Is this the sympathy between heroes?

The sky outside was getting darker.

After Luo Zhen put on the headphones, he tuned to the 'sleeping playlist' specially created by him.

Listening to the music in the headphones, Luo Zhen slowly closed his eyes.

The core coins in the coin storage box went quiet.

They originally only contained a trace of the will of the original body, and they did not really have life or thinking ability.

The next morning, Luo Zhen opened his eyes early.

"A painful day."

Luo Zhen, who was lying on the bed, squinted and said in a daze.

After a strong struggle, he finally broke free from the seal of the great quilt king and left the warm bed.

nine forty a.m.—

Standing on the street, Luo Zhen took care of himself very seriously.

After all, when someone invites you out, you should take care of yourself. This is the most basic respect.

What is sloppy and greasy?

Not to mention sloppy people who feel that others look down on them.

Right, a certain Tomozaki-kun?


Looking at the phone, when the time came to 53 minutes, the voice of Asuka Iiki came.

"good morning."

After putting the phone back in his pocket, Luo Zhen turned around and said.

Chapter 257 Asukai Muji expressed doubts

Today's Asuka is wearing a white top with simple jeans.

The long hair that was scattered behind her was obviously carefully combed before going out.

And Luo Zhen in front of her also took good care of herself before going out.

Black short-sleeved jacket with half-sleeves, grey slacks and sneakers.

There is also an image of a cartoon cat on the back waist of the coat.

He also likes this kind of patterned clothes.

Feeling the slightly surprised eyes of Asuka Jinguki, Luo Zhen glanced at his dress strangely.

"Am I dressed strangely?"

Luo Zhen is not without confidence in his clothes.

Instead, he believed in his clothes. . . . .

Very bad, very bad.

As a boy in the 21st century, he has absolutely no research on how to dress himself.

I can't even understand the boys who look at their mobile phones every day and research their outfits.

Don't you feel comfortable wearing something like clothes so that others won't be disgusted by it?

It can only be said that everyone's hobbies and habits are different.

Some people like to study these things, but Luo Zhen has no research on them at all.

As long as it's not all black or bells and whistles it's fine with him.

The clothes in the wardrobe are all of this relatively simple type, or very plain.

"No, just a little surprised that you actually take care of yourself seriously."

In Asukai Kiji's impression, Luo Zhen is the kind of boy who doesn't have any nice clothes other than school uniforms, and he doesn't care about this aspect.

Originally, she didn't think too much about this.

"I'm not the type that really ignores other people's eyes, so I'll still care."

"Then you dress casually as usual."

After the two met, they chatted along this topic very naturally.

We talked about the different ideas about clothing between boys and girls.

The two did not deliberately plan the route, and just wandered around the commercial street.

Think about it after all.

Asuka's previous life is destined that she will not have any understanding or ideas in this regard.

Although Luo Zhen knew, he didn't think so much.

In fact, Luo Zhen felt a little embarrassed after meeting at first.

After all, he just simply didn't have the idea of ​​falling in love, is there a stupid or Asahi male lead.

Speaking of Asahi's leading actor, Luo Zhen had to express his admiration.

Because after careful observation, you will find that every time the relationship between the male protagonist of Asahi and the female protagonist advances by leaps and bounds, they are alone.

Every time he encounters the Shura Field, he avoids disaster by pretending to be crazy and selling stupid.

After so much consumption, he avoided a lot of overturning situations, and successfully reached a strange harmony.

Even in the later period, many girls are not only for the male lead, but also wrestle with each other, and no one will take the initiative to withdraw.

I admire you.

"Where do you have lunch?"

Throwing the question to Asukai Kiji, Luo Zhen said that he didn't care.

He can accept it as long as it's not too hard to swallow.

"I see, there is an old shop nearby that seems to be very good."

Looking at the phone, Asukai Kiji responded.

Although she is also the type who doesn't usually go out, but the girls in the research institute like to go out for shopping.

Yes, there are girls in the institute.

It's not a bunch of serious-faced researchers getting together.

On the contrary, researchers only account for a small part.

Now Asukai Kiji is looking at some tips sent by some female friends who are in charge of clerical work.

Although I don't understand the meaning of the night plan in the back, it is good to have some gourmet restaurant strategies in the front.

Directly ignoring the content behind, Asukai Kiji chose in the previous strategy.

"Just this one."


In the end, Asukai Kiji chose a storefront that was a few years old.

While eating, Luo Zhen also saw a very interesting person.

Just looking at the appearance is an elite with a successful career. Although he is old, he still looks energetic.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves while eating.

When he left after dinner, the middle-aged man answered a phone call. Although he was a little far away, he still heard the man's name.

Inokashira Goro.

Lonely gourmet.

Luo Zhen, whose thoughts were a little far away, thought of this man who always maintained his enthusiasm for eating.

Although this guy has always been single, the peach blossoms around him have never been broken.

When traveling on business, there are often women of the same age who secretly or more blatantly hint at him.

"It feels like you used to wear black all the time."

"Well, because it's convenient and it goes well together."

Luo Zhen said after putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

Outside the store, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was holding a doll in his arms, accidentally saw the two people in the store.

Although it is an old store, this store has always been well decorated.

Therefore, it is not the type of closed space with dim light that many people think.

On the contrary, the decoration of this store is quite trendy. It is said that the owner who took over the store from his father had a fierce conflict with his father during the decoration, and the two people fought against each other.

"That is, classmate Luo Zhen."

Holding the doll 'Mr. Panda' that she accidentally won by lottery when she was shopping, Yukino Yukino looked at the two people in the store unexpectedly.

Without paying too much attention, Yukinoshita Yukino quickly looked away.

Peeping into other people's private lives is very bad behavior.

So Xuexia Xue would never do such a thing, no matter how curious he was in his heart.

If it weren't for the cat pattern on Luo Zhen's clothes, she might not pay attention to it at a glance.

Cat slave Yukinoshita is so realistic.

"Are you a classmate?"

Although Yukinoshita Yukino quickly looked away, Luo Zhen still noticed her.

Asuka, who was sitting opposite Luo Zhen, also moved his gaze along with Luo Zhen.

The girl whose back was somewhat similar to herself was naturally seen.

"Well, the president of Irena's club."

Rozen replied.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino had a lot of fame in her previous life, she often ran back and forth in various studios.

But so far, Luo Zhen has only had direct contact with her twice.

Once at the door of Shizuo Hiratsuka's office, Luo Zhen almost thought that the snow under the snow was turning his back to him.

The second time was when Irena visited the club and the two met once.

The words spoken in the two meetings add up to less than five sentences.

Asuka Iiki nodded and didn't speak, Irena knew that too.

The witch from another world, after signing a contract, went to Luozhen's class in the name of a transfer student.

So did she really understand what the teacher said?

Asukai Kiji expressed very skepticism about this.

Chapter 258 is another new semester

Soon, the date was over.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a date with boyfriend and girlfriend, it's a normal date.

After the meal, the two walked for a while before saying goodbye.

There is no such thing as a confession.

The two of them were calm from beginning to end.

So nothing embarrassing happened.

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