This power is indeed deadly to ordinary people who meet the screening criteria, but to Irena, it is like a few mosquitoes buzzing in her ears.

Nothing but annoying.

However, out of curiosity (to cause trouble), Irena still came over.

Of course, she sent a message to Luo Zhen as agreed before.

However, since Luo Zhen hadn't looked at his phone before, he didn't notice it.

So this wave of Irena said that she had no problems.

As time passed, the doors behind everyone kept opening, and people kept walking in and looking for a seat to sit down.

Soon the whole living room was filled with people.

"Da da da......."

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.

The people in the living room who were staring at the murals lowered their heads slightly, like believers waiting for instruction.

Irena, whose reaction was almost a beat slow, hurriedly followed the people around her and lowered her head.

The burning heart of doing things will not allow her to be exposed like this!

'What the **** is going on! ’

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka on the other side doesn't have such a good mentality.

She felt her heart beating fast, as if it was about to jump out of her throat in the next moment.

The murmur of countless people praying together in his ears sounded again, which was more obvious than before.

The noisy voice continued to sound, and the people on the stairs also started to read the prayer words that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka couldn't hear clearly.

Only a few sentences can barely distinguish.

'His glory...'

'Walking on the earth...'


Apart from those meaningless compliments, Kasumigaoka Shiyu could only hear clearly the end of the last sentence:


Chapter 444 The knock on the door gradually became violent

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was forced to bow her head to listen to the 'teaching', tried her best to use her brain to think.

She was worried that once she stopped thinking, she would fall into nowhere.

This feeling is baseless, but Shiyu of Kasumigaoka has an inexplicable intuition telling her that she must never stop thinking.

Keep thinking about it.

Otherwise it will become a meteorite.

By the way, is there any connection between the two?

Kasumi Hill Shiyu's gradually chaotic mind popped up some strange thoughts from time to time, and the originally logical and clear thinking was like a pair of stray pants.

Once you stray, you can't go back.

'That sign looks familiar. ’

When forced to stare at the mural before, Kasumigaoka Shiyu inadvertently saw a strange sign in a corner.

An eye pattern is set in a triangle.

At the beginning, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka didn't think so much, just regarded it as a sign that the villain organization has.

But just now, she suddenly felt that the expression was a little familiar.

It's like seeing it somewhere.

After thinking hard for a long time, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka finally thought of the origin of this logo.


Isn't this just pure speculation?

At the beginning, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka would know that this so-called monastery was heard from some boys in the second grade.

To be honest, she wasn't interested in such a topic.

But when she got home, she checked it online out of curiosity.

After all, being a novelist requires a certain amount of story accumulation.

It is impossible to write anything good-looking if there is no stock in the stomach.

Many taciturn novelists actually have more active thoughts in their heads than anyone else.

During that time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's love metronome encountered a big problem and was in danger of being cut in half.

At that time, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka once had the idea of ​​accepting the fate of being cut in half and re-opening a different type of book.

Otherwise what can be done.

Fortunately, she survived in the end.

No one to comfort, no one to support advice.

It's all by myself to endure it silently.

Since then, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's thinking has become much more mature than before.

The Priory was one of the stories Shiyu of Kasumigaoka read during that time.

Although this story is among the many stories that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka has read, the plot and setting are very bad and nothing special, but it was forgotten after reading it for a long time.

But after seeing that sign, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's dusty memory was awakened.

Information about the Priory came to mind, but was quickly dismissed.

‘No, it’s definitely not the same organization. ’

Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought with certainty.

In the stories she knew, the Priory was a group of the world's most wealthy, powerful people.

Although he has many technologies that ordinary people don't know about, he has absolutely no supernatural powers.

Besides, I haven't heard that the monastery is still religious?

By the way, what the **** is Harmen?

Pray for a husky?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu groaned a little, and her thoughts gradually began to get confused while she was praying.

The originally sober head began to sink little by little.

I'm so tired, don't think about it.

Forget it, that's fine.

If you think about it, I don't have to fight.

The messy thoughts filled Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's head, leaving her with no extra brain power to think about those things.

The most primitive desire for survival seems to disappear along with other desires at this moment.

All kinds of thoughts in my mind slowly disappeared, leaving only a sound...  

"Hamen!" *N

At a certain moment, all the people in the hall stood up and shouted those two words loudly.

The man on the stairs held the book in his left hand, and raised his right hand high and shouted with the people in the hall.

This pose looks like a certain Celebration Monster.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Hayasaka Ai, who gave up resistance long ago, will not talk about it.

For some unknown reason, Irena, the scumbag witch, never took the initiative to destroy this weird gathering.

Instead, he has been cooperating with the other party's actions and shouting out Harmen.

I'll try my best to act with you~

If you look closely, the guy on the stairs might spot it.

The difference between Irena and the others.

Her body is not like a rigid marionette, and her pupils are not hollow.

But he couldn't find it.

Maybe it's because of the confidence of being in the base camp, or maybe it's because of Irena's magic.

Many people have overlooked one point, Irena is a genius witch.

There may be a problem of lack of experience and lack of means when facing the old witch.

However, she is also a witch, the highest-ranking existence of magicians.

For most people, Irena's presence is powerful and eerie.

If someone took her as an ordinary girl, no one would even know where the body was buried.

Gravegrass can be taller than his ancestral grave overnight.

It's just that most people's impressions of her stay on crumbs, and they even have the illusion that this crumb witch is harmless.

Looking at the uniform and heavy tasks in the hall, the man in the red robe on the stairs showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

Slowly putting down the outstretched hand, the man had a holy smile on his face.

"All of you here have been guided by my God to come here. In this case, we are family."

Gently closing the book, the man said loudly.

Coupled with the other party's physical movements, these words are actually full of contagion.

'Family you are a ghost! ’

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's chaotic brain barely squeezed out a trace of clarity, and after a roar in his heart, he fell into chaos again.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt like he had fallen into a quagmire.

The more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

The more you struggle, the more powerless, the more difficult it is to move.

The more I tried to stay awake against that strange force, the more confused my mind became.

The man on the stairs was chattering about something, and everyone in the hall stood dumbfounded like a group of puppets.

This picture is full of absurdity.

If you put it in the exam, you cannot write an 800-word analysis and sentiment.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

Clearing his throat, the man spread his arms and said loudly.

However, halfway through speaking, a knock on the door suddenly interrupted the man's words.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, the man decided to ignore the knock on the door for the time being.


"Dong Dong Dong!"


"Dong Dong Dong Dong!!"

"I believe........"

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!!"

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