Animals such as polar bears and squirrels hunt and hoard food in large quantities to survive tough winters.

Humans are different.

Humans will never be satisfied with the status quo, and the greed in their hearts will always expand endlessly.

With a little you want more.

In the face of a creature like the curse spirit, the homeless should have maintained an attitude of fear and awe.

But as his ideas changed, he felt that this seemed to be quite good.

When the real man promised him more benefits, the tramp agreed to the real man's request without much thought.

Stabs the poisonous needle in the hand into the body of the human who is looking for trouble.

He was obviously a human, and he still came to deal with the curse spirit that made him fall here.

But because of an ethereal promise, he chose to deal with humans.

It can only be said that the maliciousness of human beings towards the same kind is always much greater than the maliciousness towards other creatures.

Just like the magic world where Gojo Satoru resides.

In that rotten place, there are many guys who don't even have the courage to fight the curse spirit, but they can persecute human beings without any psychological burden.

Humans are so interesting.jpg

Looking back to the present, Joseph subconsciously increased the strength in his hands.

Hermit's Purple, which was originally curved, instantly straightened.

The homeless man who was rammed into Joseph by the force of the scythe was instantly fixed in the air.

At this time, he was like a scarecrow in the field.

The blood dripped from the corners of his mouth uncontrollably, wetting the front of his clothes.

His lips were constantly humming, and the homeless man looked back at the real person as if he wanted to question him why.

But the only person who came into view was the real person withdrew his hand and turned his back to his fleeing figure.

It seemed that the evil smile on the corner of the real person's mouth could be seen vaguely.

As if in the eyes of the other party his own death was just a trivial matter.

It's not even a small thing, it's just an occasional thought in my mind, and then I feel a little emotional.

Ah, dead.

There won't be any extra thoughts after that.

Yeah, this guy is a monster.

Why does it become like this.

It seems to have started from an overtime at first, right?

Then it seemed to happen unexpectedly.

Turning his head stiffly, the homeless look at Joseph kept changing.

In the end, it stayed on resentment and unwillingness.

Why are you only here now?

Why did this happen to me?

Obviously I can also see this monster, obviously I am also talented.

As it says, I'm talented.

Why am I dying here.

The light in his eyes disappeared little by little, and the homeless man died in this park with his own unwillingness.

Maybe he was very unwilling until the moment before his death, feeling that he should have a better future and a bigger stage.

As for those who were killed by him?

Sorry, he selectively forgot.

Or this guy is a masochistic personality.

Find satisfaction by blocking some of your dark thoughts.

There is a kind of thinking like 'what, I'm actually a good person'.

"A man's words are good when he is about to die...?"

"It doesn't look like it."

The Hermit Purple slowly retracted, and Joseph looked at the homeless man in front of him with some complexity.

He can probably understand what the real guy thinks.

Letting this human suddenly burst into the battlefield would definitely break the original situation.

If you are soft-hearted, you may be killed.

If you don't have a soft heart, kill this guy. The real people don't believe that Joseph and the others will really watch a human being killed and indifferent.

In fact, it is true that Joseph and the others are not very angry or very sad because of this person's death.

But in the end there were some psychological fluctuations.

And coupled with the distance problem, Joseph really missed the best opportunity to pursue.

But he still chased after him.

When the real person turned around and started to flee, Purgatory Kyojurou had already chased after him, wielding his long sword.

"Breath of Fire-Three Types"

A burst of hot air was exhaled from the corner of Purgatory Kyojuro's mouth, and was instantly swept away far away in the high-speed movement.

Eyes widened, Purgatory Kyojuro kicked away one of the transformed aliens that rushed over, and then jumped up with the second transformed alien.

"The air is so hot!!"

This sword technique is a powerful slash from top to bottom with the energy after the jump.

If the breath of water is continuous and changing, it can fully cope with various situations.

Then the breath of flame is to use a powerful slash to smash all the enemies in front of you.


The real person who turned his legs into deer legs suddenly bent down and vomited while running.

Several finger-sized objects similar to jerky were vomited out by it.

This is the human being compressed after its transformation, and it is the last stock.

Recognizing it from behind, several transformed people rapidly swelled to the size of a normal adult's calf in the air, and pounced on Purgatory Kyojuro with claws and claws.

It just blocked the attack route of Purgatory Kyojuro.

"whispering sound."

As a last resort, Purgatory Xingjulang could only beheaded with one knife.

Although he wasn't hurt, his power was gone.


Turning his head, the real man smiled wickedly.

It seems that he has successfully escaped.

After all, it is only four or five meters away from the sewer, and this distance can be crossed with just one sliding shovel.

It is no different from a successful escape.

It believes that these people will not stop chasing because they dislike the dirty sewers, but they have already run far away by the time they open the sewers and then come down.

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the real person became even more intense.


Suddenly, a strange voice entered the real person's ears.

Before it could react to what it was, the huge force sent it flying backwards and slammed into Purgatory Kyojuro.

A large amount of blood sprayed out, forming a beautiful picture scroll in the air.

what is this?

The real man thought blankly.

It's not very painful, which means that it doesn't attack the soul.

He raised his head slightly, but the real person saw nothing.

There is no one in front.

Or that there is no one in its line of sight.

"It's very accurate."

"Don't underestimate me as a Wu clan."

In the distance, a short-haired girl with a lollipop in her mouth put down her sniper rifle and said with a chuckle.

Wu Fengshui, the younger generation of the Wu family.

Currently working part-time in an agency.

"Thank you girl!"

Purgatory Kyojuro laughed and raised his long sword, and the dazzling fire seemed to bloom at this moment.

"Breath of Flame - Profound Truth - Nine Types"

The next moment, the fire broke out.

The flaming dragon roared in the dark night.


Chapter 649 Once you accept your weakness!

"Hahaha, girl, your marksmanship is really good!"

Patting Wu Feng Shui's shoulder hard, Purgatory Kyojuro laughed loudly.

He is such a straightforward person.

"Brother Purgatory, tap lightly."

Wu Feng Shui, who was slapped hard by the purgatory Xing Shou Lang, said helplessly, the lollipop in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

Although she also has a good impression of this man who is as warm and forthright as a flame, sometimes she still feels a little overwhelmed.

Especially the other party's problem of not looking at people when he speaks.

I don't know where he was looking when he spoke.

To be reasonable, the reason why I changed my brother was because I almost had a conflict with my purgatory brother.

For the unfamiliar, Big Brother Purgatory's way of speaking is too easy to misunderstand.

Wu Fengshui thought helplessly.

"Wow, two cuts with one knife."

Not far behind the purgatory Kyojuro, Joseph, who had completed a containment of the real man, was stuffing the real man's body cut in half into the containment box.

Even at this point, the real person has not completely died.

Although this situation is not dead and dead, there is not much difference.

It is completely dependent on the items of the organ to breathe a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the research, this guy would have died on his own.

"Speaking of which, Feng Shui girl, why did you join the agency in the first place?"

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