Faced with this situation, it is natural to be overwhelmed.

"Look around first."

After a long silence, my sister said with some difficulty.

In fact, her inner fear was no less than her sister's, but she still cheered up.

With the help of my sister, my sister stumbled and walked around the factory building.

She and her sister are the 'starters' of the rabbit gene.

However, they can't distinguish the position of the sound, which may also be due to the low erosion rate of the virus.

"I've never been here before..."

My sister, who was resting in the corner, curled up and thought.

The adults hated her, and she knew that very well.

Even if she is bullied, she can only endure it silently. Years and months of experience have made her develop a character of resignation.

Even if you are bullied, you don't dare to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Many guys who take pleasure in bullying and cursing children already have a way to deal with it.

As long as the bullied and cursed children have the slightest hint of resistance, they will immediately call the police to suppress them.

After all, who would fight these monsters (laughs).

Tightly clinging to her sister's body, her sister looked at the surrounding scenery with some unease.

Unlike her sister who is blind and can't see anything.

Sister can see more things.

Is this out in the wild?

But do these plants exist in the wild?

she does not know.

Mom always hated them and never taught them these things.

Keeping the uneasiness in my heart in my heart, my sister tried her best not to worry her.

It was one of the few things she could do.

"Clap, clap, clap."

The crisp sound of the flesh palm touching the ground sounded.

The two sisters immediately looked at the place where the sound came from, like frightened little beasts.

It was a dark passage where the sound came from.

Soon, the owner of the voice appeared in front of the two of them.

It was a human, at least it seemed.

He has curly blond hair that is well groomed.

On the top of the head, a luxurious crown shone in the sunlight, and the gemstones inlaid on it exuded dazzling brilliance.

The man had a proud look on his face, but he didn't deliberately pretend like he was born this way.

It seems that this pride is radiated from the inside out from the inside out, as natural as drinking water and breathing.

Anyone who sees this face will immediately think that this is an aristocrat.

At least noble.

However, the man was not wearing anything.

To be precise, no clothes were worn.

The extravagance exuding from his gestures and gestures is extremely incommensurate with his naked body.

Even some funny people want to laugh.

However, the two sisters huddled in the corner did not dare to laugh.

They are always afraid of adults.

"Huh? I didn't expect there would be two little girls here."

Looking at the two sisters in surprise, the man said slowly.

The cadence of the voice is reminiscent of those high-class ladies at court dinners.

It seems that in the next second, he will start talking about national affairs, showing a look of compassion.

"Hello sir."

The little girl who was the elder sister spoke first.

At the same time, he subconsciously kept his sister behind him.

The man raised his brows, a language he had never heard before.

However, when he ascended the throne, he was blessed by goblins, so he could understand all words, and he could also make others understand his own words.

Even just addressing words without special power is enough.

His purpose is to make the people of the country feel his brilliance.

And the people have no special power.

At least he doesn't allow it.

"I ask you, what do you think of my new clothes."

"Of course, children who can't see don't need to answer."

With open arms, the man raised his head slightly and asked.

He's ready for compliments.

But as a benevolent king, he especially allowed the little girl who could not see to not speak.

This is the kindness of his kingship.

"I...I think it looks good, sir."

The younger sister, who was guarded by her elder sister, said quickly.

In fact, she knew that the man was not wearing anything.

But she still chose to lie.

If a disfigured person came over and asked her if she was handsome, she would probably answer handsome too.

After hearing his sister's return, the expression on the man and the king's face became more and more arrogant.

This was the answer he wanted to hear.

"Yes, you are very good."

Nodding with satisfaction, the king took out a few gold coins from somewhere and threw them into the begging basin in front of the two sisters.

Gold coins with exquisite patterns spun in the air and fell into the begging basin with a crisp sound.

"Thank you."

The elder sister who heard the sound hurriedly said.

On weekdays, she made a living by begging.

Although many people will throw the ring of the can into the begging basin, she will also say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

They made her happy that they didn't take the money away.

"Take my reward well."

The king said arrogantly, then turned and left the abandoned factory.

He wants more people to see his new clothes.

After the man left, the two sisters breathed a sigh of relief.

"He's a good man."

After groping for the begging pot, my sister said with emotion.

Although the tone of speech is very proud, but in the eyes of my sister, the other party is indeed a good person.


Nodding, his sister also agreed.

She thought so too.

The king, who had left the abandoned factory, stopped a woman at this time.

"You just said, I'm not wearing anything?"

The king with a calm face could not see the joy and anger in his heart, and said lightly.

"What new clothes, you're just a perverted exhibitionist, hurry up and get away from me."

The woman with heavy makeup on her face said with disgust.

It **** to see this pervert early in the morning.

Facing the woman's disgusting words, the king did not get angry.

He raised his hand and waved gently, and a black silk thread appeared around the woman's mouth.


"what is this!"


The sound of whimpering came out, and the king left the place without changing his face.

Some people's mouths should be sewn up.

Chapter three hundred and forty-fifth form of quitting king addiction

The proud emperor gave a lot of treasure to two guys who claimed to be able to make the most beautiful clothes in the world.

They advertise that there is nothing more beautiful than this one, but this one has something special about it.

"Any incompetent or stupid person can't see this dress."

That's what they told the emperor.

At this time, the emperor in new clothes was strutting on the road leading to the city.

It is also because the abandoned factory is far from the urban area, so there are not many witnesses along the way.

And the witnesses...


The man in the suit knelt on the ground and covered his mouth with trembling hands. The documents in the briefcase were scattered on the ground.

These documents that men usually care about most are scattered in the weeds like a pile of **** at this time.

Drops of bright red blood seeped from between the man's fingers.

A black silk thread sewed up the man's mouth, just like how an old man sews clothes.

One stitch above, one stitch below, one stitch above, one stitch below.

The pierced lips were soon soaked with blood.

Warm blood flowed from the wound to the chin, and then dripped into the man's palm.

The pain signal invaded the man's brain, and the trembling hand tentatively touched the silk thread at the corner of his mouth.


More severe pain came suddenly.

Scarlet bloodshots covered the man's pupils.

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