Knight with Wand

Chapter 105 Gift

In the closed hall, Lohark placed the heavy money box on the table.

When everyone sat around the table, Leon opened the lid.

A piece of yellow-orange gold.

This symbolizes the light of a lot of wealth, which makes people's hearts beat faster.

Leon stretched out his hand and inserted his fingers into the pile of money. He grabbed a handful of Kantadar gold coins, and the gold coins jingled down between his fingers.

Feeling the cold touch and heavy weight, he could understand why the dragon in the past life story would like to sleep on the golden mountain. The joy brought by wealth was wonderful.

Although along the way, I have dealt with no less than 800 gold coins.

But that is really not comparable to the sensory impact of stacking gold coins worth a thousand gold crowns together at once.

It's a pity that this doesn't belong to him, otherwise Leon feels that he will definitely pour the hundreds of gold coins under the bed into it, and rub the pile of gold coins with both hands to feel refreshed.

Lohak looked at it and sighed: "I didn't expect that Mam'er's family could actually afford so much money, and they even sent it obediently."

Hearing his partner's emotion, Leon put down the gold coins in his hand and couldn't help but be a little confused: "Yes, carrying so much money all the way, there are huge risks on the road, and even if there is no accident, they are not afraid of me getting the money. Are you going to turn your back on yourself?"

"No, of course Mam'el's family is afraid that we will break our promise, but if we cannot save our master, their ending will probably be even worse." Old Brian couldn't help but speak, explaining to the two young knights: "I can probably guess The current situation of the Kantadar knight's family.

In fact, they took such an honest risk to redeem people, perhaps because of family ties. But once a fief knight like him died in a foreign country, the loss his family would suffer would be even more immeasurable. His family would not hesitate to empty out their savings. It is completely understandable that I must save the head of the family and return home.”

When Leon heard this, he immediately listened humbly to the speculations of his old centurion. After the other party finished speaking carefully, he understood what kind of dangerous situation the Mamel family might face.

The feudal system in this western continent is similar to most of the ancient Europe in my previous life on earth.

Knighthood is not the kind of noble title that can be hereditary. This is the same whether in the Kingdom of Kantadar or in various Ferru countries.

"Knight" is an independent title. After the person's death, this title cannot be inherited by his or her descendants.

In most cases, if the descendant of a knight also wants to become a knight, he will usually be sent to the home of a lord or a well-connected senior noble when he is about seven years old to serve as a page boy until he grows up. When he was close to fourteen years old, he became the lord's retinue.

During this period, the knight's children will learn etiquette, knowledge, and martial arts from the lord they serve and their family members, and serve and follow the lord to fight.

It is not until the age of twenty that the master will consider the performance of the attendant and canonize him as a true knight.

If it is due to poor performance or other reasons, it is not impossible for him to remain a servant until he is nearly thirty years old.

Therefore, the son of a knight may not necessarily be a knight now if his father dies unexpectedly.

Leon doesn't know the specific situation of Mam'er's family, but the other party's situation is probably much more complicated.

In a knight family, if the son fails to become a knight while his father is alive, it is not a big problem if he still has the protection of the monarch. He will still have the opportunity to grow up under the protection of the monarch he is loyal to until he can stand alone.

But at this moment, Baron Duson's family power has been almost destroyed due to the loss of the main territory in the north and the direct death of the baron himself.

If they continue to sit back and watch Mamel die in a foreign country, this small knight family will undoubtedly lose all its patrons and pillars at the same time.

Although the descendants of knights can inherit the ownership of the original knight's fiefdom after paying an unspecified amount of tax to the great lord or king.

But a small family whose head died in battle and lost his protection, the faction no longer existed, and the title of knight still occupied the territory and accumulated wealth.

If this news is known to the surrounding lords, the small family's territory will instantly become a piece of fat that everyone wants to swallow.

The impact of annexing a knight's territory is incomparable to that of annexing a mere civilian family land without the protection of the nobles.

You don't even need to go to war, you can directly lead your troops and let yourself or your descendants forcibly "marry" the widow or orphan of the deceased knight, so that you can legally own this territory.

Therefore, 1,000 gold crowns are exchanged for the return of their own knight master. No matter how risky it is, Mamel's family must try to save the life of the family master.

As long as Mamel is still alive and remains a knight, whether he uses his years of relationships to find allies or contacts to find new lords to be loyal to, he still has a chance to ensure the survival of his family and territory.

If he dies, not only one person's life will be lost, but the entire family may be destroyed as well.

Understanding the logic that led to the defeat of the feudal lord, Leon finally understood why Maml would trust his family members who were far away, and would even raise a huge sum of money to redeem his family members by selling them.

In this era, the importance of the head of the family to a family is far greater than in modern times.

Following the social rules of this world he learned from old Brian, Leon returned his attention to the ransom in front of him.

He picked out gold coins that were almost equal to the value of 15 gold crowns and kept them separately. This was the cost of entrusting the messenger and the money to advance the one hundred and dozens of coffins.

One code equals one code, and it’s time to reimburse.

The remaining ransom, worth approximately 985 gold crowns, will be divided equally among dozens of Selva villagers.

Calculating the number, each household will be allocated fifteen gold crowns, six silver nales, three dires, and five copper cents, which is 1563.5 dires.

But reality is not about playing games. If you have odd or round money, you still need to exchange it for easy division. Gold coins are easy to divide, but the fractions of Naler, Dier, and copper cents still have to be dealt with.

Physical currency looked cool, but it was really troublesome to circulate. Leon couldn't help but miss the electronic payment and online finance in his previous life.

When he first received the ransom letter, he had at first considered building a manor bank in Selva and offering full interest on deposits to coax the people to deposit their money in their own vaults first. Grab and go.

If this method can be implemented, he will undoubtedly be able to take advantage of it. He can not only fulfill his promise but also quickly collect a large amount of available funds from the people.

This idea is very beautiful, but after discussing it with Brian Sr. and his friends, he finally gave up.

This world of making money is not without smart people. Leon also saw the rising urban banking industry in the commercially developed Dragon Throat City Chamber of Commerce.

But that was something that could only be enjoyed on a small scale among wealthy citizens and businessmen. It would be more efficient to do this with the illiterate poor guys in the village who couldn't read or write. It would be more efficient to just break your promise and grab the money from them.

What's more, if you really want to build a small bank to manage money, record accounts, and check withdrawals, these tasks will also require talents who can do accounting and literacy, which will take more time and cost, and you don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Leon didn't want to make the originally simple division of accounts into a panic. If he got into a feud with the people under his rule, it would be a huge mistake.

Anyway, Selva is about to face construction now. According to the plan, every household in the territory will probably have to spend money soon, so there is no need to waste money now.

Too many ideas should wait for people with more territory, financial resources, and literacy and numeracy in the future.

"Leon, did you make a miscalculation?"

Olivia, who was sitting next to Leon, tilted her head, counted in her mind, and couldn't help but remind him: "Have you forgotten, after Uncle Tok moved away, there is now one less household in Selva. "

Leon was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but after sorting out the number in his mind, he turned to look at the girl helplessly: "You didn't count yourself, right? Your family also has a share in this."

"Ah? But didn't we decide to use this money to support the families of the victims? My father and I are safe and sound." Olivia asked doubtfully.

Leon smiled and raised his forehead: "Oh, that's not the way it is calculated. You defeated Mam'el, and he is your prisoner of war. Strictly speaking, this thousand-gold crown is all your money, even if you are willing to share it now." It’s impossible for us not to leave a share for you, the villagers who are suffering.”

He looked at the silly girl beside him, he was really afraid that she would be sold and he had to help count the money, so he had to keep an eye on her in the future.

"This" Olivia turned back and looked at her father. Seeing her old father waving his hands to her without caring, she turned to try to tactfully give the funds to Leon: "Isn't it just right, Selva?" Do you need money? I usually don’t have any expenses. Otherwise, I can deposit my share in the bank you mentioned before and let you use it. I’ll ask for it later when I need it.”

"Don't refuse. Where do I miss you? It should be yours, it's yours. Even if you and Uncle Brian are fine, the belongings at home will still be smashed into a mess by those guys, right? Besides, I remember, didn't you still Lost two riding horses?"

Leon smiled, and immediately took out a gold coin worth almost fifteen gold crowns from the box and stuffed it into the girl's hand: "You have been very busy these days, managing public security and dealing with disputes among the villagers. Why don't you stuff it into the girl's hand?" Erva has done so much work, how can we not accept some compensation? I have decided that I will go to the room and bring it to you later, you must keep it well~"

Seeing Leon's tough attitude, Olivia pursed her lips and thought for a while, then something suddenly occurred to her mind.

The girl realized that she seemed to be in need of money, so she no longer refused.

The next day, instead of bothering Azarian to run errands, Leon took advantage of the gap between Corvis to recover his magic power, and took a break from daily training. He planned to take the gold coins to the city chamber of commerce to exchange for more daily currency, so as to give him a gift. The citizens share the money.

I also took a trip to the castle of Faloris to meet with the heraldic painters of the Thorn Flower family and customize a flag that will be used soon.

Go back quickly, Corvis is here, he neither wears armor nor intends to bring other guards.

He asked Captain Zabron of the Guards to continue leading Hawke and others to the outside of the village. According to the projects arranged by Old Brian and maintaining strict training, Leon and the two led the horses out of the backyard.

Before mounting her horse, Olivia in the arsenal warehouse heard the movement in the yard and couldn't help but poke her head out of the house.

"Huh? Are you going out now?" The girl asked, holding the door.

"I plan to go to Farolis City for business, but I'll be back tomorrow." Leon said, stepped on the horse and replied to the girl.

Olivia's eyes lit up when she heard this: "What a coincidence, I happen to want to go to the city too, how about we go together?"

"Okay, then you pack your luggage and I'll wait for you at the door." Leon nodded.

The girl turned around happily, put the things she had been measuring for a long time back on the shelf in the warehouse, then picked up her skirt and ran briskly back home from the backyard.

Leon urged his horse to leave the backyard, but after taking a few steps, he found that Corvis did not follow.

He turned back and looked at the blond boy in confusion: "What's wrong? Did you leave something behind?"

Corvis sat on the horse, folding his arms thoughtfully.

Thinking of Olivia coming to him this morning to ask for the keys to the warehouse, the smart boy suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He thought about it quickly, and then naturally pretended to frown.

"My lord, I seem to be a little unwell. It may be that I have consumed too much magic power in the past few days. Look, Miss Olivia is traveling with me today. Can I take a rest at home this time?"

Leon couldn't help but feel worried. This reaction from his partner was the first time since the training began. He turned around and walked back: "What's wrong? Is it serious? How about I go to the city and call a doctor to come back and help you?" have a look?"

Although Miss Laura assured that this training method would not affect Covis' health, Leon was still afraid.

The blond boy hurriedly smiled and waved his hands, knowing that he was pretending too much.

"It's not that serious. Besides, I've seen doctors from the Western Continent in Kantadar. Let's forget about the scary ones. It doesn't matter to me, I just didn't sleep well."

Leon had no choice but to nod his head, yes, with the knowledge of Artias's medical skills that Corvis himself knew, I am afraid that he would be far away from the "Mongolian doctors" in Farolis City and find a local doctor. When the time comes, , I still don’t know who will treat whom.

"Then you stay home and have a good rest, go back to bed, don't do any chores today, and pay attention to your health."

Leon was a little ashamed. What kind of environment did the young man in front of him sleep in before?

Now that I put aside my humble living conditions, I really feel wronged to the other party.

"You go to sleep in my room. My mattress is thick. When we come back from this trip, I will find the carpenter over at the camp to make a few new big beds for my family."

To be honest, Leon really didn't know if it was a custom or something else. In this world, at least from what he had seen so far, the beds that ordinary people slept in were pitifully small, and they were basically only for one person to lie on.

Not being able to roll around in bed every day, Leon himself felt uncomfortable sleeping.

"Okay~ okay~ It's not that exaggerated. I'm not that spoiled yet. Let's go quickly, my lord. Miss Olivia should be waiting outside." Corvis turned over and dismounted, urging him to be serious. Caring owner.

Leon reluctantly gave a few more instructions to the young man to rest more, and then urged the horse to leave.

After leaving the yard, Olivia was already waiting outside on her horse.

The girl packed up unexpectedly quickly, as if she had packed her luggage in advance and planned to go to the city.

"Let's go." Leon urged his mount to trot.

Olivia also rode her horse forward and walked side by side, and the look on her face was full of satisfaction as she traveled.

Neither of them wore armor, just their civilian clothes and carrying long swords at their waists.

Leon was self-satisfied that his martial arts skills were now far from what they were before. He was originally guarded by Corvis, so there was no need to wear plate armor as if facing a powerful enemy during the entire journey, and only wore a cloak outside his clothes.

Now although Kavis stays for some reason.

But with a little sword master by his side, he no longer worried about safety on the road.

Olivia even changed out of her daily waist-length skirt. Riding on the saddle, she wore a simple peasant primary-color waist shirt on the upper body, loose black cloth ankle-length trousers on the lower body, and her feet were tied tightly. Short cloth boots are completely a set of men's clothing that is convenient for movement.

But her delicate appearance and beautiful golden single ponytail clearly revealed her identity as a girl.

The obvious rise and fall of the girl's chest is as visible, and anyone with eyes can tell her gender.

Leon glanced at Olivia's travel attire from the corner of his eye, remembering something funny for no reason, and couldn't help but suddenly started to feel silly and amused.

Olivia looked over with an incomprehensible expression.

"What's wrong? You're smiling so weirdly. Is there something on my face?" The girl touched her cheek and asked doubtfully.

"No, I just think that maybe there is a distant world called Britain that exists or not, and the people there are probably blind." Leon shook his head and joked.

"?" Olivia became even more confused.

After laughing, Leon immediately became alert.

After the long conversation that night, he knew that Brian Sr.'s worries were justified.

That's all for the others, but for those few people in the kingdom, especially Count Trossa, if they see Olivia's appearance, they may inevitably arouse unnecessary associations in him.

And if they discover that this beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes also possesses extraordinary martial arts, things will be even more troublesome.

But obviously he can't dress up a girl as a man.

The Orlanders were certainly not as blind as the Britons of a certain world.

It's normal to mistake a handsome boy like Corvis for a girl.

But I want to recognize a delicate girl like Olivia as a boy.

I'm afraid it would have to be disfigured, otherwise even if Olivia's head was shaved off, no one would mistake this girl for a male.

Leon sat on the swaying horse, touching his chin and thinking.

What about magic?

Can magic cover up other people's knowledge of a girl?

I can only ask Miss Lola next time when I go to the Mage Tower.

However, after thinking hard, Leon clapped his hands and suddenly had an idea.

It would be best if Miss Lola had a spell to interfere with cognition, but if not, maybe it wouldn't be so troublesome.

As long as there is a way to change Olivia's eye color, she happens to have the same hair color as Corvis. When we really can't avoid certain people, we can just give Olivia a distant relative of the royal family of Verania to scare people.

We are all royal blood, so why should you, the royal family of Orland, be allowed to be special?

Hey, blonde hair and golden eyes, the color matching of us old Veranians is so ~ authentic ~!

Using an eye-catching special identity to cover up some more sensitive identities may also be a way

Using the horses to run for a while, walking for a while, walking and resting, chatting, the two soon arrived at the city of Farolis.

Entering the town, the two of them walked with their horses, following the lively procession into the city. Olivia suddenly said to Leon: "Before going to the castle, I want to go to the market in the east first. Can you wait for me?"

"Are you going to the market to buy something? I'll go with you and help you get something." Leon said.

"Ah? No, no. Well, I can go by myself. I just buy some small things and will be back soon." Olivia waved her hand hurriedly.

Leon didn't care too much, he was just being polite.

This is not shopping with the delicate girl in the previous life. The girl in front of him looks petite and lovely, but in fact she is very strong. If she can't lift something, Leon can't help her.

Following the girl, squeezed through the narrow road, turning around in the noise of pedestrians, we came to a street that was obviously much cleaner.

The residents and pedestrians on the road were dressed neatly, and the shops and vendors on the roadside were more regularly distributed. There were two red-robed guards standing by the wall at the corner of the street, leaning against the wall and yawning.

The sound of metal forging could be heard from across the street. Perhaps there was a blacksmith's workshop nearby.

It was called a market, but it was obviously not the unmanaged and messy market that Leon had seen before.

"Remember to wait for me~"

Olivia waved to her partner and ran into a street with her horse in her hands.

Leon had no choice but to stay where he was.

He looked around in boredom.

The people who went in and out of the shops on the street were obviously the richer citizens than the residents in the west of the city.

High-end tailor workshops, jewelry shops, and furniture stores, ordinary low-level residents certainly could not afford them.

This place reminded Leon of the prosperous streets of Dragonmaw City.

Remember there

As he was reminiscing, Leon's eyes swept over a young couple who came out of a tailor shop not far away.

The woman in the new dress was smiling happily, and she walked in a circle in front of her husband after two steps. It took twice as long to walk through the street, which could have been walked in a few steps. However, her husband's eyes were full of doting. The two of them strolled happily and passed by Leon.

Looking back at the happy couple, Leon's heart moved.

It reminded him that he also wanted to buy some souvenirs for his friends in Dragon Throat City, but he was short of money at that time and didn't dare to spend money.

But now

He touched the pocket on the right waist under his robe.

The big leather bag contained gold coins that he would go to the City Chamber of Commerce to exchange for change, which was "public money".

And in the other small cloth bag, he consciously distinguished his daily private money.


I'm here now.

For some reason, Leon walked towards the tailor shop.

He tied the horse to the door, took off his hood and walked in.

The well-dressed old tailor heard the voice and looked up from the table where he was cutting fabrics.

Seeing the young man who came in with a clean face, a gentle and heroic look that made people feel comfortable, and a gorgeous noble sword on his waist, the old tailor immediately greeted him with shining eyes.

"Ah~ God bless you, welcome~! Honorable sir." The old tailor held his chest and bowed.

"What do you need? Whether it's a dress or casual clothes, pajamas or robes, men's or women's, Old Salto's shop has everything~!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the old tailor, Leon looked at the finished clothes hanging on the racks around him. They all looked good, and he didn't know how much they cost.

He tentatively asked the old tailor: "I want to customize a simple women's dress. Maybe the style is a little special. I don't know if you can make it."

"Ha, look at what you said. Old Salto has been making clothes for a lifetime. Even the dress on Her Majesty the Queen can be made~" The old tailor boasted in a rhythmic tone.

"Okay, do you have a pen and paper? I can draw it for you." Leon asked. Although the clothes he wanted to make were not complicated and the style was simple, they were still significantly different from the style of ordinary people in this world.

"Yes~ Of course, but the store only has good paper for drawing, which is really not cheap. Look"

"Don't worry, I'll pay you." Leon waved his hand and asked again: "By the way, in addition to clothes, do you have headbands and hair accessories for sale? Preferably blue."

"We have any colors. Even if we don't have them, Old Salto can make them for you. I guarantee that the lady you love will fall in love with you~." The old tailor smiled and clapped his hands.

Leon scratched his face awkwardly when he heard this: "Don't talk nonsense, it's just a gift for a friend."

The old tailor closed his mouth and nodded repeatedly without arguing. I've given a headband, and I'm still giving it to a friend? But if you say it is, then it is.

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