Knight with Wand

Chapter 10: Spiritual Field

Under the gloomy and twisted dark sky, there is an endless gray and terrifying forest sea. Deep in the forest with hazy shadows, the wind makes a permeating rustling sound in the dark forest, like the whisper of ghosts.

The overlapping trees are like a maze, but there is no sign of life in the deep forest. There is not a trace of birds, beasts and insects. There is only a strange decaying atmosphere lingering around Leon and the three of them.

Several people were chanting something silently. Azerion and Rohark were chanting the prayers of the Holy Sun Church.

The leader Leon's words are even more outrageous. If you listen carefully, you will find that he is actually humming the Internationale in a low voice.

There was no other way. As a time traveler, Leon did not believe in Serian's Holy Sun and Holy Prophet, so the church prayers in the original owner's memory could not keep him from concentrating on random thoughts.

So he racked his brains, and finally the only way he came up with to gather his will and reduce the chance of being targeted by the "devil" was to rely on the things he believed in in his previous life.

The Internationale once, the National Anthem once, and when you are tired of singing, recite the twenty-four-character mantra a few times, and so on. No matter how close it is, according to the mysterious voice, as long as you can avoid letting your emotions and will waver, If you put your mind to it, it will work.

In this way, several people just kept moving forward with their own thoughts, turning when they encountered terrain obstacles, and turning around when they reached a dead end. In fact, there was no direction or destination at all, because in this strange field, there was nothing east, west, north, or south. Meaning, even their perception of time becomes blurred.

This does not seem to be an illusion caused by disorientation. In the "spirit-like field", all perceptions seem to be more blurred and chaotic than reality.

On the river bank ten minutes ago——

"I've helped you so many times, how about we make an agreement this time?" the mysterious girl's voice suggested.

"What agreement?" Leon asked.

"I'll find a way to take you out of here, but you have to promise me that you will do me a favor after you successfully get out."

Leon nodded and agreed without hesitation: "I already owe you two lives. From the perspective of repaying my kindness, this is reasonable. I promise you that as long as it is not something harmful to nature, I will try my best to help you. "

"Okay, it's settled then."

"Now can you tell me in detail what this spirit-like field is? How do we get out of this ghost place?" Leon asked eagerly.

"The spirit-like field is one of the sad ends for a spiritual mage." The girl's voice said.

“When the chaotic energy mastered by spiritual mages exceeds the critical point that their own will and body can bear, the backlash of chaotic magic will eventually turn them into a rift gate connecting reality and the spiritual world.

The erosion that pours out from behind the door will eventually pollute the surrounding real time and space step by step, until the entire real world is dragged into the spiritual world."

"I don't understand." Listening to the description from the other party, Leon, who is a Muggle on Earth, felt a little confused.

"The reasons for the formation of this realm cannot be explained in just a few words. After all, you were definitely not a mage before you entered the body of this child to resurrect. There is no point in talking to you about this knowledge about the spiritual world." The girl's voice sighed.

Listening to the other party's shocking words, Leon was shocked.

He didn't expect that the other party had discovered that he was not the original owner of this body.

"You know I'm not the original Leon?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The girl's voice sounded matter-of-fact.

Leon felt an instinctive discomfort at being peered through. Could it be that the other party could not only talk to his spirit, but also read his memory?

"Don't be nervous, I just inherited the memories of the dead boy like you."

The girl's voice seemed to be aware of Leon's reaction, and then explained: "I have been observing your words and deeds along the way. Naturally, I can infer from the behavior and habits that there are differences in personality and behavior between you and the dead Orion boy.

Well, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, in my current state, I don't have the energy to read your soul. "

That's good.

After hearing what she said, whether it was true or false, Leon had no choice but to believe it for the time being.

Although as an ordinary human being on earth, he has no special secrets except for the special origin of the time traveler, but it is better not to expose his privacy as much as possible.

Who hasn’t had some inconvenient XP or dark history in their brains since they were young? There are some things that cannot be described as embarrassing to society.

"Speaking of this place, the legendary cursed land is boundless. Is this true or false?" Leon brought his attention back to the dilemma he was facing now.

"Although the content in that legend is full of fallacies, unfortunately, this area is actually more dangerous than the folk tales say.

You'd better pray that the spiritual mage who caused the birth of this spirit-like field will not be too powerful during his lifetime, otherwise you will be in trouble. "

The girl's voice was a little helpless: "This area eroded by chaotic energy has obviously existed for a long time. The surrounding environment has become semi-spiritual, and the direction and position are all confused. No matter where you go, you will end up in this area." Time and space go round and round, and ordinary people naturally cannot get out.

Hmm. Strictly speaking, you can't fly. There is no difference between approaching the projection of the Sea of ​​Chaos in the sky and actively committing suicide. "

"Then this ghost place is just like the story says, there are many evil monsters that eat people?"

"That's not quite the same. How should I put it? Most creatures that are sensitive to magic will actively avoid the spirit-like land. Even if there are creatures that accidentally enter here, they will not live for too long. They will eventually be killed like ordinary people and become zombies whose souls cannot return to the Dead Sea. So, even if you encounter something, they are just victims in a similar situation as you."

"You said killed? Killed by what?" Leon grasped the key point of the question.

"Of course, they were killed by those undead whose souls cannot return to the Dead Sea to rest, that is, the people or beasts who accidentally entered and died here before you, but being killed by the wandering undead is not the worst outcome."

Although Leon didn't know what it meant for the soul to be unable to return to the "Dead Sea", it sounded like never being reincarnated. What would be worse than this outcome?

The girl's voice became serious: "In addition to the undead, there is another danger in the quasi-spiritual field, which is the demons born in the spirit world and peeping at souls."

Demons, to be more precise, the girl's voice called the things she described "spiritual demons."

She did not waste time explaining this dangerous and evil existence to Leon, but just let Leon understand the imminent crisis as quickly as possible.

The demons in the spirit world cannot appear in the real plane, but the quasi-spiritual field is a space-time that has been eroded by the rifts in the spirit world. The chaotic energy here has long turned this place into a special area between the spirit world and reality. The demons can pass through the rifts here to a limited extent and project themselves into the quasi-spiritual field.

Of course, the real motivation to attract them is the rich emotions, desires and violent fluctuations of the intelligent life that strayed into this field.

Leon listened silently. Since he had seen magic, wild goblins and other things beyond his previous cognition, he was not surprised that there would be supernatural existences such as demons in this alien world.

The problem now is that in this ghost place that sounds like there is no way to go to heaven or to the earth, whether it is the so-called spirit world demons or the undead whose souls cannot be reborn, no matter which one sounds like they can't deal with it.

"If you want to avoid being targeted by demons as much as possible, you must control your emotions and will, especially forget unnecessary desires and greed. In such a place, the more complex and changeable the mental fluctuations are, the more eye-catching they are in the eyes of the spirit world demons.

You must avoid falling into intense emotions such as fear, panic, and anger. The more determined your will and the calmer your spirit, the more difficult it will be for demons to find you in the spirit world." The girl warned.

"If you have a god you believe in, you can also try to pray to the god. This is very useful for believers." She further suggested.

Hearing this, Leon looked at Azerien and Lohak on the side.

As traditional Serians, they naturally firmly believe in Saint Sol and Saint Ilaril of the Holy Sun Church.

He is in trouble. He is an atheist earth Muggle who has never believed in God.

Moreover, when it comes to the complexity and changeability of emotions and desires, he, a modern man from the colorful world of Earth, is not as bright as a big light ball in a disco in the eyes of the demons in the spirit world compared to the other two simple and unsophisticated local teenagers?

"So, you mean as long as we can keep our minds clear, we can get out of this place safely?" Leon asked tentatively.

"Of course not, I'm just telling you how to move in the spirit-like field as covertly as possible. If you want to get out, you must collect materials for me here. I will teach you to make a ground vein spirit lamp, and then transform it into a temporary guide. This is also the only way to save you back to reality. Other plans will not work."

"Can the materials you want be found in such a place?" Leon asked in surprise.

"Let me think about the Patis crystal. Well, it's unlikely to be here. What about the pyroxene flint, river sandstone, and eucalyptus poplar wood? Well, let's walk around first. The method of making the earth vein spirit lamp is not complicated, and the materials are also common things in the forest. Look around while walking, and I will let you pick it up if you find it. Well, the only troublesome thing is the final activation source."

"What is that?"

"For the last material, I need a soul, a dead soul trapped here, longing to go home"

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