So he vented all his inner anger on these original gut creatures.

(Gastrogen: mmp! I heard no! mmp!)

Tokyo Ward, in a conference room.

"who are you!"

The white-haired Son of Heaven looked at the young man with a terrifying aura all over his body with some vigilance.


Lifting his head, Shuanggo Joban grinned.

"It's the Demon King."

Chapter 392 Are you the ruler?

Son of Heaven, the supreme ruler of the Tokyo region of the five major regions of Japan after the war.

The third ruler to be precise.

As a ruler, she is widely loved by the people because of her stunning beauty and gentle inner nature, as well as her extraordinary leadership qualities.

On the contrary, she is not outstanding political talent and gentle heart.

There is nothing wrong with gentleness itself.

Even in this world, her tenderness seemed extremely precious, as dazzling as gold in the gravel.

But as a ruler, this gentleness is undoubtedly wrong.

As a pacifist and an idealist.

She very much hopes that those cursed children can get equal human rights and is committed to promoting the promulgation of relevant laws.

But in fact, none of these bills were enacted.

Because those people in high positions, especially the lineage headed by Tiantong Juzhi, are very disgusted with the cursed child.

How could such a bill be allowed to be enacted.

Even if Tiantong Juzhicheng respects and loves Sheng Tianzi very much, and is determined to help her well.

The funny thing is that even though Tiantong Juzhicheng has secretly obstructed Shengtianzi from promulgating bills many times, he is still a person that Shengtianzi relies heavily on politically.

Even in terms of diplomacy, it is necessary to rely on the existence of Tiantong Juzhicheng.

(Speaking of which, the place is so big and divided into five pieces. Is it really necessary for diplomacy?)

In this case, the Son of Heaven could only watch over the cursed children, but could never truly protect them.

Even the rights were gradually emptied, and they were told that "because of their special status and the deterioration of the human living environment, they must leave children."

To be honest, it doesn't seem surprising that Luo Zhen was speechless when he saw this.

After all, the film and television works on the Japanese side have their own characteristics.

That is, the bigger the background, the more outrageous the setting.

If they just describe a street or a family, they can write penetratingly and thought-provokingly.

When the background expands to a city, there are some strange settings.

When the context expands to a country, you realize how necessary the existence of a political class is.

Back on topic.

Originally, the fate of the Son of Heaven should continue like this until he meets the protagonist Rantaro Satomi.

After various reflections, he ran away from home and lived with Rantaro Satomi, becoming one of the other's harems.

To be reasonable, shouldn't the setting of this kind of person be to open a harem?

How did it become someone else's harem?


But these are no longer important.

Because the devil has come.

"Who the **** are you!"

Several people in the conference room looked at the strange young man in front of him in shock and anger.

For some reason, this young man exudes an air of superiority.

He is more like a ruler than the Son of Heaven, who is sitting at the front of the conference table at this time.

A domineering king.

"Me? Borrow someone else's line."

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me."

With a grin, Sougo Vibana said aloud.

At the same time, he walked to the side of a man and kicked him to the ground with a random kick, grabbed the other's chair and sat directly opposite the Son of Heaven.

"Are you the ruler here?"

Lifting his legs, Zhuangwu Victory looked at the Son of Heaven with great interest.

He has seen many rulers.

The King of the Tooth Vampire, the Chairman of the Fantasy Group, the King of Gulangi and so on.

They all have a common feature, that is, they dominate the people below with absolute strength.

However, this was the first time he had seen a ruler of this type.

Somewhat novel.


Subconsciously straightening his back, the Son of Heaven answered loudly.

It's as natural as a primary school student being asked by a teacher.

She didn't know why she answered so honestly.

But there is an inexplicable quality in the other party that makes her dare not defy the other party's ideas.


Holding his chin, Sogo Vibana made an inexplicable voice.

As if observing the appearance of the Son of Heaven.

It's like he's thinking about something on his own.

"I'm talking to you!"

A man who was kicked down angrily took out a pistol from behind.

After the Gastric War, his father became one of the high-ranking officials of the Tokyo Special Administrative Region by his own means.

He inherited the position naturally after his father's death.

Since then, no one dared to ignore his words again.

Even some mentally retarded proposal will be thought carefully and given a tactful explanation.

But now, Shogo Vibana not only ignored him, but also kicked him to the ground!

Before he could raise the gun, a gray streamer flashed across the void.

This gun with more decorative significance than practical significance instantly turned into a pile of parts scattered on the ground.

"Keep quiet, Lord Demon King hasn't let you speak yet."

The gray scarf was emptied into a circle, and Woz's figure appeared in it.

Compared to usual, the stern-faced Woz exudes an icy aura.

As if one word of disagreement could end someone's life.

But actually.......

'It's the evil Demon Lord! I am so impressed! ’

As the firm support of the Demon King, Woz naturally felt that No matter what path he took in the future, Sogo Vibana was absolutely right.

However, from a personal point of view, he still hopes that Sogo Joban can act like a real demon king.

But after the official contact, he found that Shogo Vibana did not seem to have the characteristics of a demon king, but was more like a Nio.

Originally, he had given up his expectations, but he didn't expect Shogo Joban to actually embark on the path of the Demon King again at the end.

He is the only Shogo Vibrant, and the only Demon Lord.

Even though he usually looks kind, but the Demon King's attitude has been deeply imprinted in his bones.

"then who are you?"

Turning his head, Shuanggo Vivian looked at Tiantong Juzhicheng who was silent next to him.

He noticed it from the moment he entered.

Rather than saying that this girl is the leader, it is better to say that this white-haired old man is the leader.

Most of the people in the conference room were vaguely headed by him.

The girl sitting in front is more like a delicate puppet, used to appease the emotions of ordinary people.

"I am the assistant of the Son of Heaven."

After a few seconds of silence, Tiantong Juzhicheng said calmly.

Facing this young man who couldn't figure out the details, Tiantong Juzhicheng didn't act rashly.

Outside the conference room, he arranged a lot of policemen with top IP rankings.

The other party swaggered in and made such a big noise, but the police never responded.

There is only one possibility.

Whether it's for himself or for the Son of Heaven, he can't act rashly.

"That's really interesting."

Standing up, Shogo Joban walked a few steps back and forth in the center of the conference room.

It's like finding a new toy.

Chapter 393 Gates feels his hands are dirty

"What exactly are you here for?"

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Tiantong Juzhicheng stepped forward and asked.

From here, we can see the difference between Tiantong Juzhicheng and Shengtianzi.

Tiantong Juzhicheng is a relatively qualified politician.

Keep a calmer mind at all times and try to negotiate.

As long as you can identify the needs and goals of the other party, things will be much easier after that.

The Son of Heaven is more like a somewhat innocent princess.

Looking forward to peace, I sincerely hope that peace will come, and have taken practical actions.

Although these actions were not implemented, she still worked tirelessly.

This may be the advantage of idealists.

Knowing that there is no hope, knowing that there is no effect.

But will continue to work hard with anticipation.

"I don't have any special thoughts at all."

Walking around the room casually, Shogo Joban said indifferently.

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