
A man said hesitantly.

He was sure it was the scream of a gastrula.

Gritting his teeth, the man will not leave this place without his head.

He wanted to find a place to hide away.

Beside him, an expressionless son of the curse followed.

Most of the police and cursed children are like this. The two are more familiar strangers than partners and comrades.

Harmony and love are in the minority after all.

Looking back to the unfinished building, the battle gradually became incandescent.

A flash of yellow flashes through the small gastrula biota.

Those gastrula creatures, who were like a flood of beasts to ordinary people, were as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Ryu Terui.

Punch out, punch out.

Turn around and step side kick.

Turning his head to avoid the attack, he raised his elbow and smashed the head of the gastrula creature.

A large amount of airflow spurted out behind him, carrying Ryu Terui into the sky.

An owl-shaped gastrula was flying high, and was preparing to leave the battlefield to go to a place where there were more humans, and suddenly felt the sight of the sky.

The pain came at the moment of falling to the ground.

Before the gastrula creature could roar in pain, the dragon Terui, who fell from the sky, smashed its head.

Without caring to wipe the blood off his feet, Ryu Terui immediately returned to the fighting state to continue cleaning up these gastrula creatures.

Although he saw a lot of scum and people who made him disgusting along the way, he still couldn't tolerate the mass influx of these gastrula creatures into the gathering places of human beings and wantonly slaughtered.

No, not an influx.

Not even one!

In this chaotic battlefield, it is undoubtedly very difficult to do this.

But he still made the decision resolutely.

Because he is a man named Ryu Terui!

On the other hand, Shotaro Zuo, who said before that he would let Ryu Terui solve the battle and help later, was about to end the battle one step ahead.

"Completely mindless idiot."

The metal iron rod slammed fiercely on the head of the original intestine creature, and a strange blood flower suddenly exploded.

A large amount of rotten flesh fell to the ground gradually covered with the blood of the gastrula in this blow.

"This way, it will make Auntie Cleaning very distressed!"

High heat wraps around the metal iron.

The icy silver-gray stick body and the high-temperature distorted air formed a strange sense of disobedience.


"It's disturbing the people! Idiot!"


To the fighting master Shotaro Zuo, a giant gastrula creature without a brain and a body is just a moving target.

Chapter 415 Ambush

The hot metal iron rod fell on the huge body of the gastrullus again and again.

Each time can cause huge damage.

The thick anti-holmium metal outer skin specially cultivated by the Gosho Society is as fragile as paper paste under the attack of Shotaro Zuo.


The ferocious roar continued to weaken into a cry of pleading.

However, Shotaro Zuo's heart did not fluctuate at all, and the movements in his hands were even faster.

Kamen Rider has love, but I, Shotaro I, don't (without mercy face).

The scarlet compound eyes stared at the gastrula creatures under their feet, as if they would not be tired, and constantly waved the metal iron rod in their hands.

On the other side, Ryu Terui, surrounded by small gastrula creatures, calmly analyzed the current situation.

Although these small gastrula creatures are numerous, they are not much of a threat to him.

After switching to the AccelBooster form, his basic stats have been greatly improved.

The punch is 5 tons and the kick is 10 tons.

The most outrageous is that the single jump force is 1500m.

We don't even know what this jumping force is referring to.

If there is a friend who does not have a clear concept of this data in his mind.

So here I tell you, the height of Leo's flying kick is 1000 meters.

In other words, if the jumping force refers to height, the jump height of one Terui dragon is about 1.5 Ultraman Leo.

Yep, it's so outrageous.

But again, just look at the data or something.

Gently moving his body, Terui Ryu once again turned into a golden meteor and shuttled through the original intestine creatures.

The corpses of gastrula creatures fell to the ground wherever they passed, and occasionally a few fragile gastruth creatures were smashed into a pile of minced meat by the terrifying kick.

In the world of knights, for various reasons, defeated enemies mostly disappear in the explosion or return to their original shape.

There are only a few exceptions such as the world of Ying Shanren.

And in this world, slain gastrula creatures don't turn into a cannonball fight.

It's what it's supposed to be like.

Resisting the discomfort in his heart, Ryu Terui stopped paying attention to those dead gastrula creatures.

This has nothing to do with good and evil, it is purely a battle between two races.

There may be positions and good and evil in the battle between humans and humans.

But the war between humans and gastritis has nothing to do with right or wrong.

Only fight to the death.

The only possibility for these two species to live in harmony is that humans are far more powerful than gastrists who keep them as livestock.

Either a wise king appeared in the gastrula creatures, crushed human beings with absolute strength and then kicked human beings from their original thrones, making human beings the one to be supported.

For details, please refer to the full-time hunter's ant king.

For it, restraining its subordinates from wanton slaughtering of human beings, but raising human beings to kill them in a planned way is already an extremely benevolent act.


Standing on the back of the gastrulation creature's neck, Shotaro Zuo roughly estimated the remaining physical strength of the gastrula creature.

Pulled the hot memory from the driver at the waist, loaded it into the metal iron, and pulled the trigger.

"Heat! Maximum Drive!"

The fiery flame ignited from the metal iron rod, like a dragon full of life.

The long stick burning with flames pulled a beautiful knurling in Zuo Shotaro's hand, leaving a trail of flames in the air.

Raise the metal iron rod high and smash it down.


The hot flame instantly engulfed the body of the gastrula creature.

The terrifying impact crushed it to the ground in an instant.

After the huge body twitched twice, he finally lost his voice. Before the gastrula creature landed, Shotaro Zuo gently jumped away from the gastrula creature's body.

This holmium-resistant gastrula, which was carefully cultivated by the Wuxiang Association, was "easy" by Zuo Shotaro.

Although Shotaro Zuo didn't perform very hard from beginning to end, it didn't mean that this gastrula creature was weak.

In fact, this gastrula creature can be called a disaster for the human beings in this world.

Not being afraid of holmium metal means that humans have lost an effective way to kill gastrula organisms.

Even transforming people.

It's like taking all the equipment off a fully armed soldier and making him wear a body armor to fight a tiger.

And not all soldiers can be compared to the strong, not human-like guys in the full membership.

Most soldiers can only be regarded as strong ordinary people.

The ordinary people here refer to the most common people in society, not the outrageous normal people like Okubo.

After falling to the ground, a small vacuum area was formed beside Shotaro Zuo.

Those small gastrula creatures are as crazy as seeing a ghost. So Shotaro Zuo seems to be killed if he takes a step too slow.

In fact it is.


The metal iron rod mercilessly knocked on the head of a gastrula creature who was stunned for a second.

The head of the gastrula creature suddenly exploded like a smashed watermelon.

The flames wrapped around the metal iron rod instantly vaporized the filth, keeping the stick clean and tidy.

But correspondingly, the smell is not so friendly.

"I said, Terui Ryu..."

Rush into the small gastrula biota with a flame stick, Shotaro Zuo shouted loudly.

However, before he could finish speaking, he heard Ryu Terui's somewhat irritable words:

"Don't question me!"

I haven't spoken yet...

Piece of lips, Zuo Shotaro quickened the movements of his hands.

Apparently the gas was blown on these gastrula creatures.

Soon, only one gastrula was left in the clearing.

This rabbit genotype gastrula looked at the Kamen Rider walking towards him from left to right, and couldn't help trembling with fear.

Looking at each other, Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui made an attacking posture.

One raises his leg, the other raises the metal iron in his hand.




He let out a long breath, and Ryu Terui rubbed his stiff neck.

Although the strength of these gastrula creatures is not too strong, it is still very oppressive to rush over.


"The battle isn't over yet."

Shotaro Zuo was about to say something when Philip's voice rang out.

It was only when the two of them noticed that there were many people ambushing around.

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