Knight with Wand

Chapter 137 Moonlight Knight

There were fewer guests than usual, sitting sporadically in the tavern on the first floor of the hotel to dine. Basically, they were all workers and traders traveling between Farolis and Selva.

Since the young men and laborers were transferred out, the tavern has lost a lot of the noise of local soldiers drinking and gambling in the past two days.

But today, there was more soft and melodious singing than usual.

The landlady propped her chin behind the counter in boredom, looking regretfully at the female poet performing a benefit performance. It was a pity that her recruitment was declined. She was just passing through and would stay for a few nights before leaving.

If the poetess is willing to be employed here and stay here for a long time, with her beautiful appearance and beautiful singing voice, she will definitely be able to bring many customers to the tavern.

Larian came to the front desk and ordered dinner for each of the female family members who were resting in a separate Datong shop upstairs. Then he took his lover to find a suitable seat in the corner to sit down and dine alone.

Eating simple food, Margarina listened quietly to the news Larian received. She couldn't help but put down the wooden spoon, her eyes filled with worry: "Is there a war here?"

"Well, according to the housekeeper named Elena, the family that rules this area seems to have a conflict with another noble family in the west, but she didn't tell me where Lord Selva is now."

Larian recalled what he saw and heard in this village during the day, and realized that it was no wonder that most of the people he saw were women and children.

He continued to sigh to Margareta: "It seems that this is not peaceful. No matter what the character of those knights are, Ms. Martha and the others are not suitable to stay in a turbulent place with hidden dangers of war to make a living. Let's rest for two days. Set off early, there’s no need to see that lord.”

"Okay, I will listen to you." Margareta nodded.

She continued to enjoy the simple dinner in front of her, chewing the food that was lighter than before in an elegant manner, but the noble girl did not complain.

Although her living conditions have plummeted, the price of escaping from confinement and being able to be with the person she truly loves all day long is not even a choice in her opinion.

Thank you, Master Goliad.

Margarina praised the cynical poet in her heart, and her sincere emotions seemed to be transmitted to the distance.

She picked up the wine glass and took a sip as if to pay tribute. The fruity aroma and sweetness of the wine entered her throat, and the girl's eyes glanced at the wooden cup opposite.

Larian himself ordered regular ale.

Feeling the other person's considerate and special care, and listening to the romantic poems sung by the female poet not far away, Margarina couldn't help but feel intoxicated.

With a creak, the door was pushed open forcefully.

"Erica! Wine! Meat! As usual, there are also dice and cards, bring them all!"

The leading soldier shouted rudely, and several chain-mail warriors who still wore their armor carried their helmets and walked into the tavern with jingling arms and arms and slapped the coins on the bar.

"Keep your voice down, you silly guy, you've disturbed the poet's singing." The landlady ordered the dire and copper cents on the table, put away the drink money, and reminded helplessly.

"Oh, you finally hired a singer?"

The soldiers heard the words and looked towards the hall. When they saw the beautiful poetess with a voluptuous figure, the eyes of the rough men who looked like wolves and tigers suddenly lit up.

"She is a beauty, a female bard? We have never seen her in Faloris City." A soldier whistled. This girl looked much more on point than the dancers stationed in the camp.

The leader of the soldiers laughed and scolded his subordinates: "Please treat me as a gentleman, don't fucking disturb the lady here."

The voices of several big men were loud, but the female poet's singing voice never stopped, but her beautiful eyes raised her eyebrows and looked at these red-robed soldiers of the Farolis family with a smile.

The soldiers who came in found the big table and sat down one after another. The hotel proprietress led the maids to serve food and drinks to these regular customers: "Why haven't you been here these two days?"

"You don't know, the Gunnar family of Wolfenhall is so crazy that they sent an army of a thousand people to invade the thorn collar. We rushed to support Lonka the day before yesterday and have just returned to Selva." The soldier led the team. He took a swig of beer and replied exaggeratedly.

"Thousands of people!?"

The landlady turned pale with fright.

After experiencing the nightmare disaster in Selva, Erica still vividly remembered the dozens of Kantadar cavalry who slaughtered her family and fellow villagers, not to mention the army of thousands of people. She could not even imagine that there were so many. What the soldiers looked like standing in a heap.

"Haha, look at your scared little face. Don't worry. We thought we were going to have a tough battle, but before we arrived, your Mr. Pendragon, with only more than two hundred people, led the way. The Wolf's pups are gone."

The soldier leader smiled cheerfully and said: "I heard that your Excellency also captured Baron Gunnar's eldest son alive. I don't know whether it is true or not. Good guy, this is incredible."

"Praise Sir Leon, thank the gods for blessing." After hearing this, the color on the landlady's face returned and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Larian in the corner listened to the soldiers boasting as if they were on the battlefield, and couldn't help but glance there.

Defeating an army several times his own with an outnumbered enemy, such a heroic act is indeed worthy of being sung by Master Galliard.

At this time, the romantic poems in the hall slowly came to an end and stopped slowly.

The leader of the soldiers turned his head and asked the poetess over there: "Hey! Madam, do you know any interesting stories? We old men are not used to hearing frivolous jokes."


The female poet smiled seductively, and she stood up and walked to the table of soldiers. She put her hand ambiguously on the shoulder of the leader of the soldiers, lowering her head to tease them.

"How about you allow me to offer you some more passionate poems? Do you mind sitting closer and singing~? My singing voice is not the only thing I can help you with~"

"You have a side job? Interesting." After hearing this explicit hint, the soldier leader smelled the fragrance of the beauty, his heart warmed, and his face beamed with joy. He quickly pushed away his comrades and left room for the hot female poet. Get out of your seat.

There are no dancers in this tavern, and in Lord Pendragon's territory, the soldiers usually don't dare to be arrogant with the local tavern maids. If they need it, they can only go back to the dancers' tent in the baggage camp as much as possible, but Selva Local laws and regulations do not really restrict such situations where people proactively sell themselves.

Several soldiers at the table suddenly became excited and didn't want to drink any more. It was a pity that the poetess was not sitting next to them.

"I'm sorry, madam, how many dires per night? You are so beautiful, but I really can't afford the price." The leader of the soldier asked the price politely while groping with his hands.

"As long as you can chat with me, the price is negotiable." The female poet leaned against the other party and asked with a smile: "To tell you the truth, when I first arrived in your land, I was looking for an opportunity to perform and sing for the local noble lords. You guys know That Lord Pendragon?"

Not far from the soldier's table, she peeked at the poetess teasing a group of men. Margarina withdrew her gaze, lowered her head shyly, and speeded up her eating. Just because of this angle, she could just see The opponent looked like he was being taken advantage of by left and right soldiers.

This was considered a small scene. Along the way from Kantadar, she stayed in various hotels and taverns. The noble girl also saw many exciting sights among the people that opened her eyes.

"Let's go back to the room and rest." Larian looked sideways and saw the increasingly vulgar scene there, so he had no choice but to suggest to his partner.

Margarina nodded hurriedly.

Larian lowered his head and took the food into his mouth as quickly as possible. He was not very worried about the safety of the female poet. Not to mention that she was taking the initiative to "ask for life", Larian didn't feel that the woman's true skills were hidden in public. A soldier can threaten the safety of the other party.

After dinner, he escorted the girl back to the room, away from the increasingly lively noise and teasing in the pub.

After washing up briefly, Larian placed the long knife on the most convenient position beside the bed, then lay down on the bed, and slowly fell asleep next to the girl who came to him.

In the sound of each other's breathing, time passes quietly.

But at night.

The two people who were supposed to have fallen asleep woke up halfway and were unable to fall asleep again.

In the darkness, Margarina's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and she instinctively moved closer to Larian.

Larian's heart beat faster and his chest was filled with heat.

Just above the two of them on the bed, separated by the wall of the hotel room.

The creaking and shaking of the wooden bed that woke the two of them was extremely intense.

The same goes for the faint "singing" of the ensemble, which even Margarina could hear through the wall.

Larian, with his excellent hearing as a martial artist, could even distinguish clearly that the female voice singing passionately was the poetess whom he had seen downstairs before, and the other person who was working hard to accompany the group was naturally the soldier leader.

Unexpectedly, the other party happened to open the room next door to do some work tonight.

Larian and Margarina here, with their eyes open in the darkness, were forced to listen to the wall on the other side. The noble girl seemed to be infected by the next door, igniting some enthusiasm, and quietly started to play coquettishly with her lover with her little hands.

other side.

The spiritual resonance gradually came to an end.

The female poet hugged the soldier leader tightly, and asked with a bewitching voice, still breathing, in the other's ears: "The big house in the center of the village, isn't that the lord's house? Why is it full of guards day and night? Who is that? A nobleman’s residence? Do I have the honor to visit and perform?”

"Mrs. Husband, uh~! Ah, it seems to be... Madam. I heard the adults mentioned... Madam"

The leader of the soldiers was selflessly immersed in ecstasy, and a few rays of purple light were faintly reflected in his blank eyes.

"Madam? Whose wife?" The poetess tightened her grip and continued to ask in depth: "The wife of Lord Leon?"

"Maybe. No. I don't know. I just heard the lady address me as me."

The leader of the soldiers suddenly felt as if his throat was being choked. He rolled his eyes, could no longer control himself and lost consciousness. He straightened up and fell down.

With a silent sigh, the poetess pushed the other person away, turned around and got off the bed.

Putting on her dress, she sorted out the information she had received.

There was a baggage camp in Selva East where the Thorn Flower army once entered. From where did they enter the Nightmare Forest in the south?

There lived a lady in Selva, whose lady? Leon's?

The poetess buckled her belt and sat on the edge of the bed, thinking.

She had contacted the housekeeper Elena, and she was definitely not Leon's wife.

So, does the young knight's family live in that big house in the village?

It’s no wonder the guards are so tight, it’s very possible.

Go and have a look? Maybe there is a chance?

Making up her mind resolutely, the poetess stood up and came to the window.

She gently pushed open the window leaves, held on to the frame, and jumped into the dark night with a light body.


In the bedroom, Margarina felt the back of her hand being held by her lover, and she was a little confused.

"Something is wrong next door." Larian comforted the girl a little, frowned and sat up.

The voice of the soldier leader suddenly stopped.

There was no more movement in that room, no matter whether it was a man or a woman.

This was not the place that made him feel strange.

Larian turned his head and looked at the window on the side of his room facing the street.

Although the movement was small, he felt that he would not hear it wrong.

There was an obvious sound of opening a window next door, followed by the sound of the hem of a piece of clothing passing through the air, which meant that someone did not go through the door, but left the room through the window.

Not going through the main door? To hide from others?

Was it to kill for money? Was it the poetess?

But how much money could the soldier captain have on him that was worth robbing? Besides, he had done that kind of thing, so was there any need for this? Wouldn't it be enough to raise the price?

Past experience brought all kinds of thoughts into his mind. Larian reached out and picked up the long knife beside the bed, got up and straightened his clothes.

"What's wrong?" Margarina asked in confusion.

".Wait for me in the room. If you have any questions, call my servants, or just go to Martha's place next door."

Larian comforted: "I'm going to catch a female thief. Of course, it may just be a misunderstanding."

"Female thief?" Margarina blinked, confused, but did not stop.

After all, this is exactly the oath that the knight-errant she loves has practiced all his life.

Pushing open the window, Larian glanced at the window next door. He wanted to confirm whether the silent captain of the soldiers was still alive, but looking at the back that was almost disappearing in the alley in front under the moonlight, he had to turn over and jump down from the third floor immediately.

With a bang, the knight's figure landed neatly, holding the scabbard tightly, and ran in the direction where the female poet disappeared.

One in front and one behind, separated by a long distance, the two figures flew in the dark night of Selva.

But after a while, Larian saw the tallest three-story house in Selva, except for the hotel, located in the center of the village.

Just looking at the outline of the courtyard wall in front of him and the faint light of the torches inside the wall, Larian found that he had lost the whereabouts of the poetess.

His eyes swept through the dark corners around him and narrowed his eyes.

Lost her?

But there was no way. He didn't think it would be useful to call the guards in the village.

Larian didn't know if there were any warriors like him in the village. If a group of rabble surrounded him in the dark, it would only scare the other party away and flee into the wild in advance.

Shaking his head, the young knight turned straight and seemed to have given up the search.


The scabbard swung violently, deflecting the narrow flying blade that broke through the air from the side.

The dagger spun and flew into the sky. Larian turned around, and at the same time his right leg took a step back, and the scabbard in his left hand was instantly pressed down.

The sharp willow blade made a sizzling sound and sparked with the metal inlay on the surface of the scabbard.

Blocking the willow blade dagger stabbing in the darkness, the Ranger Knight counterattacked in an instant, and the carving at the end of the scabbard hit the enchanting body in the shadow like a hammer.

The poetess kicked the ground and jumped back, avoiding the blow, and her figure jumped into the shadow like the wind.

The doubtful female voice then floated in the darkness.

"~Who are you? The knight of Faroris? No. You don't look like a knight of the Northern Kingdom."

"I was still hesitant and might have misunderstood, but seeing your killing move that wanted to take my life without hesitation." Larian steadied his steps, turned the scabbard with his left hand with a click, and held the long handle of the saber with his right hand.

"Madam, you have to explain why you wander the streets in the middle of the night with a sharp weapon. From what you said before, you are not a night watchman hired by the locals, right?" The Knight Ranger looked around the darkness with a sharp gaze and slowly unsheathed the "Moonlight" in his hand.

The graceful Uriah single-edged long sword, with the will of the owner, showed a hazy blue light and shadow. Under its beautiful and fatal arc, it was like a bright moon in the hand.

"What does it have to do with you, little knight? It seems that you are just a passing traveler. Since you are not employed by the thorn flower, why do you care about the affairs of our Gunnar family and Farolis?"

In the dark, the poetess set up a cone of magic around the knight, and her words delayed to attract the other party's attention.

"For a knight ranger who is loyal to his oath, no evil deeds within sight are trivial matters. Madam, your sneaky actions and the malice you release make it impossible for me to ignore your intentions.

Please put down your weapons. I can still give you a chance to defend yourself. If my tracking makes you overreact, I will apologize for my behavior later." Larian silently felt the breath around him and tried to find the other party's footsteps.

"Hehe~, you are so kind. In order to thank you for your kindness, I can only let you die more easily." The erratic voice just fell, and the poetess silently chanted the spell without stopping.

(Lorelit's words) Show me, the six-pointed star lock of Arias.

The magic light instantly linked the six rune cones that served as the nodes of the spell.

The dense white thin lines enveloped the sword-wielding knight in the middle from all directions, as if they could cut the figure into pieces just by touching it.


The sound of the wind was high, and several sword lights were like blooming lotus flowers.

The azure light almost simultaneously shattered the magic lines around the knight.


The poetess quickly tilted her upper body to the side.

The hair that was raised in front of her forehead was silently cut off by the crescent-like slash.

She flipped back and jumped onto the low wall at the entrance of the alley, creating distance.

She looked at the moonlight blade that was swinging again in surprise.


The poetess turned around and jumped back to the courtyard.

As if the wind was blowing, the low wall of rammed earth and stone was split in two, and then Larian's bright eyes appeared.

Tsk~ This little knight is very capable, I can't take him down by myself.

After escaping from the moonlight's slashing, the poetess made a wise judgment of the strength, and she immediately opened her mouth wide.

The next second, the rough male voice of the leader of the soldiers sounded in the silent Selvane:

"Someone is trying to assassinate the lady! ——Catch the assassin!!"

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