Knight with Wand

Chapter 62 War and Peace

Tell the people about the cause and the facts deduced from the time of the Lord's army's arrival.

Leon walked through the scene and asked the villagers. "Is there anyone here willing to make a final defense for him?"

Scanning his eyes over the boiling crowd, he only saw the back of Boris's father turning around and leaving lonely.

Naturally, he could only hear the angry shouts of the villagers.

"Hang him" and "beat him to death". Obviously not a defense.

The village ruffians are also hated by people and dogs on weekdays, not to mention the state of being exposed to multiple charges at this moment.

If it was a serious trial in the previous life, it would not be enough to finalize the third major crime such as harboring terrorist activities or treason based on inferences without direct evidence.

If someone defends, he can completely excuse himself by saying that he was afraid of his own safety at the time and did not realize that he had time to warn the village.

He can even use his behavior of fleeing to the town to inform the Lord to get rid of the crime.

Of course, in this era, obviously no one is so bored as to talk about this procedure.

Leon couldn't help but understand why lawyers and lawyers are a necessary existence in the complete legal process.

Even for the most heinous criminals, the process of defense can make people clearly distinguish the most basic right and wrong. But it's not just this primitive social form. Even in the past, most people don't have the knowledge and ability to defend themselves or others.

Like now, the noisy, criminals are crazy, and the jurors just want to kill people to vent their anger, so they return to the traditional mode of teahouse.

Internet keyboard judgment is a hundred times more advanced than this scene.

"Since the criminals confessed to the facts of the crime and showed no remorse, the evidence of the two robberies is conclusive and the charges are established.

However, there is insufficient evidence for treason and letting the enemy go, and there is only suspicion, so no sentencing will be given."

Regardless of whether the surrounding people understand what he did, Leon just waved to the newly recruited young servant beside him and asked him to bring the rough paper booklet and pen and ink prepared in advance to him.

"I make the following judgment. According to the past practice of the territory, the robber Borris is sentenced to death by hanging for multiple robberies. The execution will be immediate.

The remaining personal property will be confiscated and used to support the children whose parents have passed away in the village."

In order to save paper, Leon only briefly wrote down today's date, December 9, 672 in the Orland calendar, as well as the name, crime, and sentence of the criminal.

The original owner of this Feru word still recognized it.

The fate of the village ruffian was officially decided using the basic manor court process.

It's a pity that the seal and seal that Mr. Balf commissioned to find the heraldry officer after returning to the city have not been made yet, and I don't know when it will be delivered.

The stamping can only be done later.

The first trial process was symbolically completed, and this document was classified as the first territory document. Leon asked the young men to take Borris away to await execution amid the villagers' abuse.

Then, he announced the existence of the knight captive to the returning young men.

".Although the people who survived the village voted to exchange him for a ransom, you had not returned at that time, so you still have the right to decide the life and death of the noble prisoner.

Whether to exchange for a ransom or execute the prisoner, as your lord, I will refer to the collective opinions of more than half of the villagers.

You have one day to consider and inform Brian the blacksmith of your decision to record it, and the statistics will be completed before sunset tomorrow."

After announcing the last public event, Leon got up and left.

Since there is some clue about the whereabouts of Lohak's sister, it doesn't matter to him now whether the villagers continue to ask for a ransom or want his life.

Although Lohak didn't say it these days, Leon could see that his partner was enduring the anxiety in his heart every day.

Leon planned to wait until Azerien's injury was almost healed, and then set off for the western port of Kantadar to contact the Falcon family to inquire about the news.

Now that the two countries are at war, it is still unknown how to cross the border where the army is confronting and enter the heart of the enemy country safely.

According to the location the captive said, it is basically equivalent to crossing half of the Kingdom of Kantardar from here to the western port on the coast.

But among the three of them, only Azerien can speak Uriah. In such a short time, even if they practice foreign languages ​​with him every day, Leon and Lohak can't speak fluently like the sons of nobles who have been practicing since childhood.

Later, Leon and the other two were not interested in watching the hanging process of Boris.

After returning home, the first official document of the territory was stored, and the three of them called the little servants who cleaned the house to help them take off their armor.

After removing the armor, everyone was relaxed again.

Just when Leon was about to continue learning Uriah with Azerien, the servant reported that someone outside the door wanted to see him.

Going down to the cleaned up lobby on the first floor, Leon sat back on the high-backed chair he moved back and summoned the visitor.

As soon as Tok entered the door, he knelt on one knee respectfully in front of the young lord, took off his hat and bowed his head.

"Respected Lord Leon, I come to resign from the position of village official I was appointed to, and ask for your permission for me and my eldest son to move out of Selva."

In Orland, even free people cannot leave the territory where they live at will.

"Do you have any objection to my judgment?" Leon asked calmly, changing his position in the chair.

"I dare not, your judgment is far more fair and merciful than I expected, but

My old parents have died tragically, and the useless bastard child has done such stupid things to the fellow villagers. The villain and the eldest son really have no face to continue to live in Selva. Now here, when I close my eyes, I see There are only nightmares. "Tok lowered his head sadly.

Not only that, he also had to think about his eldest son who was still alive. If they continued to survive in Selva in the future, it would be impossible for them not to be ostracized by the villagers.

"I won't say any polite words to you. There is a proverb in my hometown that it is the parents' fault if a child is not well educated. Although you have a good reputation in the village, you still cannot get rid of the responsibility of the second son's domineering behavior.

So be it, I agree to your application to leave the territory, but as a punishment for your incompetent parenting, and as a migration tax paid to me, your family's residence must not be sold, and I will use the value of its sale to comfort the widows of the victims. "

Leon nodded in agreement. He had no intention of continuing to appoint this village official, but now that the other party took the initiative, it was not degrading.

As for the loss of two more young and strong laborers, well, it doesn't matter. The Selva people, whose population has dropped sharply, have less land and more land. As long as the territory is open for long enough, they don't have to worry about new families coming here to seek refuge.

As for the new village official, Leon already has a suitable candidate.

As a free citizen, Blacksmith Brian is also an elder with a certain popularity in the village, and he can also read and write. It would be perfect to help him organize the villagers.

Time flies.

On the evening of the next day, Old Brian came to Leon with the collected opinions of the villagers.

One hundred and thirty votes to nine. Even if they voted again collectively, most of the villagers still chose the huge ransom after hesitation.

Old Brian presented the record to Leon: "Everyone has made a decision except Tok and his son."

"Toke has already resigned from his position as village official and applied to me to move. Don't worry about him. Even if he gets the ransom, he will not give it to them."

Leon put down the paperwork and said to the old blacksmith: "Uncle Brian, I plan to appoint you as the new village official. If you are tired, you will lead the villagers to restore production. You must ensure that the winter crops in the territory do not fail as much as possible in the coming year. "

After hearing this, Old Brian's eyes trembled. Unexpectedly, before he was ready to move, others would beat him to it.

And after hearing the appointment of the young man in front of him, he had no choice but to temporarily put aside his plans to move.

It seems that Selva will not be unlucky enough to encounter such a disaster in a short time. The question of whether to go to the north or not should be raised later when we find a suitable opportunity.

Besides, these little lords are willing to protect Olivia.

The old man made a calculation in his mind.

"By the way, uncle, do you know where to find the courier and deliver the letter safely to the south of Kantadar?" Leon asked Brian casually as he prepared to deal with the follow-up matters of the prisoners of war.

This is not the earth, and you cannot call your family members to notify them. Even if you want to get the ransom for the prisoner of war, you must first send the letter to the prisoner's hometown.

And even if the captive's family is notified, it will still take some time until they send someone to deliver the ransom.

According to what Leon learned from Azarian, in the past, some nobles who were defeated and captured in various countries were not able to wait for the ransom, and many of them were expelled in the end.

The knight named Mamel has been living in Lydingburg in the north of Kantadar under the lord's command all year round, but his actual feudal territory is actually far southeast of Kantadar.

As soon as the light comes and goes, we have to wait, not to mention that there is still a war on the border.

Generally speaking, nobles would entrust this kind of message delivery task to their own capable messengers.

But unfortunately, as new knights, the three of Leon did not have such talents around them, and they could only hope that the messengers hired by money could carry the letters to distant places.

He had just asked casually, not expecting the old blacksmith Olivia had mentioned who had never left the Selva countryside to give her any advice.

But somewhat surprisingly, Uncle Brian actually answered his question.

"There are many messengers in Lord Baron's town, but the war in the east is tense now, and even remnants of soldiers have gone to Selva. I am afraid that the messengers from the 'Grey Cedar Valley' leader will not accept this commission before the end of the war.

You might as well send someone farther to the west, to the county of Buneroz in the territory of Falayel. There is a developed commercial city there. The messenger of the chamber of commerce in the city may also accept the commission, but the destination is so far away. The road is dangerous and the price will be much higher. "

After hearing this, Leon couldn't help but wonder: "There is a war on our border here, isn't there a war on the western border?"

Unexpectedly, the old blacksmith Brian actually nodded: "I'm afraid the West is still doing normal business with Kantadar at this time."


Leon couldn't understand it even more.

Before the three of them accidentally broke into the Nightmare Forest, they witnessed with their own eyes the tragic battlefield between the armies of Orland and Cantadar on the border of Mamor.

The people here are killing each other so hard that they can still do business with each other over there?

"I don't blame you for finding it strange. The reasons are more complicated and related to the history of Orland.

For now, the western trade route is an important source of financial resources for the Farayer Territory and the Grand West Territory. As long as His Majesty the King has not mobilized the Duke of Westral, the West will definitely not take the initiative to fight the Kantardar people.

In fact, I think that this time General Trossa went south, I am afraid that he was ordered by the king to help your mother country put pressure on the south to prevent the Kantadar army from being too powerful. We did not really want to have a full-scale confrontation with the Kantadar people. Start a war.

After all, they conquered Serian's millennium holy city 'Rolannar', which no one could have imagined in the past." Old Brian tugged at his beard and instinctively analyzed the situation at hand. As he spoke, he stopped talking while sweating.

Leon listened clearly, and when he saw him suddenly closing his mouth, he couldn't help but look at the other person: "Uncle Brian, you really know a lot."

The old blacksmith moved his mouth, lowered his head and interrupted with a sneer: "I just heard nonsense from businessmen in the past. When I was young, I was passionate. Unfortunately, I didn't make a name for myself in the army. I suffered a leg injury and had to return home sadly. How about that?" You are such young talents.”

Leon did not hold on to it, but tried to ask for more important information: "So which city in Bunieroz is probably still doing business? Do you know how to get there?"

Old Brian suppressed a bitter smile and replied: "It seems. Follow the road to the town, walk up the avenue, and then go west. You can probably reach it. I don't know for sure. After all, I have never been to such a far place. I only heard that It’s a big city with busy trade routes.”

"Okay, after I ask the prisoner to write the letter, I will go to Bunerotsi County to see it myself." Leon nodded.

Wait until the old blacksmith leaves.

Leon leaned back on the chair and tapped the armrest lightly.

How can an ordinary blacksmith who has not left the countryside for at least ten years have such geographical and political insights?

Reminiscent of the strange statement he made to himself in a moment of desperation, Leon felt that the identities of the old blacksmith and Olivia were becoming more and more mysterious.

Forget it, this hidden secret doesn't mean much to me at the moment anyway.

They have lived peacefully in Selva for many years. If it hadn't been for the unexpected intrusion of the Kantadar army, the father and daughter would have spent the rest of their lives peacefully in this remote corner of the mountain village.

The secrets that should be known will be known sooner or later, and the secrets that should not be known will be troublesome if you delve deeper.

Compared to this, Leon was more concerned about the information he got at this time.

There is more important information than whether the letter can be delivered.

Peace on the border of Buneroz County?

Can the three of you just pass through the trade route there and directly enter the territory of Kantadar openly?

He stood up from his seat with great joy. He couldn't wait to tell Rohark the good news.

It's time to interrogate the prisoner of war again and ask about the Falcon family in Western Port.

I hope that I can successfully find the whereabouts of that kind girl. As long as Lohak's sister is still alive, I must rescue her no matter what method I try.

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