Knight with Wand

Chapter 20 Selva Village

The clear eagle cry resounded through the forest. The griffin roared happily, then lowered its head and gently touched the human in front of it with its beak.

Leon looked at it in confusion, and felt the complex emotions in the eyes of this big guy.

".What are you doing?" He asked instinctively.

Of course, the beast that could not speak would not answer, but the griffin still showed its intention with its actions.

Its huge body slowly turned around, and walked a few steps to the other side of the forest with heavy steps. Then it turned back and cried softly, as if making a final goodbye, and then swung its tail and walked away.

Leon stared at the beast's back, feeling reluctant.

Gone now?

Logically speaking, shouldn't they become mount partners from now on and step onto the peak of the life of a griffin knight?

When Leon was fantasizing along the way, he even thought of the name of the griffin in advance, and it was called Death Claw.

Unfortunately, Death Claw chose to return to the forest.

Leon shook his head and gave up his unrealistic fantasy with some regret.

Even if it was really willing to go with him, he couldn't afford to feed this huge beast. Who knows how much it eats in one meal? Without huge financial and material resources, for this legendary creature at the top of the food chain, the wild is still the paradise of freedom.

He looked back at Azerian and Rohak, and then looked down at himself.

After this wandering, the three of them looked only slightly better than savages. They were all dishevelled. Except for Rohak who was wearing tattered chain mail, the others had lost their clothes on the way to escape. The two of them were shirtless, and the only linen pants that covered their shame were full of holes, rotten like beggars.

Azerian wore mercenary boots because of his foot injury, but Leon and Rohak couldn't get a pair of straw sandals. Fortunately, the soles of their feet were rough and they often went barefoot before.

They had to return to civilized society as soon as possible. If they continued like this, they would soon become savages.

Leon touched the bulging coins in the leather bag on his belt. Fortunately, he packed it tightly along the way. The dozen silver coins he got from the mercenary were not lost during the escape. This money should be able to buy a lot of useful things.

"Let's go to that village and take a look. I wonder if we have walked out of Kantadar now."

Leon called, and several people continued to cross the forest along the terrain and walked towards the village in the distance.

The way down the mountain was very smooth, and there were no other changes. It didn't take long for them to reach the vicinity of the small village along the edge of the forest.

Walking out of the mountains and forests, a large piece of farmland came into view. The life atmosphere of human society made the teenagers feel a little relaxed.

"Let's do it the same way. I'll go to the village first. In case this place is still in the territory of the Kingdom of Kantadar, you don't go in if you don't know Uriah." Azerien said.

Leon nodded, but when he saw that Rohak was about to take off his chainmail, he raised his hand to stop him: "No need, if you put on your bloody and tattered chainmail now, Azerien will cause unnecessary trouble."

As he said that, Leon simply took off the belt on his waist and handed it to Azerien along with the package of coins and the sword.

I don't know what the customs here are like. It's safer to go into the village alone with this powerful dwarf steel sword for self-defense.

Hiding back in the forest, Leon and Rohak patiently waited for Azerien to go and find out the news.

This wait took a long time, and both of them gradually felt a little worried.

Just when Leon wanted to find him, Azerien's figure finally appeared at the end of the field path.

It seemed that he was holding a lot of things in his hands. Before he approached his companions' hiding place, Azerien shouted loudly with a happy face, calling the two hiding people over.

Leon and Lohak breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had spent so much time shopping in the village.

They trotted all the way to their companions and saw clearly that he was holding a pile of new clothes and shoes in his arms. The clothes seemed to be wrapped in bread, cheese and water bags.

"The village is full of Feru people like us. We have successfully left Kantadar." Azerien smiled and told his companions the news he had heard from the villagers.

Leon felt relieved. He finally ran out.

"This is the County of Kossos in the southwest of the Kingdom of Orland. The small village is called Selva. This territory belongs to a baron named Farolis." As he said, Azerien distributed three sets of clothes, shoes and food to his companions: "I asked the villagers. There is a small river not far from here. Let's go wash and change clothes."


The few people held their clothes and ate normal food that they had not seen for a long time while walking. They all spoke briskly.

They didn't walk far to the river. After filling their hungry stomachs, the three washed off the dust from the days in the river.

After going ashore and drying their bodies with rags, Leon changed into the newly bought linen waistcoat, put on leather shoes, fastened his armed belt and sword, and smoothed his hair facing the river. Only then did he feel like a human being again.

The three sat under a tree by the river and counted the remaining coins. There were only eight of the original eighteen silver coins left, and there were seven small silver coins in local circulation, which were the change, which seemed to be called "Dir".

According to Azerien, the Orland people used four kinds of coins, namely: copper cents, silver dir, silver naler, and gold crown.

The value of these four currencies increases in decimal order, and the Kantadar people's coins seem to be of lower value in Orland, and the villagers are only willing to make transactions at 80% of the value of the local currency.

So just buying three sets of clothes, pants and shoes cost nine Kantadar silver coins, which is seven nare and two dir in the local currency, and the three leather water storage bags and food cost a total of one dir.

After converting it, the current money on hand should be worth 7.1 silver nare in local currency.

Leon weighed the shrunk half of the money bag. Although he didn't know the specific price situation in Orland, his intuition told him that the villagers must have ripped them off.

After thinking about it, he turned to be relieved. Isn't it normal to be ripped off in an unfamiliar place? In the previous life, the tourist attractions on Earth were ripped off more severely, but in this foreign country, it was just ripped off money, not "ripped off" in the literal sense, which was lucky enough.

Put the silver coins back. There is no source of income, so they have to save this little money.

He looked at the knight's sword on his waist again.

Leon thought that if he could sell this gorgeous noble sword, it would definitely be worth a lot of money, enough to solve the long-term expenses of the three people's food, clothing, housing and transportation in the future. However, such a valuable thing can obviously only be found in the city. Reliable buyers.

As they chatted, as their spirits became more relaxed, several people couldn't help yawning under the tree.

In a safe environment, fatigue and fatigue hit everyone. Leon wondered where the three of them should find a place to rest tonight.

"Someone is coming over there!"

In the middle of the conversation, Lohak suddenly patted Leon's shoulder vigilantly.

Leon and Azerien followed his gaze.

There were indeed a few men coming from the direction of the village, running straight towards the three people by the river, and their target seemed very clear.

Leon immediately stood up from the ground, holding his weapon in his hand and on guard.

He had good eyesight and could see that the men dressed as villagers were not very old, all of them were young men and older. Some of them had daggers on their waists, some carried short swords, and their expressions were aggressive.

"What should we do? Should we run away?" Azerien looked at Leon hesitantly.

Leon frowned, and a nameless anger burned in his heart. He had been fleeing all the way, hiding from the Kantadars, being chased by the fear mountain bears, and being chased by demons and undead. He had already run for 108,000 miles. Now he had to run away when he encountered a few poor and remote mountain villagers who were causing trouble?

Did he look easy to mess with?

"We didn't do anything, why should we run? Let's see what they mean first. If we run away for no reason, it will be like a guilty conscience, which will cause more misunderstandings." Leon shook his head.

To be honest, he didn't take these ordinary farmers seriously at all. In terms of threat, they were not as threatening as the nest of wild goblins that the three met.

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