Knight with Wand

Chapter 162 Disaster

The disaster brought by the war raged on the land of Mamor County. The warm spring breeze could not blow away the chaos and dark clouds that enveloped the world.

The refugees who fled the famine and the robbers who trudged through the land were endless. The masterless mercenaries who rode on horseback left behind corpses and seas of fire, grinning and whipping their whips as they left.

The former villages turned into ruins, farmland turned into wasteland overgrown with weeds, and corpses turned into deserted bones under the gnawing.

"If you don't know your destiny, you will suffer reincarnation"

Perhaps it was the slight influence of the body on the way of thinking. Looking at another settlement in front of her that was exactly the same desolate and dilapidated, the female poet was used to singing in her current identity.

She was used to the disasters brought by the war, but seeing this land still shrouded in endless ignorance and enduring the cycle of disasters in endless conflicts, she would sometimes sigh.

This also reminded her that she was still a human being.

Facts have proved to her time and again that only the destiny brought by His Majesty and the order of the empire can save everything.

If the black flag of the empire had not taken off the ridiculous crowns one after another, and the iron hoofs of the legions had not sent the pseudo kings into the dust of history, her hometown would probably still be repeating this meaningless suffering.

Riding on the horses provided by some "warm-hearted" robbers, the poetess wrapped in a thick cloak slowly urged the horse into the abandoned village.

Although this image has been exposed and it has brought a lot of trouble along the way, in order to make the best use of it, she is not going to abandon this identity for the time being.

Moreover, she is not one of those real school wizards who specialize in this. To be honest, every complete transformation is also a kind of torture for her.

With extraordinary memory, the poetess can judge without a map that the village in front of her is one of the transmission nodes of intelligence. Soon, according to the rules of the Dark Claws, she turned over and dismounted in the underground in the corner of the ruins and found the information left by the "offline".

They are also native spies.

The frontline leader of the Thorn Flower Territory originally had a good idea to form a secret cult, but it was stupid to use the precious materials supplied by the Empire as a means of making money. When she was told by Rotty that the black market in Dragon Throat City was full of the incense shipped from Kosos County, she was really angry and laughed.

The personnel trained in Mamor County are much more reliable than the trash in Farolis City.

Hidden, low-key, and silent.

This is also natural. If the Flores and Northmen who constantly attack the Imperial Fleet are not counted, the Kingdom of Kantadar under our feet is, after all, the first country that the Empire has officially started in the Western Continent. With enough time and sufficient funds, professional personnel can naturally be trained.

In comparison, the Empire's power in the Kingdom of Orland is very stretched.

I just hope that the shortage of manpower and funds in the north can be changed as soon as possible due to the unexpected turmoil of the Eastern Expedition Party.

In her opinion, Kantadar is enough as a future hindrance and base of operations, and its importance is far less than that of Orland in the north.

Surveys and assessments over the years have shown that the war potential of the Northern Kingdom is far greater than that of the Southern Kingdom. If they do not do something about that powerful kingdom as soon as possible, they will definitely be a serious obstacle to their westward advance in the future.

Holding the cloth tightly, the flames in the palm of the poet's hand burned it to ashes.

Wait for the black ash in front of her to drift away with the wind.

She turned her head and followed the movement just now, looking at the thin figure who carefully walked out from behind the ruins.

A child with a gray face stared blankly at this side.

To be precise, it was the bag behind the horse's buttocks here.

The hungry child turned his head, swallowed his throat, and begged the poet hoarsely.

(Uriah) ". Beautiful big sister, can you give me some food?"

He dared to come out only because the face of the beautiful lady did not look as dangerous as the robber.

The poetess did not answer, but patted the ashes on her hands, turned around and mounted her horse, pulled the reins and continued to walk out of the village.

The hungry orphan shrank back in disappointment and sat back in the ruins, waiting for death to come.

~Tang——! A short blade vibrated and suddenly stabbed into the wooden wall next to the orphan's head.


The orphan was frightened and screamed by the short blade that flew at him without any struggle.

But with a crisp and pleasant metal sound, a yellow gold coin popped out of the poetess's hand and fell in front of the orphan, spinning twice.

"There is a town in the direction of sunset. These two things can save you, and they can also kill you." The poetess said to the child lightly: "If you don't want to live and suffer anymore, you might as well cut your neck and end it all. The gold coin will be given to you as a bridge fee to bribe the hellhound."

This is meaningless. After meeting someone else, I'm afraid that within half a day, the money and knife in the child's hand will disappear together.

Perhaps his life will also be involved at the same time.

But the knife was not hers, nor was the money. The poetess did not care about the final result of such a casual move.

She continued to ride forward, and she could hear the childish voice of gratitude from afar behind her.

". Thank you! Thank you!"

There were many people who loved her, and even more who hated her, but there were indeed few who thanked her.

She walked along the tributary of the Rushina River that meandered southward, and finally left Mamor County and arrived at the eastern border of the Kingdom of Kantadar.

After going deep into the landmark forest described in the intelligence, the poetess quickly found the camp where the offline was located.

This was simple, because a woman traveling alone on the forest trail was like a firefly in the night, and it was impossible for the bandits to ignore her.

After spending some time fixing the overeager bandit, she met the agent in charge of the area.

The secret agent who had turned from the mercenary captain to the current bandit leader knelt respectfully in the tent and lowered his head: "Master Baishou, you are here. I have lost more than a dozen of my men in the past few days. If it takes a little longer, I can't stop the rest of them from fleeing."

"What happened to the east? When did the spies who accompanied the army to Serian lose contact with you?" the poetess asked.

"The contact was severed one hundred and sixty days ago, not long after we received reports from the front line that all distinguished lords helped King Aviut to break Rolannar City." The secret agent shook his head helplessly: "A few days after the city was broken, it was time to The news was delayed, so I immediately sent people to the Holy Land City of the Holy Sun Church to investigate the situation. The results were as described in the letter to you.

Rolanal was no longer able to approach, and all those who tried to enter the city never returned. The city shrouded in mysterious power not only swallowed up a large number of Kantadar and Urian troops in one night, this terrifying The phenomenon is still expanding, and its scope is slowly getting larger! "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but shudder: "My men heard that the Uriah wizard in the rear army who escaped from the disaster believed that Rolanar had become an expanding cursed land for some reason.

The Kantadar people did not believe in evil and sent warriors to try several times, but in the end they had to evacuate from the area around Rolannar. Before leaving their military camp, I even got news from a spy that King Aviut might also be in contact with the empire. The adults who came here were all trapped in that evil city on the same day."

Cursed Land Spiritual Field?

How could a large-scale spirit-like field suddenly form? Is the scope still expanding? Simply unheard of.

And even if it's a spirit-like field, there are so many powerful canon mages there, so they won't be trapped in it and can't get out.

Unless this kind of spiritual field is caused by themselves after being backlashed by the spiritual world.

But how could those mages who had lived for hundreds of years act like reckless apprentices and let the spiritual power they controlled lose control?

The poetess frowned tightly. Although she had some research on magic, as the Empire's Dark Claw, most of it was on the application of magic. The in-depth theory was really beyond the scope of her expertise.

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