If this kind of physique is put in some horror movies, it is an insult to the villain to live an extra second after the plot begins.

The only possibility of surviving two episodes is to sacrifice all the teammates around him one by one.

'It's so boring. ’

After hitting Hache, the face of 'An Yi Lun' was full of boredom.

However, he still sat in his seat.

Think of it as an experience of life.

Anyway, he has nothing to do now.

jingle bell~

The bell for the end of class rang, and the students in the class immediately became restless after the middle-aged teacher walked out of the teacher.

Many people gathered around An Yilun to ask questions.

In this world of colorful hair, it's okay to have a rare hair color.

As long as it's not like a certain Mary Sue with colorful rainbow hair color, it's not a big problem, and no one is particularly concerned.

Everyone was surprised by the transformation of An Yi Lun.

After changing a hairstyle, it is like changing a person.

It was still the same face, but it looked very different.

He looks a lot more handsome, and his temperament has become very outstanding.

"Hey, Anyi, what have you been doing this holiday?"

A boy looked at An Yilun in disbelief and asked.

He was reluctant to admit that this person who looked very present was the An Yilun who was addicted to the second dimension all day and whose status in the class was only lower than himself?

He didn't want to admit it! !

"It's nothing."

'An Yi Lun also' said with a haha.

How does he know what An Yi Lun has done this holiday?

But thinking about it, this guy can't seem to do much other than play games at home during the holidays.

Gee, that's really sad to think about.

"I always feel that An Yi has changed a lot."

After writing the last note in hand, Kono Sakura looked at An Yilun beside her with some surprise.

As the closest student council member to Anyi Lun, Kono Sakura used to be annoyed by Anyi Lun.

This guy can really be shameless for the sake of his already empty society.

Today's An Yilun really gave her a great shock.

I don't understand, but I'm shocked.gif


Moving the small bench and sitting beside Rozen, Irena nodded in agreement.

Although she didn't know what happened, Irena could easily see An Yi Lun's abnormality.

If there is no accident, it is possessed by ghosts and the like.

'It's something I'm not good at. ’

Scratching her head, Irena thought helplessly.

Irena also dabbled in this type of magic in her past studies.

But only to understand.

It was a little difficult for her to exorcise the demons.

It's better to expect her to be humanely destroyed with people and ghosts.

"Luo Zhen, what do you think?"

Turning her head, Irena looked at Luo Zhen beside her and asked.

I just sit and watch.

Rolling his eyes, Luo Zhen said that he didn't want to speak.

He is not Yuanfang, so ask him what he does.

"Let's talk after school."

Waving his hand, Luo Zhen said with a bit of interest.

In this case, he is unlikely to directly transform and then drag the guy out of An Yi Lun's body and beat him.

This is not realistic, after all there are so many people out there.

and many more?

It doesn't seem to be possible?

He had the memory-clearing spray with him.

Rubbing his chin, Luo Zhen seemed to think of something.

After a few seconds, Luo Zhen shook his head and gave up the idea.

Since he is not a dangerous person, there is no need to make these big moves.

"An Yi Lun" in the crowd suddenly shuddered.

It seemed that something dangerous was staring at him just now.

It's like a person walking in the African jungle being glanced at by a passing tiger.

After looking at it with great interest, the full tiger looked away with little interest and stopped paying attention.

Although the sight is fleeting, the creepy feeling is not fake.

'what happened? ’

The 'An Yi Lun' who was talking for a long time suddenly stopped, raised his head and looked around to find the source of the maliciousness.

However, no matter how he looked, he found nothing unusual.

Finally just give up.

What he didn't notice was that Luo Zhen looked at him with strange eyes.

Daddy said, use magic to defeat magic.

Chapter 457: Being an honest person has no future

On the campus, 'An Yi Lun also' strolled around the campus with a bag.

During this time period, most of the students of the Homecoming Department have left the campus. Those who should go home should go home, those who should go shopping, and those who should work part-time.

The rest of the students who stayed in the school were students who had joined the club and participated in club activities.

There are very few people like 'An Yi Lun also' wandering around.

Standing on the edge of the tennis court, 'Yilun An' looked at the sports girls who were sweating and youthful on the court with great interest.

There are also girls in tennis shorts who often appear in TV dramas.

There are still many.

Of course, the kind of ambiguous plot in the TV series is impossible.

Who doesn't wear safety pants when exercising in a short skirt?

It's not the master's order (laughs).

The short skirts of various colors swayed with the owner's movements, and the black safety pants were occasionally seen underneath.

Bai Nen's legs ran back and forth on the tennis court like a black hole, attracting the attention of some boys outside the court.

Compared with yellow tennis balls, white thighs are more attractive to adolescent boys.

Sweat that oozes from the pores condenses into beads of sweat on the skin, then flows down the chin, neck, and collarbone into the collar, disappearing in that mysterious place.

Skin that glows pink from exercise looks incredibly delicate.

The front of her clothes was gradually wet with sweat, and the sweaty girl took the towel from her companion and gently wiped the sweat from her face.

"I worked hard today too."


"It's far from enough."

"You are working too hard."

The girls gathered together and chatted and discussed.

The boys also gathered together very consciously and absent-mindedly talked about topics that they were not listening to themselves, and most of their attention was on the side of the girls.

Here I want to tell you a very cruel fact.

It's not that you can easily find a girlfriend if you join a club with a lot of beautiful women.

There is a high probability that there is an additional project to see beautiful women in your life.

Take a chestnut!

There's a lot of money in the bank, but what does that have to do with you?

In schools with a 2:8 male-to-female ratio, there are also people who cannot find a partner.

Yes, Gou author.

"I forgot to ask, what are your wishes?"

After watching for a while, the Alien Demon God asked.

The Alien Demon God, the Alien Demon who came from the future to the present, came to the present to make a contract with human beings, but human beings have to pay for one thing.

That is to say, the aliens realize a wish for humans, but the person whose wish is fulfilled has to pay for the time in the past.

When a contract is made, humans become contractors.

Once the alien demon completes the wish for the contractor, it will take the most unforgettable past time of the contractor and go to the past to destroy the world.

Once the destruction begins, the current world will be destroyed at the same time.

Originally, the Alien Demon God should have started to fulfill his wishes when the contract was just signed, but this Alien Demon God didn't know why he didn't ask immediately.

Instead, he played with An Yi Lun's body for a while.

Now I finally remember what I want to do.

It's not too late to ask.

'desire? ’

An Yilun, who was squeezed into the corner of his body, was also stunned for a moment, and some did not understand what the guy who occupied his body wanted to do.

You can't always plan to help yourself realize your wish, right?

That would be awesome.

'I want to make the best galgame in the world! ’

After thinking for two seconds, An Yilun also gave his answer without hesitation.

Although I don't understand the current situation, I will answer honestly anyway.

Is this the so-called not forgetting the original intention?

Up until this time, he could still say such a thing.

When a normal person encounters such a situation, the first reaction should be to ask the guy who occupies his body to leave his body.

But the person in front of him is An Yilun after all.

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