Knight with Wand

Chapter 129 Battle of Longka 4 (Entering the Battlefield)

The halberd soldiers from Duwana formed a tight formation to meet the impact of the spears of the soldiers of Wolfenhall, and the blades met with each other with clanging sounds.

In the dense forest of spears, there was no room for people to turn and move sideways. The sharp blades that filled almost every gap collided with each other like two walls of death. The martial arts of ordinary soldiers were meaningless.

The two armies competed with each other's comrade-in-arms cooperation, each other's strength, and each other's heavy equipment.

Waves of spear tips hit the shield wall, and the halberds chopped the enemy's armor with great momentum. The two elite infantry phalanxes with distinct robes were killed in an instant.

The deafening war cry made the fighting line surge with the boiling shouts.

The dog trainer completely released the iron chain on his arm when the line met the enemy.

Ten ferocious Duwana war dogs roared and ran wildly, forming a hunting group from the right wing and circling to the enemy's flank.

The giant dogs surrounded the enemy's weapons. Once they got the chance, the war beasts in groups of three or five resisted the slashing of the enemy's sword and shield soldiers on the side, bit the opponent's calves, and dragged the prey out of the team.

"Ah, damn bastard! ! Beast! Ah, ah, ah, ah!" The frightened soldiers swung their swords and chopped at the ferocious giant dogs.

The sharp blade rubbed the spiked iron armor covering the dog's head, and finally caused a sword wound on its shoulder through the gap, but the war dog with a dull sense of pain did not let go at all.

The war dog companions who followed closely behind rushed forward like a real "wolf pack", with their fangs embedded in the chain mail and the thick coat under it, biting the enemy's hands, feet, head and neck frantically.

Disturbance and turmoil spread to the north side of the Wofnhall army in the melee. The soldiers who dared not leave the ranks were exhausted from dealing with these war beasts and had to use their strength to set up shields and use spears to drive away the hunting of Duwana war dogs.

The wolf leader's arrow rain that had previously thrown at the right wing of the Longka army to assist the friendly army had already stopped. The two Wofnhall army formations approached the Longka defenders to engage in battle. The longbowmen did not dare to accidentally hurt the friendly forces and had to refocus their targets on the two arrow towers behind the Longka line.

The flying arrows pierced the top of the tower like a hedgehog.

The Longka archers who had just had a chance to breathe and shoot down the rear row of the enemy below from a high position had to hide behind the wall helplessly and dared only to throw arrows sporadically and blindly from the window into the distance.

The fierce battle was in full swing. To the east of the battle line, behind the Lonka defenders, six black-robed guards holding large shields with emblems, three holding heavy conical war hammers, and three holding sharp swords, stood in two groups, standing on the left and right of the guards and behind the war horses, ready to step into the battlefield.

Leon and Corvis, who held the flag, sat on their high war horses, watching the fierce and bloody fight in front of them.

The Duwana phalanx, which had ambushed before the battle, was called in time, and successfully hit the enemy who concentrated its forces on the north side of Lonka head-on, stabilizing the right wing.

This made the key oblique attack of the Wolf Leader's army temporarily ineffective.

The two elite troops were like two war hammers swung at the same time, and the hammer heads just smashed together at the north end of the battlefield.

But the Pleyton spearman phalanx, which served as the fulcrum of the hammer heads, was still unable to compete with the main infantry of the Wolf Leader who had comprehensive advantages in training and equipment.

The bodies of our enemies and ourselves are piling up. As the central army connecting the "Hammerhead" on the right, the Pletton Phalanx, which is struggling to resist the main force of the Wolf Lord, will collapse once it is broken.

Although the real trump card behind the enemy has not been moved, there is no time to wait at this moment.

The little advantage accumulated previously is slowly tilting towards the enemy. There is no room to hide. Now we must show all our cards and add weight to the scale of fate.

Leon stroked the grid mask, and his vision seemed to be covered by a circle of black edges.

The most primitive fighting instinct in the organism ignited a passion buried under reason.

I will never fall here.

For all those who entrust their lives to me, I must win!

Picking up the emblem kite shield, the knight covered by the winged helmet raised the heavy lance.

A loud command came from the armor: "Corvis, follow me into the battle!"

The young attendant received the order and raised the lord's flag. The sword-wing emblem fluttered in the east wind. Corvis held the black card of Neti tightly in his right hand, and his golden eyes flickered in his helmet. The magic power turned the miracle of ancient times into reality.

The boiling power of enthusiasm gathered in Leon and Zabron, Boz, and Dardanelle beside him.

The horn sounded from the mouth of the guard Pavel.

Pletton retreated to the side and opened the way after hearing the order. The big shieldmen in the front row retracted their spears and retreated to the back.

This gap that seemed to be a retreat in vain made the wolf-leader soldiers who were fighting more and more bravely at the front fall into ecstasy.

The achievement of breaking the battle formation was just around the corner. The warriors of Wolfenhall held their spears tightly and took the opportunity to bravely attack it together like a flood.

However, what appeared at the end of their vision was a gorgeous warhorse covered in steel armor, with its legs raised high and neighing.

"Under the witness of swords and wings, bring death to the enemy!"

The silver-armored winged knight swung the reins, held his lance level, and charged.

The sturdy horse under him stepped out with its iron hooves, shaking the earth.

The three violent shield and hammer guards followed closely behind, shouting as well.

They seemed to no longer feel the weight of their armor, and followed their lord to kill the enemy like walking knights.

The knight's war cry didn't even have time to fall in everyone's ears.

The wolf-leader soldier who was blocking the road had just raised his spear towards the figure of the knight rushing towards him when he felt as if he was hit by a battering ram. He didn't even scream and instantly lost all consciousness.

The tornado that erupted from the knight's spear roared with the heavy pressure of the extended magic power, blasting the enemy who was blocking the road back to the army behind him, smashing into a mess.

And in just a dozen meters, the black horse took only a few seconds to send the master on its back to the enemy's formation.

Leon rode his horse and lowered the tip of his spear, carrying the huge force of the war beast under his crotch, and rushed forward into the messy spear formation in front of him.

—— Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Facing the clanging sound, the stabbing on the plate armor and shield, and the teeth-grinding sound of the wooden poles breaking and bursting.

Leon held the lance blade with a cold gleam, like an industrial cone driven by a hydraulic machine cutting into butter, piercing through the wolf leader soldier who was unfortunate enough to dodge, and the scarlet lance blade broke out from the chainmail and thick coat.

The next soldier who reacted a little slower was knocked over by the thick breastplate of the warhorse, and the heavy iron hoof trampled over him. The chest under the chainmail sunk, and thick blood spurted out of his mouth as his internal organs ruptured.

Leon, whose magic element was boiling, tried his best to hold the lance with the corpse hanging on it. With the wild impact of the warhorse, the long steel-forged lance pierced through three enemy soldiers who blocked the way.

It was not until the corpse strung on the lance left a long bloody trail on the mud that his narrow visor vision suddenly became clear.

After only a few seconds of charging, the warhorse was like a living chariot, carrying the frenzied Leon directly through the five rows of deep enemy formations.

Following the force, Leon lowered the tip of his spear and pulled out the lance from the three heavy corpses, throwing off the pierced remains.

After throwing away these burdens, the black horse felt a little lighter, and then under the control of the master, it gently stepped on the iron hoof of the grass, and when the speed slowed down, it turned around along the reins.

With a calm look, he looked back at the bloody road behind him.

His guards still stayed in the battle formation. Zabron and others waved their war hammers, sweeping and smashing vertically. Even the elite soldiers in wolf-led armor could not resist the hammer-wielding shield guards whose power was doubled after being frenzied by the Neti card.

The three people who carried the miraculous power of the Neti card, with the boiling magic power in their bodies, used the fierce steel cone head to beat the enemies in front of them.

The terrifying cone head smashed the bodies of the enemies under it with every blow through the armor.

The helmets were twisted, the chainmail was pierced, and the long weapons of the wolf-leader spearmen could not even level them in the dense and chaotic battle formation.

For a moment, Zabron and his three men were like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep, completely widening the torn battle line.

The three sword-bearing shield guards who protected Corvis separated the remaining enemies on the right, and tried their best to protect the young attendant holding the flag and the guards who were fighting in the bloody battle behind them.

The spearmen of Pleton got rid of the simple hard battle, watching the lord's battle flag standing deep in the enemy formation, killing the enemy in front of them and making them lose their army. In an instant, they were infected by the bravery of the lord and the guards, and burst into high-spirited shouts.

"Follow up! - Defeat them!" The old soldier of Pleton seized the opportunity, led the young men in the back row, and followed the lord's guards into the chaos.

In an instant, the Wolfenhall team that was completely pierced collapsed.

Leon once again clamped his horse's belly, and pointed his spear at the right rear of the army, and roared loudly under his wing helmet: "Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who flee will not be killed! - Those who stand in my way will die!!"

Hearing the horse's hooves and war roars not far away, Sergeant Ascofo, who was trying his best to reorganize the soldiers' ranks, felt cold all over. He looked up and saw that the casualties and the rout were close to half, and the retreat of the square was irreversible.

Looking back hurriedly, seeing the desperate eyes of the flag bearer beside him, he finally gave up struggling and shouted the order to retreat.

The flag bearer of the square immediately carried a small swallowtail flag diagonally, led the rout soldiers, and ran towards the main camp of Knight Yom in the southwest.

The violently twisted battle line, with the advancing and retreating flags, clearly reflected the chaotic changes on the battlefield.

Looking at the sword-winged flag that broke through the square of Sergeant Ascofo, and the thorn flower swallowtail flag followed by the infantry, standing on the west side of the two armies, Canis could not help but frowned.

The current situation that the tactics of concentrating the advantages of infantry and encountering the enemy's elite ambush is difficult to achieve results is still foreseeable.

But the defeat of Askofo was indeed sudden.

As far as the eye can see, the enemy did not hide more troops. It was only a small group of heavy armor elites led by the silver-armored knight who killed the phalanx.

Canis's thoughts were like lightning, and he weighed the current battle situation in an instant.

The north side, which he had originally placed high hopes on, did not get a breakthrough. After Askofo was repelled, Rosen's phalanx was trapped in an isolated situation, with only archers still covering it, forcing the enemy's light-armored spearmen to be difficult to completely encircle.

But the southern section of the battle line, which originally had little hope, was pushed further and further away by the main attack of the front team of the Yom Knights and the pressure of the rear team.

The conscripts on the southern edge have half-surrounded the enemy, and the southern section of the Longka defenders' army formation showed obvious signs of retreat.

As the battle was in chaos except for the northern end where Rosen was, it was hard to tell who would win. The battle line had been tilted. Once the enemy's central phalanx was defeated, victory would come naturally.

But if the heavy cavalry led by him rushed to the right wing, they would have to bypass the large group of their own rabble. It was unnecessary to delay the battle. However, Rosen's phalanx could not hold out for too long alone, and this battle could not be changed.

The young master of the Lang family raised his hand to summon the attendant who carried the gun, and took his lance.

".It seems that the Thorn Flower family are not all timid cowards."

His eyes were locked tightly on the big flag that symbolized the enemy's general's coat of arms. He even admired the young knight with a vicious mouth.

Regardless of friend or foe, for a martial knight, bravery has always been a quality worthy of his respect.

Of course, the highest respect you can show your enemy is to defeat them with your own hands.

Now that the enemy general has been forced into the battlefield, it is time for the real main force under his command to make a final decision.

Canisto raised his lance, shouted an order, led the rumble of horse hooves behind him, and drove the war horse to trot towards the north side of the battlefield. Two martial knights from the inner palace accompanied him, and dozens of armored heavy cavalry followed closely behind the young man. The Lord’s war horse.

And in the middle of the battlefield.

The main phalanx of the Yom Knights slowly turned to face the gap in the left-wing front.

They lined up neatly towards the sword-wing square flag, and at the same time gathered the fleeing soldiers of Ascofo's square, reorganized them behind the formation of their own formation, and gradually formed a larger square formation.

Knight Yom commanded his army and pushed forward towards the enemy.

And just on the left side of his own formation, the astonishing Wolfenhall heavy cavalry passed them.

Feeling the thundering hooves of the friendly forces assisting their side in making a detour, and watching the Gunnar family's wolf pattern fluttering forward, the morale of the elite wolf leaders was shaken, and even the soldiers in the rear who had just evacuated the front line regained their strength. Fighting spirit.

Southern woodlands.

Finally, in the forest, I saw the Gunnar family's cavalry phalanx moving away from the Chinese army's line.

Unable to miss the fleeting opportunity, Knight Ledo quickly ran back to the team with his spear and halberd, turned over and got on his horse, and issued an order: "The whole team is lined up, follow me to attack! The target is the enemy troops surrounding the Longka detachment. Back row!”

Knight Ledo rode his horse and shouted, leading the young warriors around him to run out of the forest. With him as the center, eleven cavalrymen entered the battlefield.

On the bumpy horseback, the girl's sad and melancholy eyes looked through the visor and saw the increasingly tense Longka army formation in the distance.

The shouts and screams getting closer and closer made Olivia tighten her grip on the cavalry spear held in her iron glove.

Rohark gritted his teeth, suppressed the anxiety over the casualties among his subordinates, and maintained a synchronized formation with his companions.

But obviously, the one-line team, which had not experienced mutual cooperation and training, became more and more loose after following the order to let the horses trot.

Realizing that he could not force the improvised people to stay in line, Ledo shouted the attack order in advance.

"The whole team obeys the order! Charge!"

The young riders made shouts to urge their horses, the beasts neighed, and the iron hooves crisscrossed. The only cavalrymen on the Longka side raised their weapons, and while running wildly with the horses, they headed towards the rear of the wolf leader to recruit spearmen. Platoon, rush away.

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