time. The violent energy instantly dismembered and tore it apart, sprinkling blood in the sky.

"How dare you judge the clan!"

Wen Renyan lowered his head and looked at the representatives of the five countries below. His face was as cold as ice, with a hint of anger.

"As expected of the famous Wenren Magic Guide, he didn't even kill you instantly."

The representative from the United States said to Wen Renyan with a smile while summoning his staff to gather magic energy.

"The crime of condemning the clan is too heavy, and we cannot afford it."

The French representative made seals with both hands, and a fire dragon roared out and rushed towards Wen Renyan again.

"How can you allow others to snore on the side of the bed? Your Dragon Kingdom has developed too fast in recent years. If you don't eliminate some talents like Wenren Mingdao, our general will not even be able to sleep well."

The representative of the White Elephant Kingdom also kept moving his hands. Dozens of purple-black lightning balls exploded in the sky. While blocking the space for Wen Renyan to move, he also killed the two summoned objects with lightning on the spot! Although the representatives of the other two countries did not speak, But he still took action with all his strength, cooperating with the actions of other representatives.

"The unrighteous have few helpers. This is the fate of your Dragon Kingdom's aggressiveness in recent years."

The tiger-headed monster smiled and looked at Wen Renyan, whose dodge space was getting smaller and smaller, and licked the corner of his mouth:"But I am still very interested in Wen Ren Magic. If you agree to go back with me, you can spread the branches and leaves of our clan. , I will let you go."

Wen Renyan was too lazy to pay attention to the tiger-headed monster, and kept summoning her own contracted summoned beasts in the gaps to deal with the joint attacks below.

However, the attacks below were too intensive, and she had to carefully control each summoned beast. , energy and mental energy are consumed at a rapid rate.

In just this moment, the magic energy in the body has dropped by one-tenth.

"I just appreciate the arrogance of Master Wenren who is not looked down upon by anyone. I hope you can maintain this attitude later on."

After the tiger-headed monster finished speaking, he patted the ground again. The lines on the platform changed instantly, and the shield covering the platform also suddenly turned pink.

"How about it? Do you feel that the consumption of magic energy is increasing, your body is getting weaker and weaker, and even your mental power cannot be controlled finely?"

After manipulating the formation, the tiger-headed monster rose into the air, its muscles bulged, and black patterns unique to the king of beasts continued to appear on its body.


When it was still a hundred meters away from Wen Renyan, the tiger-headed monster The monster suddenly let out a loud roar.

The tiger's roar formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye and vibrated. The summoned beasts that were fighting with the monster were stunned on the spot as if they were immobilized.

The next moment, their opponents caught the flaw and were on the spot. behead

"The brothers worked harder and captured the woman alive for everyone to enjoy."

Seeing that Wen Renyan's summoned creature was almost dead, the tiger-headed monster looked at Wen Renyan again:"Magic Wen Renyan, isn't there a saying in your Dragon Kingdom? Leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood, and there is nothing better than living. All important?"

Wen Renyan is still speechless. Indeed, as the tiger-headed monster said, fighting here, her magic power is consumed very quickly, her body is also strangely weak, and her mental power is even a little disordered.

In addition, the number of people who were in contact with her mentally just now Ten contracted beasts were killed, causing her to suffer severe mental damage. Her head hurt as if it was going to explode.

"Let me ask a few questions."

Wen Renyan's figure stopped, as if he had given up struggling and was hanging in the air blankly.

"Tell everything you know."

Seeing this, the tiger-headed monster did not dare to move forward rashly, but hovered in place.


A ball of lightning exploded in front of Wen Renyan, forming countless electric snakes flying high in the sky.

"Do you want to kill me as well?"

When the purple electric snakes dissipated, countless snake scales appeared strangely on the body surface of the tiger-headed monster, which was not covered by patterns. Under the moonlight, it looked extremely cold and gloomy. It lowered its head and looked towards the White Elephant Kingdom. Representative, with murderous intent in his eyes

"Don't dare."

Hearing the question, the representative of the White Elephant Kingdom hurriedly stopped and lowered his head.

Seeing this, the representatives of the other countries did not dare to act arbitrarily. They could only stare blankly at the tiger-headed monster, waiting for what he would do to Wen Renyan. He was caught by the lightning ball at close range. The hit Wen Renyan coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the cheongsam with the magic circle on his body became extremely dim at this time.

Although it was not directly damaged, it also lost its protective function.

"When did you give me the poison?"

Wen Renyan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and stared at the tiger-headed monster.


The tiger-headed monster laughed:"It seems that Master Wenren knows very little about the dragon-blooded tiger god clan. Long before you came, our clan had carved a hidden magic circle here from the Great Mage."

"The effect of the magic circle is very simple. It increases your combat consumption."

"In addition, through the air you breathe into your body, it slowly stimulates certain...feelings in you as a woman."

"You have been sitting here for six days, and the effectiveness of this magic circle has also been exerted for six days. In this way, as long as you fight with you for a while and warm up, you will naturally feel those feelings."

Wen Renyan nodded, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Then, she continued to ask:"When was the cooperation reached?"

"That would have been long ago, long before this secret realm was discovered by you."

The tiger-headed monster began to slowly approach Wen Renyan, and said contemptuously:"I'm not afraid to tell you that we discovered this secret realm half a year ago, but it's just not developed."

"Keep it here just to find opportunities for your people to discover it and then reach a joint development agreement."

"The next step is to contact other countries, share the secret realm, and cooperate to kill all of your Dragon Kingdom team."

"Everyone hit it off immediately, and we have a scene like this now"

"By the way, the situation inside is similar, even worse than now. A great mage from our Warcraft family who is proficient in time magic also went against the flow of time, temporarily maintaining his magic power at a level 8 mage, and followed him in."

"I see."

Wen Renyan nodded.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of space cracks suddenly opened in the sky, and monsters surged out of the cracks like waves, rushing towards Wen Renyan.

"Since you want to destroy our Dragon Kingdom mission, let’s hit the road together!"

The cold words, along with the tide of beasts, exploded in everyone's ears!

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