Knight with Wand

Chapter 7 Goblin?

Chapter 7 Brother Brin?

As the edge of the woods became farther and farther away from the road extending to the north, Leon and the three of them did not dare to leave the woods and continue their journey while being exposed in the wilderness out of fear of the danger ahead. Their direction had to shift westward. , gradually moving away from the beaten path.

After walking through the difficult and rugged terrain in dense forests, the terrain ahead became increasingly higher. It was only when there was no way to go that they discovered that they had unknowingly arrived at the edge of a canyon cliff, and the view ahead suddenly became clearer. Cheerful.

Below the cliff is a vast and vibrant river valley plain.

However, the three of them were not in the mood to enjoy the magnificent scenery in front of them. As they looked out, their eyes were immediately attracted to the chaotic scene in the distance that seemed to pollute the natural painting.

The upper reaches of the river that stretches east has completely turned into a bloody battlefield that has torn apart the tranquility of the valley.

On the ground in the distance, neat arrays of figures were moving densely, and the formations with flags fluttering reflected the metallic luster of armor and swords in the bright sun.

In the most intense center of the battlefield, thunderous shouts of death and the neighing of war horses resounded over the river. Groups of armored cavalry shuttled through the rain of arrows, galloping on horseback. The infantry's gun arrays collided one after another, leaving countless fallen bodies. A body lying on the ground.

Even though it was so far away, Leon could still hear the rich horn sound.

Looking at the bloody battle between the two huge armies in the distance, Leon felt a sense of joy in his heart. Although they lost their way in the woods, they were lucky enough to avoid the most dangerous place.

"Looking at the scale, I'm afraid there are thousands of people. Those in the north should be the Orlander army." Azarian squinted his eyes and tried to carefully distinguish the flags on the battlefield, but they were too far away from them standing on the cliff. Okay, it's really hard to see clearly.

"Have we already entered the territory of Orland? Did it happen that the Kantadar bastards were at war with the northerners at the same time?" Lohark looked at the fierce fighting on the riverside in the distance, scratching his head and asked in confusion.

"Although this place is not far from the border between the two countries, I'm afraid we are still within Mamore County." Azarian stretched out his hand and pointed to the mountains farther across the plain: "If you guessed correctly, that should be It’s the Garak Mountains in the north of Mamore County, which means we haven’t left Kantadar yet.”

"So, the current battle is not that the Cantadar people are invading Orland at the same time, but the Orlanders are taking the opportunity to launch an invasion of Cantadar." Leon speculated, rubbing his chin.

Thinking about it this way, his original judgment was generally correct, but because he was not familiar with the Northern Kingdom, he missed the calculation that the Orlanders would actually initiate a war against Kantadar.

"Ha! That's a good thing. Here's Ilaril. I hope the Orlanders will make those bastards bleed like rivers of blood." Lohark suddenly looked at the battlefield again expectantly, wishing he could become a member of the Northern Kingdom's army. A member of the group, personally avenging the death of his parents: "Tsk, it would be great if I could join them now."

Leon shook his head helplessly: "What's the hurry? People like you who have received combat training will have the opportunity to join their army in Oland. Since there is a war, the North must be recruiting troops now."

With that said, without stopping, everyone continued to move westward along the cliff.

According to Azarian, since the Garak Mountains can be seen from here, they are very close to the border. Now they can reach Orland's territory whether they go west or north, but the road to the north certainly cannot. Go, in this case, they must try to take a circuitous route westward through this forest.

After slowly trekking westward in the forest for a whole day, they followed the traces of frequent animal activity to find a nearby water source. After filling their water bottles, the three of them found a nearby clearing in the forest and set up camp next to the exposed boulders in the clearing.

Today we were lucky. Before dark, Leon managed to catch an animal that looked like a fox near the water source. Now that they had already eaten all the food, this prey really gave everyone a rare meal.

Everyone was sitting around the campfire chatting, killing the boredom before going to bed. Leon casually asked his two companions: "What are your plans when we get to Orland?"

Lohak said with a steady gaze: "I have to save my sister, but I don't know where she is, so I want to join Orland's army first so that I can make money. Once I have money, I can go find my sister's whereabouts. , If I can make more money on the battlefield, I might be able to redeem my sister from the slave owner in the future."

Leon was a little surprised when he heard this. He thought that Lohak, who was full of hatred for Kantadar, would only choose to use violence to take back his relatives from the Kantadar people.

Lohak saw Leon's surprised look and felt a little embarrassed: "Hey, don't look at me like that. I have thought about what you said before. Yes, I am weak alone. No matter how much I hate those Kantadar bastard, if you act blindly, you will only lose your life and your sister's life in vain."

As he spoke, he clenched the sword in his hand: "The most important thing now is to rescue my sister. As for the revenge of my father and mother, there will always be a chance for those butchers to slowly repay their blood debt."

Leon couldn't help but feel a little relieved when he saw that this reckless and life-threatening young man finally had a clear goal of survival.

"Joining the army of Orland is an option, but I will probably go to the local lord to see if I can find a job." Azerien added some branches to the campfire and continued: "I can read and write, and I also understand the etiquette of the nobles. It would be great if I could become a servant of a noble. At worst, I can do some accounting and copying for the local lord. If Kantadar withdraws from Rolandar City in the future, I will find a way to go back."

"What about you, Leon?" Lohak asked.

After thinking about it, Leon felt a little confused. Apart from finding a way to survive, he had no long-term plan.

Joining the army with Lohak to make a living is one way. After all, the original owner can draw a bow and shoot arrows, and his archery skills are not bad. However, being a soldier in this chaotic world is also risky. It is very likely that he will become cannon fodder and die on the battlefield.

Then can I go to the nobles to find a job like Azerien? Maybe the local lord needs a hunter.

As for whether to seek revenge on the Kantadars for their dead relatives. The tragedy of the original owner did make him sympathize, but Leon also knew that this was not his memory. If there was a chance, he would not mind killing the enemy for the original "Leon", but if the price was to pay with his own life, it was still a bit not worth it.

In any case, when this difficult escape was over, the three of them might have to go their separate ways.

Night fell quickly, with sporadic insect chirping accompanied by the swaying and strange shadows of the trees. Except for the crackling of the bonfire, there was only the terrifying sound of the wind flowing through the forest.

After sleeping for the first half of the night, Leon, who was responsible for guarding the second half of the night, was soon awakened and took turns to stand guard with his companions. Fortunately, he had become accustomed to this erratic schedule during the escape.

The forest in the middle of the night was horribly silent. The weak moonlight could hardly penetrate the dense canopy of the forest. Beyond the small area illuminated by the campfire, it was pitch black. Leon just stared blankly at the deep darkness around him, sometimes thinking about the future, but more often in a meaningless daze. .

It took at least several hours to sit on guard until dawn. This extreme boredom made Leon miss the mobile phones and computers on Earth every moment.


What is that?


Leon squinted his eyes and stared at the faint light flickering in the darkness until he found that there were more and more pairs of reflective bright spots.

His blood froze in an instant. Those were not fireflies! They were pairs of eyes reflecting the light of the campfire! !

"Get up! There's danger!"

Leon yelled to wake up his companions. He stood up and aimed the pitchfork in both hands at the moving figure hidden in the darkness.

Lohak and Azerien, who were already light sleepers, were awakened almost immediately. They turned over without hesitation, grabbed their weapons and climbed up, staring at each other and standing on both sides of Leon.

"What is that?"

Lohak calmly held a sword in one hand and was on guard. With the other hand, he pulled out the simple pine oil torch prepared in advance from his bag and inserted it into the campfire to light it, waving it to illuminate the shadows outside the camp.

The dim flames swept across the dense forest in front, illuminating the outlines of the things hiding in it. The ugly and distorted faces made strange cries to try to cover up the dazzling light. Only then did Leon see what those things looked like.

Goblin? !

This name flashed through Leon's mind first. The bald ugly head had sharp ears, and its naked short humanoid figure was very similar to the common minions in his past fantasy works.

But he still noticed the difference between these things and the goblins in his impression. Their skin was brown instead of green, and their faces were not human-like. Instead, they were more like the heads of canines, with sharp teeth, twisted and hideous.

But like the goblins in his impression, these creatures were obviously not simple unintelligent beasts. Leon could see that these ugly things either had rough short spears in their claws or rusty broken knives picked up from nowhere. They obviously knew how to use tools and weapons.

"Little forest demon? No! It's a wild goblin!" Azerien was the first to recognize this evil life that almost only existed in books.

Leon frowned. The original owner had lived in the forest with his father for so long and had never seen such a thing. Although he had accepted his current situation in a different world due to his previous experience of casting spells, this was the first time he saw this inhuman intelligent life that was beyond common sense.

"What? Wild goblins? Isn't that a story made up by adults to deceive children?" Lohak looked at the little monsters in front of him in disbelief.

"The monsters and demons near the Holy Land City were killed by the church and the army a hundred years ago. It's normal that you haven't seen them." Azerian said in a deep voice.

But his calmness was only on the surface. The boy was also panicked. According to the records in the monster book, although these small monsters did not pose a threat to the army, they could also ambush and kill lone travelers in the wild in groups at night. When there were a large number of them, the wild goblins would even try to attack the village at night.

At this moment, there were only three of them, and they had undoubtedly become prey in the eyes of the wild goblins.

Seeing that they had been exposed, the wild goblins hiding in the woods roared in extremely unpleasant and sharp sounds, jumped out of the bushes with a roar, and surrounded Leon and others in groups of three or five with weapons raised.

Lion looked at the group of ferocious little monsters in front of him, and felt his scalp tingling: "How should we deal with these bastards? Fight with them or rush out and get rid of them?"

"If the book is correct, these guys can see at night. Once we leave the campfire and run into the forest, it will be more dangerous if we can't see the road! If we fall into the trap they set, it will be over." Azerian grabbed the round shield and pitchfork in his hand: "Everyone wait until dawn! The eyes of the wild goblins are very afraid of sunlight. They will return to their nests before the sun comes out."

"Be careful!" Lohak saw a shadow flying from the darkness.

Azerian quickly raised his shield to block his companions, and the flying short spear was blocked with a bang. The rough spear head and the slightly insufficient force could not even allow the short spear to penetrate the round shield.

Although this spear throw did not succeed, it was like a starting gun, and a large number of wild goblins rushed up with a howl.

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