Didi didi!

The communication bracelet on the bedside table rang again.

Lin Feng, who was busy helping Wen Renyan detoxify, frowned slightly and asked softly:"How about I take it?"

Wen Renyan looked back at Lin Feng, hesitated for two seconds, and nodded.

"What's up?"

Taking the communication bracelet from the bedside table, Lin Feng asked in a deep voice.

"My little ancestor, where have you been? The big boss at the prison base wants to see you. Come to my office quickly."

Zhang Heping's anxious voice came.

Before Lin Feng could speak, he felt something was wrong. When he lowered his head, he found that Wen Renyan had an idea of ​​his own.

She didn't need to work hard on her own, she could do it automatically.

"Just wait a moment."

Lin Feng lowered his voice and said:"There is something serious going on, it's not very convenient."

"What could be more important than this?"

Zhang Heping urged:"Even if it's the end of the secret realm, don't be anxious, come back first and then talk about it."

"If I can’t explain a sentence or two clearly, we’ll talk about it later."

As Wen Renyan became more and more excited, Lin Feng did not dare to talk to Zhang Heping anymore, decisively hung up the communication and began to concentrate on detoxification.


Zhang Heping stared blankly at the bracelet that had been forcibly cut off from communication. He looked back at Luo Manzhi and said with a smile:"Please forgive me, young people. You are used to freedom. In addition, the battle has just ended. Maybe you are recuperating somewhere.""


Since the general has ordered that everything should be based on Lin Feng's independent will, Luo Manzhi will not be aggressive.

"Otherwise, your lord has a lot."

Zhang Heping diligently made a cup of tea for Luo Manzhi, then pulled up a chair, sat down next to Luo Manzhi, and said slowly:"Don't look at Lin Feng's petty temper, but he is never ambiguous on major matters. Can you tell me more specifically?"

"No, I have read the information about him before coming here. Luo

Manzhi didn't have the habit of nagging people, so he refused ruthlessly:"Captain Zhang, just go about your own business. I'll just wait here.""

"Then rest here. There are still some trivial matters that I need to deal with in the base. I will be back soon."

Zhang Heping was not used to dealing with such incompetent people. Since the other party gave him the steps, he got off the donkey along the slope and ran away decisively. An hour later, Zhang Heping returned.

Seeing that Luo Manzhi was still sitting upright and staying where he was, He couldn't run anymore, so he could only return to his desk, pretending to read through the documents, and carefully observe Luo Manzhi's face.

He was afraid that the big boss who came from prison would be dissatisfied with Lin Feng.

Twenty minutes later, he knocked The door rang, and Lin Feng's slightly weak voice came.



Zhang Heping was so excited that he stood up from behind his desk. This little ancestor is here.

"I was just discussing cultivation matters with Master Wenren, and it was at a critical moment, so I didn't rush over."

After Lin Feng entered the door, he explained apologetically to Zhang Heping

"Can't you find a more reliable reason?"

Zhang Heping cursed in his heart and left the military boss alone for an hour. Even if you are feeling unwell and seeking medical treatment, that's fine.

"It's okay, just take care of it. Luo

Manzhi's tone was tepid, and there was no emotion on her face:"I'm here mainly to convey a few words from the general.""

"First of all, based on your ability to kill magic-level monsters one after another, after comprehensive consideration, we have decided to grant you the rank of Major General. In terms of magic resource treatment, you will enjoy magic-level treatment."

Luo Manzhi took out a space ring from his pocket and handed it to Lin Feng. :"The appointment letter of military rank, one year's training resources and the responsibilities of a magician-level mage, comprehensive benefits, and special magic plates are all included."

Lin Feng took the ring and didn't rush to check it. Instead, he put it directly into his pocket.

"In addition, as for the Prison Suppression Base, I hope you can go to work at the Good Prison Suppression Base. After all, 80% of the top mages in the entire Dragon Kingdom are gathered there, and the resources it has are also the best in the country, with a wide variety of secret realms."

"Of course, if you don't want to go, you can also take up a position nearby and be responsible for commanding the three major bases in the southeast of Dragon Kingdom."

After saying that, Luo Manzhi stared at Lin Feng, waiting for his answer.

"You have to give me a few days to think about it."

Lin Feng said with a smile:"After all, I don't know much about the prison base yet."

"There is my contact information in the space ring. After you think about it carefully, please contact me at any time."

Luo Manzhi nodded, and continued:"The last thing, regarding the special targeting of Warcraft against you, we suspect that there is an enemy undercover among the members of your secret realm mission. Now the higher-ups are conducting a thorough investigation. Once found, they will be Give you a satisfactory explanation."

Lin Feng nodded. He also had the same suspicion, and before coming over, he had asked Wen Renyan to investigate the matter. It would be best if the military's upper echelons could also take action.

Otherwise, they would be kept in the dark. Feeling so frustrated

"The words have been brought, so I will leave first."

The matter has been explained, Luo Manzhi didn't stay much, turned and left the office.

Zhang Heping trotted downstairs, and waited for the other party to step into the teleportation array and activate the small teleportation to leave, then he hurriedly returned to the office

"Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?"

As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to start nagging Lin Feng:"Do you know where the prison base is? The base guarded by Wu Bian, the first man of the Dragon Kingdom, resources, equipment, and even training information. I don't know anything better than us. How many times better is the sky and the sea in the remote countryside?"

"Even if a beast tide breaks out, the combat power that can be produced there is far from what our Tianhai can match. You can get a lot of benefits just by hanging around there, without putting in much effort."

Knowing that Zhang Heping was doing it for his own good, Lin Feng didn't choke. He waited patiently for Zhang Heping to finish speaking before he slowly spoke.

"The famous prison base, the first border gate of Dragon Kingdom, the center of power, who can really not know about it?"

"How many days did you think about it? Zhang

Heping looked puzzled:"If it were me, I wouldn't stay at our shabby base for more than a day. After I leave, I'll eat well, sleep soundly, take on less responsibilities, and don't have to worry about anything.""

"I don't have to worry here."

Lin Feng said with a smile:"The training is taken care of, and the food is not bad. Except for the fewer training resources, nothing is worse than the prison."

"Okay, you kid can handle this matter by yourself. It’s okay to delay it for a few days. Maybe you can get some more benefits, but don’t stay in our Tianhai so stupidly."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhang Heping felt warm in his heart.

Although he didn't get along with Lin Feng for a long time, he could at least tell that he was thinking about his good and was not the kind of person who would abandon Pao Ze immediately when he saw the benefits.

"This is the key to the secret realm. I have left some mental energy on it for the specific information about the secret realm. You can see for yourself."

Speaking of resources, Lin Feng turned his right hand, took out the golden key to the secret realm of the spirit body, and placed it on Zhang Heping's desk.

"you boy……"

Zhang Heping grinned:"Hurry up and play, I have to study the secret realm and see how to maximize the benefits."

"Got it."

Lin Feng quickly went out, came downstairs and looked around. He sighed softly.

He had feelings for Tianhai Base, but not enough that he could stay at all costs. After all, he was not at the base either. How many days to stay?

The reason why I think about it is that I want to find out the undercover first.

I also want to see how capable the prison base is.

If such a small undercover has to be very laborious or even difficult to handle, then It’s okay not to go to the prison base.

As the power and information center of the Dragon Kingdom, the undercover agents there will only be more and stronger, the relationships will be more complicated, and the identities will be more hidden!

If you plunge in, there will only be more troubles!


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