Shaking his head, when he looked again, the tarot card was still the same as usual.

"Let's go, let's go to class."

"Anyway, tarot divination or something is psychological comfort."

Patting Tojo Nozomi on the shoulder, Yazawa Nicole said carelessly.

Human beings are such a contradiction. When divination is used to make a good card face, the role and truth of the tarot cards are very sure.

But when the divination results are not what you want, leave all the tarot cards and other divination methods into the superstition and comfort in your heart.

Nodding, Tojo Nozomi followed Yazawa Nicole from the activity room.

Neither of them noticed.

In the reflection on the glass, Nozomi Tojo's figure seemed to be a beat slower than the real action.

in a world—

"Huh? Seems like something interesting happened?"

The young Joban Shogo stopped the movement in his hand, and the corner of his mouth inadvertently evoked a slight arc.

Originally, it was just to play with a few unknown so-called rebels to increase the fun of the game.

But something interesting seems to have happened.

A stream of light flashed in his eyes, and Shuanggo Joban tapped lightly with his fingers on the table.


At the moment when Sogo Joban's voice fell, the figure of Woz appeared behind Sogo Joban and knelt down on one knee.

"What are your orders, Lord Demon King?"

"Go to Luozhen's world and see what choices that girl will have."

By controlling the time table, Sogo Vibana can barely 'see' things in that world.

Although it can only be around the time table, it is enough.

"Received, Lord Demon King."

Lowering his head in response, Woz disappeared from the room.

After Woz disappeared, the smile on the corner of Sogo Vibran's mouth still hung on his face.

Chapter five hundred and eighty sixth hug face bug

At night, the city's neon lights are flashing, and the streets are full of people coming out to have fun.

Night was a very dangerous time, long ago, before humans had mastered the flames.

Whenever the night falls, the ancestors of mankind will choose to return to the gathering place or their own residence to hide and survive the night.

Time pushed back a little, and although humans mastered the flames, the fear of night slowly diminished.

But most people still don't choose to go out at night and stay at home.

And the best way to pass a long night is, of course, a thriving activity.

In the long history of mankind, night = prosperity seems to have been etched into the instinct deep in the genes.

I don't talk about it during the day, but every night some people seem to break free from their **** and liberate their nature, and start a journey of searching for flowers and willows.

"It's so early tonight."

"You are not the same."

Bright neon lights shone, and various colors of light called light pollution irradiated wildly around.

The smell of perfume and wine mixed together to stimulate people's nerves.

Screams, cheers, noise.

All kinds of sounds sounded in this small dance hall, and then were covered by deafening music.

The fast-paced music is playing non-stop, mixed with cheers and screams from time to time, just to better arouse people's emotions.

The people here are like their rationality has completely evaporated, leaving only the most primitive instincts.

Pursue the instinct for joy.

The closed eyes seemed to avoid the dazzling light, and also seemed to see brilliant colors in the dark.

The messy hair kept swaying with the twisting of the body.

Sweat and perfume mix.

This is the nightclub that everyone often talks about.

A young man with dyed yellow hair staggered out of the nightclub with a woman whose face could not be seen clearly.

Passers-by didn't pay much attention to it after taking a look.

Everyone knows what type of people go to nightclubs.

What although I drink, smoke and go clubbing, but I'm a good girl.

There are also good girls who go to nightclubs.

I don't know if the girl who goes to the club is a good girl.

But I know good girls don't go to nightclubs.

Holding the woman beside him with his left hand, the yellow-haired man wiped his face vigorously in an attempt to wake himself up.

Let's just call this guy the yellow-haired man.

The author of Lazy Dog really doesn't want to give a name to the dragon set.

Looking at the woman beside him, the yellow-haired man's mouth curled into a smug smile.

The hunt was still very successful tonight.

This woman will be the 27th prey in his cell phone collection.

So, ah, nowadays girls really need to protect themselves.

The outside world is not so good.

There used to be more good people than bad people, but now there are more bad people than good people.

After all, most people are neither good nor bad, just ordinary people.

"Tsk, not enough money."

Taking out his trousers pocket, the man clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He was originally an unemployed vagabond, otherwise he wouldn't go out to clubs every day.

The money for renting the house was given by his 'girlfriends'.

The big man has the wisdom of the big man, and the little man has the wisdom of the little man.

In this day and age, even scumbags have their own means to survive.

Even some scum can become Internet celebrities and live a glamorous and rotten life.

Others see nature and follow suit.

So sometimes really don't blame society for being impetuous.

After adjusting his posture, the yellow-haired man continued to support the woman towards his rental house.

Along the way, there are naturally all kinds of wipes.

However, when passing through a dark alley, a strange sound rang out.

It was as if some heavy object had been pushed away.

"Huh? What sound?"

The man who was a little drunk looked suspiciously into the alley, trying to see what was going on inside.

Is it possible that someone is so hungry, directly on the side of the road?

An idea popped into the man's mind.

If it were on a normal day, he might be very interested to look at it.

Not sure if you can join it.

But for now, forget it, glanced at the woman beside him, and the yellow-haired man was about to leave.

But the man in the alley was obviously not going to let the yellow-haired man leave so easily.



The sound of the breaking wind rang out, and a wave of warmth soaked through the man's shoulders before he could react.

A little red liquid splashed into his sight.

It looks so eerie.

'Eh? ’

The man's eyes widened little by little, and the pain gradually came.

But before the man could cry out because of the pain, a huge force dragged the man into the dark alley.

With a "bang", the woman who was being supported fell to the ground.

The head with long black hair had a close contact with the ground, but fortunately there was no bleeding.

The feeling of pain made the woman wake up instantly and let out a pained cry.


"What's wrong with you, miss?"

The cries of pain attracted the attention of several passersby.

They didn't notice that there was something peeking in the alley.

The monster named Alien twitched its tail impatiently.

Two sharp front paws slid restlessly on the ground.

After a while, the alien gave up the two humans at the entrance of the alley as if it had received some instructions.

The developed limbs swayed alternately and drilled into the sewer, and the long tail behind him covered the manhole cover of the sewer.

This alien is very agile after entering the sewers, and there is no pause from light to dark.

Passing a fork somewhere, an envelope soaked in sewage caught its attention.

The letter seemed to be crumpled and then unfolded again under the brewing water.

The paper seems to be of good quality.

With his head tilted, Alien hesitated for a second and then ignored the letter.

Now, it's going back.

However, before leaving, it still remembered the breath of the letter.

It doesn't have any special meaning, just by the way.

With the extension of the sewer, the yellow-haired man looked at the monster in front of him in horror.

He wanted to cry for help, but who could hear here?

The next second, a face-hugging bug fell on the man's face, and soon the man's struggles and weak calls for help disappeared.

This man joined the field in another way.

His eyes looked up over the man's corpse.

Countless aliens stood quietly beside the man's corpse. In the deepest part, a huge alien queen looked at the man's corpse on the ground.

In a trance, it was laughing.

As time passed, the sky gradually lit up.

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