Skin like a floating corpse that has been soaked in water for a week.

Staring out the eyeballs that were rolling around.

Fine fangs and mucus flowing from the corners of the mouth can be faintly seen in the wide mouth.

The place that should have been the nose was occupied by two large ventilation holes, which continued to pulsate with breathing.

A few scales adorn the ugly face, adding color to it.

'. . . . . ’

Onmyoji felt like he was about to vomit.

Continuing to look at this face, it is better to let him die, and simply closed his eyes and silently regained his strength.

He only has a dog **** in his body now, and his fighting power is not very good.

To survive you have to stay calm.

Adjusting his breathing, the Onmyoji kept as calm as possible.

"How are the preparations?"

The tall figure turned his head and asked the guy who was also wearing a large cloak beside him.

The greasy voice in Onmyoji II was like the meaningless whisper of a mental patient, but the other cloak understood and responded:

"It's ready, Bishop."

"Very good, then start the ceremony tonight."

In front of Onmyoji, the two discussed how to sacrifice Onmyoji to heaven.

They didn't care about Onmyoji's feelings, let alone whether he understood or not.

How can anyone ask how the paint condition is before painting?

They needed a grand ceremony and special offerings to bring them back to the Father's attention.

However, only one offering does not seem to be enough.

It's like the difference between a main meal and a dessert.

There should be a main meal, as well as a snack.

They also need some humans to use as sacrifices.

Those outsiders are nice.

They are all very healthy human beings with strong qi and blood.

God the Father should like it.

"I said boy."

"To shut up."

Chubby, who was pinched in Sakamoto's hands, said calmly.

It's still trying to get people to make contracts with it.

The world is truly incredible.

Obviously all the Cupids' memories are shared, but the Cupids before coming to this world will not get the memory of this world.

This is why the group of incubators were caught off guard.

From their point of view, one Cupid lost contact with the other Cupids, and no trace could be found.

Suddenly a contamination came from nowhere.

Then inexplicably disappeared.

Then there was the sudden disappearance of a Kewpie.

"I think you can hear me finish."

Although Sakamoto squeezed his face into a ball with great force, Chubby's voice was still very clear.

After all, Cupid doesn't vocalize through his throat, but rather a telepathy-like ability.

So even if there is only one head left, it can communicate as long as it is not completely dead.

Even if it is mashed into meat, a new Kewpie will jump out.

"JOJO, I brought back this thing called Cuppy."

Sakamoto, who threw Kyuubi to the ground and exited the super acceleration, said to Joseph.

Although she looks cute, Sakamoto's attitude towards Kewpie is like looking at something dirty.

Because Sakamoto took Chubby from the residents, the whole town is now in a state of riot.

The task force soldiers who were originally waiting outside also stepped forward to prepare for battle.

The group of residents seemed to have been instructed, and although they were eyeing each other, they did not step out of the town.

The strong smell of gunpowder filled the air.

"Oh, hard work Sakamoto."

Joseph first said hello to Sakamoto and then looked at Chubby who was grooming his hair on the ground.

Just looking at the action, it looks like a normal house cat.

"Is this the so-called incubator?"

Not to mention, the little things are quite unique.

To be honest, you can't tell that he's that kind of scary guy just by looking at him.

I'm afraid it's just relying on this deceptive appearance to deceive so many children, right?

Thinking of this, Joseph couldn't help but force Chubby's hand in advance.

"It hurts, is this a special way of greeting?"

Cupid, who was still smiling, shouted softly.

No wonder it thinks so, the world is completely foreign to Kewpie.

And the three human beings (Onmyoji, Sakamoto, Joseph) who have come into contact with him are very hard to lift it.

This made Chubby wonder if this was a special way of saying hello.

"You said yes."

Joseph said with a smile.

He really wanted to wring this cute little thing's head off if he could.

"JOJO, your movements are really fast."

Just as Joseph was thinking about the cookbook he was given, a voice came.

"Ah, Luo Zhen, you are here."

Turning his head, Luo Zhen walked over angrily with the holy emblem sword in his hand.

Don't say anything, let him chop this Kewpie to death first.

It was this unfortunate thing that ruined his good impression of magical girls!

Today's share.jpg

Chapter 222 Can't tell within three seconds. . .

"Squad A is temporarily on standby for battle."

"Team B is occupying the commanding heights."

"Team C inspects high-power weapons and is ready to use them at any time."

Outside the town, Sakamoto was orderly giving orders to several teams.

Even though he has left the confines of the town, he remains transformed.

This is something that Luo Zhen has specially emphasized before.

If you don't transform like them, you don't have any combat power. You should transform and transform. Don't transform in front of the enemy just to be cool.

Numerous seniors who were interrupted and transformed were brutally beaten without exception.

In order to impress Sakamoto more deeply, Luo Zhen also let him try to transform in battle.

As a result, the Wasp just flew out from behind Sakamoto and was pinched by Luo Zhen before he could aim at the knight's bracelet.

Needless to say after that.

Sakamoto deeply felt the pain of many seniors unable to transform.

Although he did not know the existence of those seniors.

"Now, tell me honestly, have you signed a contract with any human being?"

"You can't say it within three seconds, and the head falls to the ground."

With a snap, Chubby was patted on the table by Luo Zhen, and there was a clockwork alarm clock next to it.

Then the holy emblem sword was inserted on the table.

The sharp blade was only 0.01 centimeters away from Chubby's neck.

Luo Zhen, who stepped on the stool, leaned over and asked in a low voice, leaning against Cupid's ear.

In this situation, Joseph hesitated.

Did you get your role wrong?

"No, I haven't had time to sign a contract with someone since I came to this world."

Chubby, who was pressed on the table, struggled and said.

Although it was said that the contract was established before, it did not complete the content of the contract, so the contract was naturally invalid.

So strictly speaking, it did not have time to sign contracts with people.

To be honest, Chubby is a little puzzled, why the human beings in this world seem to be full of malice towards him.

Not to mention those in the small town before, and now these few people who are obviously an organization are also.

And the malice is more explicit, especially with this strange armored man.

This kind of malice Chubby felt on a certain Hei Changzhi who knew the truth.

But shouldn't people in this world be so malicious towards it?

Unless there is a magical girl who knows something has also come to this world.

is it possible?

Cuppy doesn't know.

But when you think about it, that's the only possible scenario.

The big tail behind him wagged twice, and Chubby began to recall when the magical girl disappeared.

Logically impossible, right?


Holding the Sacred Emblem Chopping Sword, Luo Zhen tilted his head to look at Chubby on the table.

The power of desire in the palm of the hand was about to move, but after a few seconds, he chose to disperse.

There is no need to be in such a hurry.

The core coin should be taken, and he will definitely take it.

"What about this guy now?"

Seeing that Luo Zhen seemed to be done, Joseph came over and asked.

At a certain moment just now, he thought that Luo Zhen was going to cut off Kewpie's head just like that.

Although in the end he held back.

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