The cloak with some white fine lines on his shoulders hangs down to his knees, wrapping most of Rozen's body.

The end of the cape kept dissipating into the air as fine ashes and then re-agglomerated.

The pale bone nails are carried behind him, and the subtle and peculiar patterns on it make people addicted to it.

Compared with the blood tank of weapons, these lines are more like paintings flowing in the hands of an artist, full of smooth artistic beauty.

The existence of these lines makes this bone nail no longer a simple slaughtering tool, but has the meaning of a work of art.

However, its cutting-edge cold glow declares its identity as a weapon.

Raising his hand, Luo Zhen looked at his hand.

The jet-black gauntlets are much softer than Amazon's claws.

But there's no less power in it than Amazon.

And staring at this dark armor for a long time seems to be sucked in by sight and thoughts.

If the power of Cupid is occasionally reflected in this armor.

Then the power of Fujiang is completely turned into the nourishment of the void.

"A new alliance."

Raising his brows, Men Yashi looked at Luo Zhen with interest.

This is awesome.

As a thief madman, what Menyashi likes to watch the most is Luo Zhen, a hardworking younger generation who can always develop various new forms (laughs).


Nodding, Luo Zhen took the initiative to show the ability of this alliance before Men Yashi asked.

The shadows around him squirm.

Several Luo Zhen wearing the same armor walked out of the shadows.

From the perspective of breath, there is no difference between several people.

"What a novel experience."

Several Luo Zhen made different actions at the same time.

Some looked at their hands in amazement, some pulled out the bone nails behind them, and others stared thoughtfully at the camera on Menyaishi's chest.

For Luo Zhen, this experience is also quite novel.

His consciousness is still the original one, and there is no classification or an extra consciousness like a shadow clone.

It's more of a god-like feeling.

He can feel the existence of each individual, and he can also 'see' the perspective of each individual.

And it didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

It's like watching surveillance.

A lot of videos are projected on one screen at the same time, and although attention is divided into priority and second, these contents are indeed in sight.

"Then, I'll go first."

Waving his hand, the original Luo Zhen said something to Men Yasushi and stepped forward.

Its figure was instantly engulfed by the shadow and disappeared into it.

The same is true for the remaining Luo Zhen, who disappeared into the shadows one after another.

Soon, Kazuya was the only one left in the room.

"Interesting, it looks like a shadow, but it's actually something else."

Rubbing his chin, Men Yashi looked thoughtfully at the direction where Luo Zhen disappeared.

Although manifested in the form of moving in the shadows.

But Men Yasushi could feel that what Luo Zhen had just used was not simply the power of shadows.

Speaking of which, when the OOO driver sounded just now, it seemed to say Void?

He can't see more, but it's not a big problem.


The Decade belt appeared on Kadoya's waist, the card box automatically popped open, and a brand new card spun and flew into Kadoya's hand.

Looking at the image of Luo Zhenxin's group on the card, Menyaji showed a strange smile.

If you can't see it, practice it.

Today, Monya Shi is still very happy to steal the number.

Chapter 425 Is this place so big?

In the chaotic city, countless people rushed to run.

They weren't sure where exactly they were going to hide or where it was safe.

Before the Gastric War, Japan often held evacuation drills due to frequent earthquakes.

It stands to reason that they shouldn't be so panicked in the face of this situation.

However, after the Gastric War, this kind of exercise basically disappeared.

On the one hand, it takes into account the tense nerves of ordinary people.

From the top of the food chain, juggernauts without natural enemies suddenly become casually hunted prey.

This contrast fills the hearts of many with unspeakable fear and anxiety.

After finally settling down, if the exercise is held every three days and every two ends as before, maybe this nerve will be broken one day.

Under such circumstances, the top management of Tokyo Ward was exhausted in order to take care of the tense nerves in the hearts of the people.

On the other hand, the current high-level situation in Tokyo is difficult to describe.

A vase-like ruler.

Although very gentle and kind, it is not suitable for this position.

In other words, she is not suitable for this position in this era.

An adjutant with the supreme power in essence.

He seems to be a good old man, but he is actually a bad guy.

In the original plot, Tiantong Juzhicheng also asked Hiruko Shadow Yin to destroy the Tokyo District.

The result was not unexpected, Hiruko Yingyin failed.

Then he was let go by Rantaro Satomi, and he became the person on Rantaro Satomi's side after a pass of whitewashing with unknown meaning.

Hiruko Hina also developed feelings of dependence on her.


"It's so noisy outside."

In a certain hospital, a woman with messy purple hair crawled up from the operating table that had been remodeled privately.

Most of her beautiful face was covered by the long purple hair, but even if only half of her face was exposed, it was not difficult to see that she was a beautiful woman.

A white coat that was casually put on his body concealed his soft body curves.

The exposed calf was wrapped in black stockings.


He stretched his waist long, and the rounded toes wrapped in black stockings could not help but buckle tightly, as if even the toes were exerting force.

Following the action of the woman, or Muroto Sumire.

The loose white coat slid down diagonally, revealing a swan-like snow-white neck and delicate collarbone.

Although there is a small purple suit in the white coat, the casually open neckline is completely unable to play the most basic shielding function of a piece of clothing.

Maybe it will play a role in accelerating attack speed in some special occasions?

Rubbing her eyes, Muroto Sumire, who was walking on the catwalk, walked to the window in a daze and opened the heavy curtains.

This small room that she had privately remodeled was gloomy all day long thanks to the extremely thick curtains.

After opening the curtains, Muroto Sumire saw an apocalyptic scene.

Except that there are no zombies, this is the same scenery she has seen in zombie films.

Before she could figure out what happened, an unusually dazzling figure broke into her sight.

It was a guy in strange armor.

The cloak behind him swayed with his movements, like those heroes in fairy tales.

Yet the hero turned a blind eye to those who ran.

After opening a pile of debris, he said something to the cursed child hiding in it, and then stretched out his hand.

Muroto Sumire seemed to be able to vaguely see something in the other's hand.

Like a badge?

The child curled up in the corner glanced at Luo Zhen's face wrapped in armor with some fear.

In the end, he held Luo Zhen's hand.

Maybe it's because of the kindness released by Luo Zhen, maybe because of the badge in Luo Zhen's hand that she and her friends are one by one.

After the child held his hand, Luo Zhen didn't talk nonsense.

The gray dimensional wall fell to include Luo Zhen and the girl.

The people around noticed this and stopped in amazement, wondering if they were hallucinating because they were too panicked.

Muroto Sumire was also shocked to the point of being speechless.

A genius with a high IQ, Sumire Muroto had never met an opponent until the other three of the Four Sages appeared.

Even the Robo-Soldier project was done alone and never cooperated.

If she saw Luo Zhen at first, she thought, 'This armor is pretty good-looking, and I will make one if I have time. ’

Then after Luo Zhen used the dimensional wall to transfer himself and his child, Sumire Muroto's idea was '? ? ? What was that just now? ’

Can't understand, can't understand.

Muroto Sumire couldn't understand how this was done.

I can't understand what kind of technology this is.

Although after the appearance of gastrula creatures, the trend of this world gradually deviates from the ordinary daily world and derails towards the fantasy world.

But this kind of thing that looks wrong in the style of painting is obviously not what this world should have.

Rubbing his eyes, Muroto Sumire looked at the place where Luo Zhen disappeared in disbelief.

The original drowsiness disappeared at this moment.

In the next second, something even more unexpected happened to Sumire Muroto.

I thought that the guy in black armor was just an example, but soon another guy in jet-black armor entered Sumire Muroto's line of sight.

Although the curtains were drawn all day, Sumire Muroto's room had a very good view.

Before Muroto Sumire thought about why this guy came back.

Another piece of identical armor entered Sumire Muroto's line of sight.

Looking at the figure in the dark armor below the hospital, I looked at the identical armor in the distance.

Muroto Sumire was lost in thought.

No matter what Muroto Sumire thought, Luo Zhen didn't have the mood to think about it.

One after another, dark figures shuttled through the dark and unknown corners of the city.

These are the places where the cursed children usually live.

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