The voice said firmly.

The darkness returned to silence again, and he was waiting for the man to return.

After returning to the classroom, the pale Hikigaya Hachiman didn't attract anyone's attention.

Except for Kawasaki Sashi.

'The boy from last night. ’

After glancing at Hikigaya Hachiman, Kawasaki Saki continued to make up his sleep.

She doesn't have the energy to care about other people.

Chapter 331 The aura is one meter eight

I didn't listen much to Keiya Hachiman during the whole afternoon's class.

He has been a little absent-minded since the incident at noon.

Although he knew there was something wrong with that thing, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn't help but think about what would have happened if he hadn't left immediately.

'If only I had picked up that oil lamp. ’

Staring blankly at the blackboard, Hikigu Hachiman thought.

When he first came back, he was still thankful that he had made a wise decision, but soon the feeling of annoyance slowly surfaced.

On the one hand, reason told him that he did nothing wrong.

But on the other hand, his sensibility kept urging him to go back and take that oil lamp away.

It's like missing something very important after missing that oil lamp.

This contradictory mentality made him suffer.

Shaking it, Hikiya Hachiman forcibly suppressed his inner thoughts.

The more this is the case, the more you have to think calmly.

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head and glanced around the classroom.

Some of the students in the class are listening to the class, and some are doing other things.

An entire class seemed to have no friends with him.

If you want to find someone to complain to, you don't know who to complain to.

In the past, there was Yoshiki Zaimiza who was a junior in middle school who could occasionally listen to his complaints, but since he quit that playful club not long ago, Yoshiki Zaimiza has undergone a lot of changes.

Although I usually say some middle school words, my whole person's spirit has changed a lot compared to the past.

It looks more energetic.

It's like finding what to do.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Yoshiki Zaimiza is now working hard to learn light novel writing, and has given up all the manuscripts he wrote for his own amusement in the past.

Learn light novel writing bit by bit from scratch.

At the same time, he also became very diligent in his studies, and even took the initiative to ask Hikigaya Hachiman about the content of subjects such as Mandarin.

These are all subjects that Hikigaya Hachiman is good at.

It seems that the other party is really ready to work hard and find a good way out for their future.

Sometimes Hikigaya Hachiman himself wonders if he should work hard.

But think about it, forget it, he still hopes to become a family cook.

This is the life he wants.

Well, talking to oneself is also a specialty of Hikigaya Hachiman.

The rest of the specialties are guessing, brain teasers, imitation, stealth, self-destruction (crossed out).

They are all useless features.

I'm really sad when I think about it.

Time passed little by little in Hikiya Hachiman's wild thoughts.

The desire to find the oil lamp became stronger and stronger.

'Just to have a look, no big deal. ’

'If there is a problem, just throw it away. ’

'It'll be fine. ’

‘What if something good happens? ’

‘Maybe the bad feeling is just an illusion. ’

The messy thoughts filled Hikiya Hachiman's mind, leaving him with no spare brain power to discern whether these thoughts were correct.

It is obvious that his situation is very problematic now, but he himself is not aware of it.

After the get out of class bell rang, Hikigaya Hachiman quickly packed up his schoolbag and left the classroom.

The one who left with him was a blue-haired girl who looked tall.

The reason for this is because the actual height of the other party is not higher than Keiya Hachiman.

But when the two stand together, there is always the illusion that the other is high.

On the one hand, Hikigaya Hachiman is always subconsciously hunched over.

So it looks a lot shorter than the actual height.

On the other hand, the girl's aura is very strong.

One meter six in height and one meter eight in aura.

'It's her again? ’

Kikiya Hachiman was a little stunned.

Since we met last night, he always felt that this girl appeared in his sight a lot more often.

In fact, Kawasaki Saki appeared in front of Hikiya Hachiman as many times as in the past.

It was only because of last night's experience that Hachiman Hachiman paid more attention to this girl.

Kawasaki Saki also glanced at Hikigaya Hachiman in surprise, then quickly ran out of the classroom.

She also has some impressions of this boy, but she has more important things to do now.

The two separated at the door of the classroom and left quickly in different directions.

"Where? Where?"

After jogging all the way to the place to eat during the lunch break, Hikigaya Hachiman looked back and forth to find the oil lamp.

Soon he found the oil lamp at noon.

Although an afternoon has passed, no one seems to have found the oil lamp.

It remained silently in place.

Some excitedly stretched out his hand, and Hikigaya Hachiman was about to dig it out.

The icy lamp face made Hikigu Hachiman's heart a little colder, but soon the fiery thoughts made him act again.

The oil lamp stained with dirt was dug out of the ground by Hikiya Hachiman.

Looking at the oil lamp in his hand, Hikigaya Hachiman's burning rants overshadowed his fiery thoughts for a while.

"It looks like a pot, why is it called an oil lamp?"

Although it is called an oil lamp, the shape of this thing is obviously closer to a teapot.

Looking at the pot in his hand, Hikigu Hachiman suppressed the excitement in his heart and tucked it into his bag.

He didn't even know why he did it.

Obviously he didn't do anything, but he was inexplicably guilty.

After stuffing the oil lamp into his schoolbag, he trotted away from the school.

After running all the way to a place a few hundred meters away from the school, Hikiya Hachiman stopped and took a sigh of relief.

"I said Luo Zhen, why haven't you seen people lately?"

"It's not that you don't know my situation."

The voice of the conversation entered Hikiya Hachiman's ears.

Looking up, two people wearing Sobuko's uniforms entered Hikiya Hachiman's line of sight.

He had an impression of the two.

One is a transfer student who transferred from last semester, and the other is a well-known person among the school boys.

After all, he is the only one who can mix with a group of beautiful girls in the Qingyin Club.

There are many people who are envious of Luo Zhen.

For various reasons, Luo Zhen still has some fame among boys.

Although not all positive.

After glancing at the two of them, Hikiya Hachiman quickly ran away.

Now he just wants to go home early to see what the oil lamp is.

Hearing the messy footsteps behind them, Luo Zhen and Irena looked back subconsciously.

But only saw a gradually receding back.

Scratching his head, Luo Zhen didn't pay too much attention to each other.

He has other things to do after that.

"I am back."

Back home, Hikiya Hachiman gave a random shout and hurried into the room.

"Brother, eh?"

Hikigaya Komachi, who stuck his head out of the room, looked at the empty living room with a dazed look.

What kind of wind is your brother smoking today?

Chapter 332 Strange Lamp God

Hikigaya Hachiman, who was slumped on the bed, gasped for breath.

Running all the way from school to home was quite a test for his physical strength.

After resting for a while, he took the oil lamp out of his schoolbag, and Hikigaya Hachiman quietly stared at the object that made him lose his temper.

He knew very well that something was wrong, and he knew that his current situation was very problematic.

But he couldn't help but want to find out.

The reason that usually restrains its own actions is now like an irrelevant spectator, unable to do anything except issue reminders.

Looking at the dirt stained on the oil lamp, Hikiya Hachiman stretched out his hand to wipe it off with his cuff.

But the outstretched hand paused in mid-air for a few seconds, then turned to draw a few tissues from the head of the bed.

The white paper towel was stained with the color of the soil immediately after touching the soil.

After carefully cleaning the oil lamp, Hikiya Hachiman threw the tissue into the trash.

Unlike most people's trash cans, Hikiya Hachiman's trash can contains nothing.

Just as he was about to put the oil lamp on the table, a puff of smoke suddenly spewed out of the lamp mouth.

A shimmer of light, like stardust and broken sand, surged in the smoke.

This smoke floated silently in the air, and at a certain moment, it shrank inward suddenly.

A strong blue-skinned man burst out of the smoke with open arms.

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