Because it's so bright outside.

It really doesn't go well with a guy like her who lives in the dark.

"Something is coming."

Turning his head sharply, Little Red Riding Hood looked at a corner in the darkness with a bad look.

She could feel the familiar breath in the darkness.

"click, click, click"

A holy unicorn walked out of the darkness, and the little fluorescent lights on its body illuminated the dark alley.

Even the filthiest of junk doesn't seem unsightly under the fluorescent light.

But this beautiful picture did not make Little Red Riding Hood let down his guard, instead he frowned tightly.

Although it seems that the other party is a holy creature, Little Red Riding Hood can smell the disgusting breath from the other party.

It's like the smell of a sewer rat after a night of vomit and diarrhea after a hangover.

This made Little Red Riding Hood feel sick while being alert.

And the unicorn is also staring at Little Red Riding Hood.

The other party has the breath of the pure girl it likes the most.

But it was also accompanied by an air of danger.

This made the unicorn a bit numb for a while.

What the **** is going on in this strange world?

Originally ignorant human beings developed such a society.

In the past, there was always an aura of danger around the easily accessible human girls.

The two sides faced off in the dark alley.

As long as Little Red Riding Hood shows a retreat, the unicorn will attack without hesitation.

He pierced her skin with his sharp horn, letting the warm blood of the other party drip onto his body.

This feeling really fascinates it.

However, after waiting for a long time, Little Red Riding Hood showed no sign of retreating.

Even the boning knife in his hand has shown a feeling of being ready to move.

Eventually, the unicorn receded.

The only thing that makes this world satisfying is that there are as many humans as there are bugs in the ground.

It's not necessary to venture here.

Looking at the unicorn leaving, Little Red Riding Hood silently retracted the boning knife in his hand.

The unicorn felt the danger, so why was she not.

In the end, two characters from not-so-good fairy tales pass by in this alley.

One continues to wander aimlessly.

One is to go straight to General Wu Gao with a clear purpose.

It prefers the soon-to-be-matured woman to the rudimentary human female.

Although there is a very dangerous atmosphere there, it is not a big problem as long as the timing is right.

The fluorescence around his body disappeared, and under the cover of darkness, the unicorn approached Sobu Gao at a high speed.

"School is over."

Chief Wu Gao, Irena stretched a long time.

After a long time, she finally kept up with the progress of the course.

However, the results of last semester were not very good.

Although it is not terrible, it is also closer to the countdown.

The teacher in the class didn't say anything.

Compare that she is a student who has just transferred, and she has been studying abroad before (paper materials).

It's normal to be out of touch for a while.

Soon, all the students in the classroom dispersed, leaving only three or two students.

"Let me see."

In the corner of the campus, Luo Zhen was looking at the phone screen.

This is the map Joseph shared with him.

On the map, a point of light is moving rapidly.

The destination is very clear, it is directed at Zong Wu Gao.

"I always feel that your hermit purple is getting more and more outrageous."

Looking at the map on the phone, Luo Zhen couldn't help but complain.

Since Joseph successfully used Hermit's Purple Requiem to make up for his regrets, the Hermit's Purple's already exhausted growth power suddenly increased a lot.

It's like the knot in a fantasy novel has been unraveled.

From smashing the camera at the beginning, using the TV to form a broken sentence.

Up to now, the opponent's movements can be displayed directly on the map.

In fact, Luo Zhen had thought about whether Joseph's Hermit Purple had this ability from the beginning.

It is only under the constraints of the times and their own age that these abilities have not been developed.

"This is the true strength of my Joseph."

Joseph on the other end said triumphantly.

Originally, he thought he was going to run again for this mission.

As a result, the unicorn went straight to Luo Zhen's direction.

This is good, Joseph sat directly in the office to provide information to Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen, who got the information, came directly to the only way for the unicorn to go to Zongwu Gao.

He wasn't going to let this thing on campus.

The workload of subsequent processing will be very large.

"Then, get ready to start."

Throwing the schoolbag aside, Luo Zhen took out the OOO drive from behind.

The three core coins are put into the slot one by one.

"Let me see what you are."

Chapter 296 Fear of Pinocchio

The unicorn in the dark rushed all the way, and the scarlet pupil revealed the desire for blood.

Soon, soon, soon. . . .

The scarlet pupil light dragged a long light path in the darkness, and then slowly dissipated.

Just when the unicorn was full of joy, a sharp knife light suddenly streaked out in the darkness.


The unicorn that was caught off guard was hit from the side by the sharp knife light, and after losing its center of gravity, it rolled all the way and crashed into the garbage heap.

"It's called a unicorn."

A man in strange armor with a long sword in his hand walked out of the darkness.

The swordsmen's gang, which was used to deal with youkai before, appeared again.

Although there is no special restraint effect on unicorns, Luo Zhen thinks that the swordsman who slays demons and eliminates demons is quite interesting.


The unicorn that turned over from the debris looked at Luo Zhen with malicious eyes.

There can be no mistake, this guy is the very dangerous aura it felt before.

But why is it here?

The chaotic thinking of the unicorn does not support its advanced reasoning, and it is very good to be able to sort out the events clearly.

Constantly stomping, the muscles of the unicorn's body slowly tightened.

"Is there no way to communicate?"

Luo Zhen, who was holding the Sacred Emblem Chopping Sword, thought about it.

The way to deal with this anomalous creature that has no way to communicate is very simple.

Half-kill first, then contain it.

The communication and other links are directly omitted.

Therefore, irrational abnormal creatures are Luo Zhen's favorite to deal with.

Fingertips brushed the blade, Luo Zhen slowly approached the unicorn with the holy emblem sword.

The unicorn took a few steps back uneasily and showed his intention to retreat.

But obviously Luo really didn't want to let it go.

The holy emblem sword in his hand disappeared in the eyes of the unicorn in an instant.

When the unicorn reacted, the holy emblem sword had already slashed on the horn that he was most proud of.

The crisp sound of the horn of unknown material colliding with the blade.

A very obvious crack appeared on the unicorn.

"Huh? Didn't cut it off?"

Luo Zhen thought in surprise.

Originally, he thought that he could directly cut off the single horn just now.

Unexpectedly, only a few cracks appeared.

The unicorn that reacted immediately fell into a state of rage.

The importance of this unicorn can be heard from the name.

For unicorns, this horn is as important as life.

In the past, it would take care of the unicorn with care.

But now, someone dares to hurt its proud unicorn!

The furious unicorn ignored the sense of threat from Luo Zhen at this moment.

The unicorn lit up a little bit of light, and the spiral light band wrapped around the unicorn and stabbed towards Luo Zhen.

"Roar, instead of fleeing, do you choose to approach me?"

The tip of the sword touched the ground, and Luo Zhen greeted him without hesitation.

The single horn wrapped by the holy light and the sharp sword of the holy emblem kept colliding in the alley.


After swinging away another stab, Luo Zhen raised his foot and kicked the unicorn away.

Looking at the unicorn not far from him, he slowly exhaled.

This guy is tougher than expected.

Obviously, the strength is much worse, but there is no way to win it.

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