Looking at the post on the forum, Luo Zhen touched his hair with a bit of melancholy.

If it goes on like this, my hairline won't move up, will it?

Rubbing his eyes, the good student Luo Zhen began to make up for sleep during class time.

Chapter 336 The stage has been built

Relying on tenacious perseverance and desire for a family cooking life, Hikigaya Hachiman persisted until the end of get out of class without using the latter two desires.

It has not been disclosed.

At least for now, he can keep his rational and calm thinking.

But after that it's hard to say.

Such anomalous objects have never been dangerous just because they have great power.

It is more because they will subtly change the holder's thoughts and even personality.

It wasn't until all the classmates in the classroom left that Hikigaya Hachiman, who was in a trance, stood up swayingly holding his schoolbag.

"Do you want to go back tonight?"

Standing at the school gate, Hikigaya Hachiman hesitated for a while.

He was really worried about taking this thing home.

Although there is no direct evidence, he always feels that the lamp **** is not going to come out if he ignores it.

He's convinced that this guy definitely slipped away without him noticing and seduced the others.

"Hello, Komachi?"

"Ah, it's me. I won't go back tonight if I have something to do."

"It's a courage test meeting for the society."

"Why are you so surprised that I joined the club, what image do I have in your heart?"

Hearing the surprised voice on the other end of the phone, Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly had the urge to cover his face.

Because his actual situation is exactly the same as his sister guessed.

No good friends and no clubs.

I am always alone, so today I have to tell this lie.

It's really sad to think about him like that.

"I know I know."

"Okay, that's it."

Saying that, he hung up the phone impatiently.

Kikiya Hachiman let out a long breath after putting the phone back in his pocket.

He knew that his sister was actually very smart and knew him very well.

If you continue to talk about it, the problem will be discovered.

In fact, even now Hikiya Komachi is very worried.

"elder brother...."

Looking at the hung up call, Hikigu Komachi's face was full of worry.

She has been living with Hikigaya Hachiman since a long time ago.

In the world of Hikiya Komachi, the older brother may be closer than the parents.

Although his brother has many shortcomings, he is still her favorite brother.

How could she not see Hikiya Hachiman's abnormality?

Hikigaya Hachiman has been acting very strange since last night, as if he did something shameful.

But now she can only choose to trust her brother.

On the other side, Hikiya Hachiman stood in front of the school gate and was once again lost in thought.

Where the **** am I going tonight?

Looking for a hotel for one night?

But the money in my pocket doesn't seem to be enough.

Otherwise, find an Internet cafe.

Here in Japan, many people will choose to spend the night in Internet cafes.

Because many Internet cafes here will have that kind of small private rooms.

A private space of only about a few square meters is a good place to stay for many people.

Hikigaya Hachiman had seen a word on the news called Internet cafe refugees.

Many people choose to stay overnight in Internet cafes for a long time.

Most often said to have lived for six years.

"Go and see first."

He stretched his waist and relaxed a little bit than Keiya Hachiman's tense nerves.

At least I know where I am going tonight, which is much better than the state of mindless before.

"Sorry, let it go."

"Oh well."

A voice sounded beside Hikigaya Hachiman, and after subconsciously answering, Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the back who left in a hurry.

He saw it once this morning.

Does he remember his name is Luo Zhen?

But it has nothing to do with him.

Shaking his head, Hikigaya Hachiman was about to go around.

"Stay out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

Before he could take the first step, an arrogant and domineering voice sounded.

A few guys who didn't look like ordinary students ran by Hikiya Hachiman noisily.

One of them accidentally bumped into Hikiya Hachiman while passing by.

But instead of apologizing, the other party turned his head and glared at him.

"What a disgusting guy."

Feeling a dull pain in the shoulder, Hikigaya Hachiman's face gradually darkened.

Some dark thoughts sprouted inside.

'The next wish is to make a wish to let him encounter some unfortunate things? ’

'That face is pretty good, it would be a pity if it was destroyed. ’


With a slap in the face, Hikigu Hachiman forcibly suppressed those dark thoughts.

Standing alone at the gate of the school, the sun that had not yet set poured its light on Hikiya Hachiman generously.

But the sun didn't give him the slightest warmth.

"Is it still you tonight?"


In the research institute, Luo Zhen, who had changed into his battle uniform, picked up his beloved helmet from the table.

Although this helmet has no protective effect, it can always save him a lot of trouble during the mission.

After all, his too young face will always give some unknown guys an inexplicable sense of superiority from age.

Wearing this helmet can not only reduce this kind of trouble.

It is also a guarantee for the safety of those people.

After all, Luo Zhen will be more irritable when he is in a bad mood~

"It's really hard work."

Sakata Gintoki, who was holding a cup of tea in his hand, said with emotion.

Since he came to the office, his life has gradually become richer.

This life is amazing.

"How about you do something for me if you're really tired of my hard work?"

Putting the helmet on, Luo Zhen squinted at Sakata Ginshi, who had a comfortable face and said.

This guy has been fishing for the last few days.

Clearly he was very motivated at the beginning.

"Cough, this is a training for you, a young man. I can't interfere with you, Ah Yin."

Sakata Gintoki, whose eyes were a little erratic, said righteously.

Rolling his eyes, Luo Zhen silently walked out of the room.

Or don't expect this guy to come better.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Turn around."

There was still some time before twelve o'clock in the evening, and Luo Zhen was going to see if there were any lucky abnormal creatures that came out during this time.

While Luo Zhen was making preparations, another group of people were also making preparations.

"Saki, how are you preparing?"

A girl with yellow hair shouted in a dissatisfied tone.

Yoshida Saki, who had changed into her school uniform, quickly raised her head and responded:

"Almost all right, I'll be here soon."

"Hurry up."

"I see."

In the sky, a small figure flashed by.

From the direction, her purpose seems to be the abandoned construction site.

The stage has been set up, just waiting for the actors to take their places.

Chapter 337 Actors please take their place

As night fell, the hustle and bustle of the city was quiet for a while and then became noisy again.

Office workers who have finished work, students returning home from school, night owls who have slept all day, wash up, dress up and take to the streets, ready to enjoy this wonderful nightlife.

"To be honest, I'm a little sleepy."

Near the abandoned construction site, a girl yawned and said.

She came with Yoshida Saki and the others.

Similar to Yoshida Saki, she herself is not interested in this kind of thing, she just accompanies this group of people.

In order to ensure their position in this small circle.

At least not lower than Yoshida, the later guy.

"No, Miko, are you sleepy so early?"

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