Knight with Wand

Chapter 26 The Girl Who Likes Swords

The three people in the windmill slept soundly until noon the next day.

If the sunlight from the windows and the roof leaks was not so dazzling, they would probably sleep until the night.

The few people got up from the floor with yawns, packed up the blankets, ate some dry food and left the mill.

After washing their faces by the river, Leon and the other two used the cork "toothbrush" bought from the village to clean their teeth that had not been brushed for many days.

Yes, toothbrush.

Leon didn't know whether toothbrushes were invented in the Middle Ages on Earth in his previous life, but at least in this world, whether in the Serian folk or in the local Orland Village, people all used toothbrushes, but the appearance and materials were different.

For example, the hunter family of his body used to use cheap animal hair stick brushes produced by a small workshop in the Rolandal market.

According to the description that Leon heard from Azerien during the chat, the toothbrush used by the noble families of Serian is closer to the modern style on Earth.

However, the so-called "toothbrush" bought in the local small village is much simpler than the previous two.

The brush head in his hand is made of bundled cork strips, more like a stick of wooden strips tied together.

It is simple to use. Just hold the exposed small ball of brush head vertically to brush your teeth. If the brush head is broken or dirty due to long-term use, cut off the front section and rub the new section to make a new brush head.

It seems that even if it is not an industrial society with advanced science and technology, the wisdom of the working people cannot be underestimated.

After rinsing his mouth with clear stream water, Leon felt refreshed.

"I wanted to ask you two yesterday, but you fell asleep." He sat on the stone and began to discuss the next plan with his companions.

"I want to go to the town that the old blacksmith mentioned to see if I can sell this long sword, so that I don't have to wrap it in cloth on the road and be targeted by people with bad intentions. What do you think?"

"That's your trophy. I have no objection, but it's a pity. We are unfamiliar with the place. Even if we find someone to buy it, the other party will deliberately lower the price because we are young."

Lohak looked at the rag package and felt a little painful when he thought that this high-quality and gorgeous sword might be sold at a big discount.

"There is no way. After all, we are in urgent need of money. By the way, Azerien, you are from a noble family and have always seen a lot. Can you estimate how much this sword is worth?" Leon turned his head and asked.

He has the memory of the original owner and knows some of the prices in the Kingdom of Serian.

In the city of Rolandar, a good quality long sword on the market costs about three to four Serian gold coins.

But that is the price of currency in the ordinary market, which is obviously not a reference for this noble sword.

The gold decoration on the hilt of this sword and the gems inlaid at the end of the counterweight are worthless.

Azerien thought about it and gave a rough price: "I can't estimate it accurately, but it will not be less than one hundred gold coins at least. Dwarven steel is a very precious metal."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Leon's heartbeat accelerated after hearing the valuation.

Whether for civilians or ordinary nobles, one hundred Serian gold coins are undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

I just don't know what the exchange rate between Serian and the Northern Kingdom is. How many local gold crowns are there for one hundred Serian gold coins?

Of course, it is not enough to have a psychological expectation of the approximate price. What is more worrying for Leon now is that there is no channel to sell the sword.

Just take the sword to the street and sell it in the market like Yang Zhi in Water Margin?

Once such a valuable thing is unveiled, it will probably attract a lot of onlookers, and it will cause more trouble at that time. You know, Yang Zhi didn't sell the sword in the end.

Leon thought about it and felt a headache.

In the novels I read in my previous life, if the protagonist wanted to exchange treasures for money, he could easily find a so-called "auction house" from every corner.

But in today's world, whether in the original owner's memory or in Azerien's experience, there is no such extremely convenient upper-class trading institution.

The so-called auction itself can only be seen frequently in societies with developed commodity economies, and on this continent, from Leon's perspective, most places are probably still at the level of feudal manor economy.

"How about asking the old blacksmith? Maybe he knows some connections in the city, after all, he is a local." Azerien suddenly suggested.

"Go find him? I think the blacksmith doesn't like us very much, maybe he will cheat us." Lohak curled his lips.

"It shouldn't be that bad, just asking for some advice, and if we know where there are suitable buyers, we can leave as soon as possible, and he just wants us to leave quickly." Leon thought he could give it a try.

"Or should we ask Miss Olivia for us?" Azerien said.

"Good idea." Leon nodded.

"Whatever you say, look, isn't that her?" Lohak had sharp eyes and saw the blonde girl walking on the field road not far away.

Without thinking, he stood up and raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Hey! Olivia!"

Leon raised his hand speechlessly to interrupt the big fool's call: "Don't shout, be polite, we can just go over there, why are you ordering her around."

"Oh, that's right." Lohak put down his hand and scratched his head.

Olivia naturally heard Lohak's call from a distance. She turned around and looked around. When she saw the three foreign friends she met yesterday, she raised her hand and waved, then walked towards Leon and the others.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Olivia greeted them: "How was your rest last night? I just want to go to the windmill to see you later."

"Thanks to the blanket and quilt you lent us, I slept well yesterday."

Leon sincerely thanked the other party for his help, and then continued to ask: "I actually want to ask you for a small favor, Miss Olivia."

The girl tilted her head curiously: "If you need any help, please tell me."

Leon told the truth about his idea of ​​selling the sword in a nearby town.

However, to Leon's surprise, Olivia frowned and thought for a while, and then gave him an answer that was somewhat unexpected.

"I'll go ask for you, but I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. My father probably can't give you any advice."

Leon was puzzled: "Why are you so sure?"

"In fact, my father has never left Selva since I can remember, and I heard from the adults in the village that he was like this even before I was born, when my mother was still alive. He didn't know anyone in the nearby town." Olivia explained regretfully.

Leon suddenly realized and had to give up: "So that's the case. Well, then we'll think of a way ourselves."

"It doesn't matter. I'll still go back and ask for you. What if he still remembers some friends from many years ago." The girl smiled, but didn't say it completely.

"Thank you." Leon nodded.

"Speaking of which, you were going to sell the sword." Olivia suddenly sighed and looked down at Leon's waist.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Leon didn't know why she seemed so regretful.

The girl raised her head, and her beautiful green eyes flickered.

She seemed to be thinking about something quickly.

After hesitating for a long time, Olivia looked around, as if she was afraid of being seen by others.

After confirming that there were no other villagers around, she turned her head, suddenly put her palms together as if praying, blinked and looked at Leon, and whispered: "Can I ask you for something?"

Seeing her sudden begging, Leon was confused: "Please say, I just don't know how to thank you for your help."

He was also curious about what he could do to help her?

"Can I~can I see your beautiful long sword?" The blonde girl closed one eye and asked cautiously.

Leon raised his eyebrows: "Just this?"

"Yeah! Is it okay?"

Olivia's tone became a little excited.

"What do I think it is? This is nothing, a trivial matter." Leon was amused.

He untied the wrapping cloth, took the long sword and scabbard off the belt, and handed the sword over.

"Well, if you want to see it, just look at it."

This weapon is indeed a beautiful work of art, and Leon thinks it's normal for the girl to like it.

The blonde girl's expression became visibly happy.

She solemnly took the gorgeous and noble long sword with both hands, her sparkling eyes flashing, and she seemed particularly excited.

"It's so beautiful." Olivia couldn't let go of the sword guard and the handle that felt wonderful.

Even if Leon was just watching, he felt that she seemed to be so excited that her whole body glowed, and he couldn't help but feel strange.

As a cold weapon enthusiast, he fully understood the admiration when seeing a beautiful cold weapon.

But the girl's happiness seemed to far exceed the appreciation of this sword or the craftsmanship of the ornaments on it.

It seemed that she was happy to be able to touch the sword itself.

"Do you like swords as a weapon?" Leon asked.

"Yeah!" Olivia nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, squinting her eyes, and her tone was full of happiness.

".I rarely get to touch a real sword. My father never allows me to." Halfway through, the girl woke up from her happiness and realized that she had let the cat out of the bag. She blinked her big eyes and looked at Leon.

"Huh?" Leon was full of questions.

"Don't tell my father. He doesn't allow me to play."

Olivia was a little embarrassed and a little nervous.

"Why? Afraid that you will get hurt?" Leon asked.

"I don't know. I probably won't get hurt. Anyway, he won't allow me to touch a real weapon. If he sees me, he will definitely hit my palm with a wooden ruler again."

The girl instinctively shrank her hand. Obviously, the lesson was not a joke. She was really hurt.

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