Knight with Wand

Chapter 171 King's Arrival

Lady Adelina was sent to her destination peacefully. In the castle lord's hall, Leon hurriedly looked around the crowd gathered in the hall.

He found that, including his three brothers, except for some knights who could not leave their garrison posts, almost 90% of the vassal and family relatives of Thorn Flower were gathered in Acherburg.

Not only Adelina came to meet her husband, but even the two sons of Baron Elliver, the eldest son Feodor and the second son David, who had been guarding the rear, also came to the new territory of the family.

Leon estimated that Elliver should have intended to let his family and vassal witness the glorious moment of the family's revival as much as possible.

After visiting the lord, everyone was arranged to rest in the guest room of the inner castle.

The huge inner castle did not show any signs of damage due to the war, and after such a long time of tidying up by servants, the original lord's fortress and courtyard had completely restored their former cleanliness and luxury.

At this moment, a large number of busy servants, on the basis of the original foundation, have been decorated and decorated the interior of the castle in the Orland style, just to welcome the many nobles of the kingdom who are coming, and even His Majesty the King himself.

As for the family of the former Lord Cantadar who was originally stationed here.

It is said that after they opened the gate and surrendered because they could not bear the long siege, Baron Elliver only imprisoned them and did not embarrass these living "gold coins".

Not long ago, the Thorn Flower Army and General Trosa repelled the Lords of Glade County who led their troops back after hearing the news, and most of the prisoners of war were released because of the ransom they sent.

Now this inner castle, together with the entire city of Arches, has completely become the possession of the Farolis family.

After sleeping for a night, this time there was no assassin to disturb him, and Leon recovered comfortably from the fatigue of the journey.

The next day, he couldn't find anything to do, so he volunteered to patrol, took his companions and guards, and strolled all the way to the wall of Arches to chat and enjoy the breeze.

The city is preparing a grand banquet to welcome the king. The Farolis family is receiving one after another of the Orland nobles who have taken time out from the army to come. The vigilance work cannot be underestimated.

Under the city gate, teams of lords who came to the meeting passed by. Leon looked around on the battlements while doing nothing.

Some of them are familiar, such as the deer head emblem of the Stag Family, the war dog emblem of the Rahman Family, and the sea dragon sword emblem of the Wester Family.

There are also unfamiliar ones, such as the flag with the white-tailed sea eagle.

Leon's eyes moved down, and suddenly, in the head with brown, brown, black and other hair colors, he saw a very bright gold.

Under the banner of the sea eagle emblem, the knights in blue robes and silver armor guarded a petite blonde girl.

The beautiful girl with blonde hair wore a tailor-made gorgeous armor, and a beautiful light sword was equipped on the skirt armor at her waist.

She rode a well-armored warhorse like a noble young general, leading the knights across the city gate.

This unintentional glance made Leon rub his eyes, and he almost thought he saw Olivia.

However, after a closer look, he could still distinguish the significant differences between the two.

The two had different looks, and their temperaments and demeanor were not similar.

Only the beautiful blonde hair was equally dazzling.

Girl, leader, blonde

With the corresponding features, Leon remembered the noble lady who had visited Olivia not long ago.

He stared at the young knight, and when he lowered his head and could not see the other party entering the city gate, he turned to the other side and continued to look around.

This is too young. Looking at the petite figure on the horse, Leon was a little surprised.

Although his lover said that the lady looked younger than her, it was really curious to see a frail noble daughter wearing armor and leading the army.

"That girl should be the niece of Count Trosa that Olivia mentioned, right?" Lohak murmured as he looked at the back of the "young knight".

He also heard about the visit that day, and with such a conspicuous feature, there is probably no other possibility.

However, as soon as Lohak finished speaking, Sergeant Farolis on the tower next to him looked over in confusion, but he hesitated and did not dare to interrupt.

Leon found that the guard had a strange expression and asked, "What? Do you have anything to say?"

Seeing that the knight asked directly, the sergeant of the city gate guard hesitated and reminded: "My lords, please forgive me, you are wrong, that should be the third princess of the kingdom, Her Highness Ines.

I haven't heard that Her Highness is also the niece of General Trosa, so wouldn't the King Supporter be confused with His Majesty the King?"

". Princess?"

Leon was shocked.

After a pause, he turned his head and looked at the team with the Sea Eagle Flag that was slowly marching into the city.

Leon didn't think the sergeant would be idle and fool him. After all, the Faroris warriors guarding the city gate must have been familiar with many troops and noble leaders coming south from Orland during this period of time.

Then, what about the Lanis. Ines that day? The former is undoubtedly a pseudonym?

Why did the Princess of Orland, Her Highness Ines, suddenly visit his home?

And met Olivia in person! ?

Leon felt a slight chill on his back.

With his current strength, it would be difficult to keep his lover who has the blood of the previous king in the hands of the King of Orland.

If it really came to that, Leon felt that he could not stop the king's army, and he would have no choice but to abandon the territory, take his brothers and family members to pack up their belongings, and run away together.

After all, no matter what, he couldn't hand Olivia over.

But how did Olivia's identity get exposed? After thinking about it, Leon calmed down and let go of this worry.

He realized that he was simply scaring himself.

If Olivia's identity is really revealed, the one who comes to the house that day should not be Princess Ines, but the one who captures the remaining king's guards from the previous dynasty.

This must be just a pure coincidence.

Leon looked across his line of sight and looked at the Sea Eagle flag following the princess. Next to it stood a West Sea Dragon flag.

It seems that Princess Ines's troops may have a deep connection with the Great West Territory, and the two parties should be allies.

In this way, when Earl Rahman's Duwana troops were stationed in Marching Town, the princess and her army most likely came to the vicinity of Selva.

The other party said that the reason for coming here after hearing the legend of the gryphon was probably true.

This fate's joke is too big.

Olivia unexpectedly met and had a pleasant conversation with the daughter of her father's murderer and traitor.

But after thinking about it carefully, honestly speaking, it was the princess who was in more danger that day.

If Olivia is the kind of person who is determined to take revenge, can the other party only bring one guard to stop Olivia's sword?

Leon shook his head. He also knew the character of his little lion.

Unless Inis threatens the person she cares about, even if she knows the identity of the other person's princess, she probably won't take the initiative. Moreover, killing a little princess has no meaning. Instead, it will bring endless trouble to everyone.

Moreover, if you carefully calculate your age.

Inis was younger than Olivia. When the princess was born, the civil war had been over for more than a year or two. She had definitely never met Olivia's parents.

According to the current records of the kingdom, the entire lineage of the previous kings had already died in the royal palace of Oranton during the civil war.

If someone hadn't been familiar with Olivia's parents at the time, it would have been difficult to deduce from the girl's current appearance and behavior that the queen was not buried in the fire, but instead escaped from the palace with old Brian, pregnant.

Leon was slightly relieved for the time being.

It is unlikely that Olivia's identity will be exposed to Inis. Otherwise, trouble would have come long ago after such a long time.

In this world, when seeing Olivia in person, it is possible for him to take the initiative to associate with that identity. As far as Leon knows now, Ledwin III, who is the king, is one of them, and Trossa, who supported the king back then, Count one.

Secondly, there are the two Dukes of West and Loman who were familiar with the late king and his wife from the previous generation.

Especially the old nobles of the former dynasty who sided with the late king in the civil war, stayed with the late king, and are still alive today.

As for Inis's generation, they shouldn't be so sensitive.

Otherwise, all the blond and blue-eyed people in the Kingdom of Orland would suffer.

Standing on the city wall, Leon considered this. Although the guessed results made him feel at ease, to be honest, he did not dare to be 100% sure.

Do you want to find an opportunity to get in touch with her and test her out?

"What's wrong? So nervous."

Inis tilted her head and looked at the female guard captain who was looking back frequently.

"It feels like there are always a few eyes, always watching you." Agatha looked towards the city behind her. She could make out a few knights who should be the Farolis family, their eyes always staring here. Didn't move away.

"Just let them see it. There is not an inch of my figure that I am proud of right now that I am ashamed to show to the people of the kingdom~"

Inis chuckled and raised her head a little.

Agatha turned around helplessly and sighed: "Your Highness, your Majesty will definitely meet General Trossa during this trip, so why come here to greet him? After all, Fort Archers has just been occupied by the Farolis family. It is not a city where the power of the kingdom is rooted, and I am afraid that the Thorn Flower Family cannot guarantee your safety."

Inis shook her head and waved the folding fan with her right hand: "Welcome? No, no, no, I am not here to welcome my father. I am here to attend as many important occasions as possible where the powerful lords gather.

If I always stay under layers of protection and avoid others, how will these nobles know that a princess has some leverage and wants to join their 'game'? "

Agatha shrugged upon hearing this, seeming to understand.

Inis looked back at the castle with the thorn flower flag hanging in the distance: ". Taking advantage of the birth of a new earl, I can leave my current appearance in the eyes of many lords who have never seen me before. Impression is a very important thing. Oh, Agatha, even if the sword on my waist is just decoration, it can convey enough attitude to others."

She suddenly remembered something and joked to the female knight who made that funny comment: "Besides, this time I happened to meet that 'lecherous' griffin knight, the ceremony where the Lord of the Thorn Flower was conferred an earl title. As a close minister of the Farolis family, he will definitely not be absent."

After hearing this, Agatha couldn't help but feel a little wary. According to the rumors she heard about in the countryside of Kossos later that day, she heard that the heroic Knight of Leon seemed to have a big hobby for "blonde beauties". This was unacceptable. It made that person have some unreasonable thoughts about Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The nobles who came to greet the king arrived in the city one after another.

Leon tossed and turned in the room that night, wondering how he could approach the princess in uniform without arousing suspicion and test her without leaving any trace.

Since she is interested in griffins, why not tell her that the griffins in your home can do backflips?

It's true that although the death claws didn't do that on the ground, little Goethe and Corvis really did somersaults when they were playing.

After thinking about it, he finally gave up such a ridiculous excuse to chat.

Let's find an opportunity at the banquet later.

On the third day of arriving at Achersburg, Leon was told that the army led by King Kronia had arrived. He immediately dressed up and went out of the city with the nobles to welcome the king of Achers.

But they were specifically told not to ride horses that day.

So, the nobles and knights in armor and sharp weapons formed a mighty walking team and came to the plain outside the gate of Achers.

The emblems of different families fluttered in the wind in the wilderness, and the military nobles in gorgeous armor stood shoulder to shoulder according to their status.

Leon held his sword in the queue of Farolis and waited silently for the arrival of His Majesty's army with everyone.

He found that Baron Elliver had not arranged any musicians or servants to throw flowers for some reason, which seemed to be inconsistent with the pomp of welcoming the king before a celebration.

Scanning the team, Leon found the princess he saw yesterday.

Princess Ines, wearing close-fitting armor, was standing at the front of the team with the highest-ranking lords.

Looking at the armored back of the girl and seeing her beautiful golden braided hair fluttering in the wind, Leon couldn't help but have some visions of Olivia again.

He wanted to find an armor master as soon as possible to make a set of smart and suitable knight plate armor for his lover at home.

I don't know how heroic Olivia will be when she wears tailor-made armor.

In his wild thoughts, not long after, the huge army gradually approaching in the distance appeared at the end of Leon's vision.

Just as he was quietly waiting for the king's army to slowly approach, a majestic roar suddenly came from the sky.

The deafening sound almost triggered the body's instinctive nerve reaction, causing Leon to unconsciously clench his sword and look up in astonishment.

A huge body passed through the clouds, and its huge wings cast a terrifying shadow, quickly swept over the crowd, and soared up again.


The dragon roared long and loudly, and its might shook the sky.

"Dragon! Is that a dragon?!" Lohak and Azerien both opened their eyes wide.

Even though they had witnessed all kinds of magical scenes and monsters in the past few months, they still couldn't help but tremble in their voices for the most terrifying existence in the legend.

Leon was calmer than the two, but looking at the huge beast hovering above the team, about 20 to 30 meters long from head to tail, he still felt a strong sense of amazement and envy.

A real man should be like this! . Riding a dragon in the sky, there is no greater romance for men than this.

Unfortunately, he didn't know when Deathclaw would be willing to take him for a ride.

Taking advantage of the fleeting glimpse of the flying dragon flying sideways, he also saw a majestic figure sitting on a high saddle and wearing a crown on the dragon's back.

That was undoubtedly the current king of Orland, Redwin III.

Of course, that was also the real enemy of Olivia who killed her father and usurped the throne.

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