This is also the reason why An Yilun is not very angry or confused.

Maybe just as excited as the guy who wakes up early in the morning and finds out that he has an extra website?

'Let's go back and see. ’

An Yilun, whose eyes were a little erratic, also thought of it.

"Then why are these things on your phone?"


The two boys obviously didn't believe it.

We found you watching this as soon as we came over and you told me you didn't?

Isn't it like someone with a knife in his hand saying he is harmless?

"I do not know either."

An Yilun also immediately began to vomit bitterly.

He said that he had never seen these websites at all, but when he woke up in the morning, he found that there were more strange websites on his mobile phone.

And the phone battery is also low.

If it weren't for the lack of everything in the house and the mobile phone, he might think that the house was a burglar.

Listening to An Yilun, who was thinking about it, the two boys shrugged and didn't say anything.

Obviously, he didn't believe An Yi Lun's words.

No matter An Yilun also argued frantically, the two of them just looked at him with a smile from beginning to end.

Hmm, you're right.

That's right, we believe it.

Probably so.


"I didn't feel anything."

Sakamoto, who was just across from An Yilun, looked back at Luo Zhen thoughtfully.

After joining the organization, Sakamoto naturally also knew the particularity of Yi Lun Ya.

Simply put, it is a bait that is placed outside.

The kind that is very attractive.

Facing Sakamoto's doubts, Luo Zhen scratched his head slightly blankly.

He and Anyi Lun are neighbors no matter what.

Normally, if An Yi Lun also had something weird at home, he would have noticed it.

But in fact he didn't feel it at all.

If it wasn't for An Yi Lun's broken thoughts, he might not know how to deal with this kind of thing.

"Let's go back and have a look."

After thinking about it, Luo Zhen took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Joseph.

When encountering such a situation where he doesn't know if it is an abnormal creature and has no target, Luo Zhen will habitually send a message to Joseph.

Old stuff!

Your stand-in is the most useful!

"Ah? That An Yilun also had a problem again?"

When Joseph received the news, a big question mark appeared on his forehead.

How many times is this?

I'm afraid this guy is not the reincarnation of bait?

Scratching his head, Joseph took out a Polaroid from under the table.

Smashing and smashing, this Polaroid still feels the best.

Hermit Purple wrapped around Joseph's arm, and there was a faint electric light jumping on it.


After shouting habitually, Joseph's knife slashed.

This brand-new Polaroid suddenly dented a large piece under Joseph's knife.

A photo slowly spit out.

"Let me see what's going on."

Pulling out the photo, Joseph shook his head and looked at the content above.

In the dimly lit room, An Yilun, who slept poorly, also lay on the bed with the quilt.

Beside his bed, a delicate-looking elf browses the web with his mobile phone in his arms.

However, the **** content on the mobile phone formed a strong contrast with the cute appearance of the elf.

The slightly raised smile at the corner of his mouth looked very strange under the light of the mobile phone screen.

Beside the bed, a crystal slipper was lying quietly beside An Yilun's slipper.

Chapter 334 The Slipper That Was Dyed Red

In the fairy tale, the kind-hearted elf is very sympathetic after seeing the oppressed Cinderella, and decides to help the other party after knowing Cinderella's wish.

She first prepared a gorgeous evening dress for Cinderella, and she painted her makeup with a wave of her little hand.

Then take out a pair of crystal slippers for Cinderella to put on.

Finally, a carriage was prepared to send Cinderella to the banquet.

But Cinderella must be back before twelve o'clock, otherwise the spell will fail.

Cinderella, who was full of joy, naturally agreed, but when twelve o'clock was approaching, she almost missed the time because of the prince's retention.

Fortunately, she finally reacted in time, got rid of the prince's arms and ran out.

She left in a hurry and accidentally threw a crystal slipper away.

The prince who found the crystal slipper ordered a search across the city for someone who could wear the slipper.

After a search, Cinderella, who was wearing the crystal slipper, was taken away by the prince.

The two have lived happily ever after.

It should have been like this.

In fact, the size of this crystal slipper is not very rare.

Normally, although there are very few people who can wear this crystal slipper, there are still many people in the whole country.

However, in fact, no one can wear this crystal slipper except Cinderella.

Because the elf cast a spell on this crystal slipper.

Like a certain sword in a stone.

(A white hair network cheated and clicked a like)

But the elf still underestimated the attraction of the prince, or the greed in the human heart.

In order to be able to wear this crystal slipper, many people do everything they can.

It has become a sparse and common thing to cut off the excess flesh on the feet.

As long as it can be seen by the prince, what is this bit of meat?

The bright red blood dyed the crystal shoes red.

The man who grinned and sucked in the cold air insisted on stuffing his feet into the crystal slipper.

The elf as a bystander saw this **** scene for the first time.

While feeling nausea and nausea, something else was quietly sprouting inside.

After that, the elf watched how many unreasonable things the women in the city did to put on the crystal slippers.

The originally pure heart was blackened little by little.

She never thought that a small crystal slipper could cause so many people to go crazy.

It was an indescribable joy to see the human effort to put on these crystal slippers.

"A strange world."

At this time, in An Yi Lunye's room, the elf was happily browsing the Internet on An Yi Lunye's computer.

In the beginning, the Internet was a pure land, keeping people away from the troubles of real life.

But after more and more people poured into the Internet, this pure land has also become dirty, even more hostile than in real life.

You can hide your identity on the Internet, even if you yell at it, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, many people with unsatisfactory life wantonly vent their grievances on strangers on the Internet.

He even deliberately said some mentally retarded remarks in order to show his uniqueness.

The original purpose of Iron Man Tony Stark's creation of Ultron was to protect human beings.

But Ultron, who was born with consciousness, suddenly realized after spending five minutes browsing the Internet that human beings should be purged and acted.

To be honest, it is hard to disagree with this view.

And now, after surfing the Internet on Yi Lun Ye's computer, Pixie saw a lot of negative things.

How chaotic is Japan's Internet?

It can be seen from Japan's criminalization of abetting suicide.

Unlike us, the high probability you get after posting a suicidal remark on the Japanese Internet is not consolation.

Instead, I hope you will die soon.

Well, it's very Japanese.

After opening An Yi Lun's computer, the elf quickly turned over An Yi Lun's little secret.

Including some of his recent little hobbies.

These normal people seem to have some heavy-mouthed hobbies, and in the eyes of the elves, it seems that they are not worth mentioning.

After a brief glance, he didn't care.

A pair of palms the size of a keyboard key clapped the keyboard.

A piece of news was called up by the elf, and the information and history that were deliberately hidden were also displayed in front of the elf without reservation.

Looking at the news, the elf fell into deep thought.

Humans are really good at killing each other.

Sitting at the table, the elf swayed his legs and thought.

If you think about it this way, is human beings really worthy of sympathy?

It seems that the previous Cinderella didn't say thank you again after seeing the prince, and even urged herself to find a way to make her and the prince meet again.

After the prince took her away, she forgot her friend.

Ah, Cinderella never seemed to admit that she was her friend?

That's fine.

With his mouth pouted, the elf's expression turned gloomy.

So, is this all wishful thinking?

Looking back at the cluttered online forum, a very interesting note popped into Elf's mind.

On the account of Yi Lun Ye, the elf edited a topic very quickly.

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