Pressing the lock seed in his hand on the drive, the smile on the corner of Ge Ye Hongtai's mouth became more and more obvious.

One of his favorite forms without regard for the Great General is the Seikaku form.

After all, it's really handsome.

Although many people say that there are not many good-looking armors in the Kaiwu series, the appearance of Kaiwu itself is not very good.

But Ge Yehongtai felt that he was quite satisfied with himself.

It may also be that it has been used for a long time, so slowly you get used to it.

Just like every time the destroyer of a world unlocks a new form, it takes a while to get used to what that form looks like.

But there are some new forms that he really can't accept.

For example, a certain 21 new God Lord who looks ugly and shriveled crazily as soon as he appeared on the stage.

To be fair, in a new form you are either handsome or powerful.

If you are handsome in appearance and weak in strength, you can use it to abuse vegetables, and you can try to use some auxiliary props in the future.

Strong words....

Strength is beauty! ! !

The armor that can fight must be handsome! !

Even if it is really not good-looking, as long as it is strong enough, some people will think it is handsome! !

But 21 The New God Lord is really, ugly and dishonest.

Except for the effect of the show, everything else is quite stretched. I can only say.

His gaze returned to Ge Ye Hongtai's side.

A ring of zippers suddenly appeared in the sky, and with the sound of the zipper being opened, a huge lock fell from the sky.

"LockOn! Soiya! KachidokiArms! Get out now! EiEiOh!"

Noisy sound effects sounded, and even in this chaotic battlefield, he was one of the most beautiful cubs.

But Ge Yehong was not at all embarrassed to be stared at by a group of people with strange eyes.

After all, he was originally from a hip-hop team.

At the same time that Ge Ye Hongtai was transformed, 'Shengxiao Kaiwu' and 'Lord Baron', who were standing not far away, seemed to have received some instructions, and at the same time waved their weapons to attack Ge Ye Hongtai.


Raising his head, Ge Ye Hongta under the mask looked at the two enemies formed of black mud in front of him.

To be precise, he looked at 'Lord Baron', but on the other side, 'Shengxiao Kaiwu' was ignored.

At this time, Ge Yehongtai felt that he should say something.

But after thinking about it, I didn't know what to say, so I just shut up.

Waving the Shengcoo flag in his hand, he kept smashing it towards ‘Lord Balon’.

The 'Lord Baron', who was caught off guard, was beaten and retreated for a while.

The 'Shengxiao Kaiwu' on the side also waved the Shengxiao flag to prepare to make a clearance, but just as he rushed forward, he was kicked out by Ge Ye Hongtai.

'Go away, don't get in the way! ’

Although Ge Ye Hongtai didn't say anything, his actions clearly conveyed the meaning.

"Is it coming to me next?"

Looking away from Ge Ye Hongtai, he looked at the huge black mud polymer that was constantly surging in the center of the battlefield.

Unconsciously, the volume of the black mud was shrinking little by little.

When Luo Zhen looked at it, the black mud had shrunk to the size of a human.

After a surging, the familiar armor appeared.

The layer of black mud on the surface faded, revealing the bright red color inside.

The Speeders joined the team.

"Sure enough, it's me, as expected."

Looking at the familiar group of speeders, Luo Zhen raised his brows.

Before, he was still wondering why there was no counterfeit of his own.

Could it be that you **** think I'm not a Kamen Rider? !

Just when Luo Zhen was thinking about whether to use the cruelest means and inhumanely send away this black mud monster created by Hua Yu.

Luo Zhen counterfeit appeared.

While he was relieved, Luo Zhen was a little angry.

Anyone who sees their counterfeit will get angry, right?

tnnd, you are very good at imitating, aren't you?

Today I have to show you the dangers of this world.

Black Mud: Just say how good you want me to die.

With a tap of the belt, Luo Zhen entered acceleration mode.

The world around me fills up again.

The only one who can maintain normal operations is Tiandao General Secretary, who also entered the super acceleration mode.

After noticing that Luo Zhen entered the acceleration, the Director of Tiandao gave a faint glance and stopped paying too much attention.

The 'Jiadou' in front of him made him feel a little bit of blood after a long absence.

Both strength and fighting style are the same as themselves.

The other party seems to be able to guess their own thoughts, and the other party's thoughts can also be guessed by themselves.

But the Director General of Tiandao didn't have the embarrassment that "the same master can't break the trick".

After all, grandma said that his evolution is faster than light.

In addition to this point, the Director of Tiandao also came up with an idea.

Should I say it's me?

The two fists collided in the air, and the Chief Secretary of Tiandao came up with this idea when he looked at the 'Jiadou' in front of him.

Although it's just a fake, it's already pretty good.

On the other hand, when Luo Zhen entered the acceleration mode, another 'speeder group' also entered the acceleration.

Two red figures shuttled constantly on the battlefield.

Sometimes staggered and sometimes separated, the fire that bloomed during the battle bloomed in every corner of the battlefield.

Chapter 688: Door Yashi: Although I don't know what happened, I did it anyway

In an accelerated world, everything around me seems so slow.

It even looked as if it had come to a standstill.

The only things that can move are Luo Zhen, Tiandao Chief Secretary, and two products of black mud.

"Although it's just a fake, it's already very good to be able to do this."

He kicked the 'Jiadou' with a kick, and the Director of Heavenly Dao raised his chin slightly and said.

At the beginning, the fake was still evenly matched with himself, but as the battle progressed, the guy gradually couldn't keep up with his actions.

After all, he is the Director of Heaven.

The 'Jiadou' who was kicked to the chest stepped back again and again, and only barely stopped after retreating for several meters.

Raising his head, his blue compound eyes looked at the Director of Heavenly Dao in front of him.

Obviously, it also has sky blue compound eyes, but Tiandao General Secretary Jiadou gives the impression of a mild and tolerant summer sky.

But this black mud product feels like a cold machine.

Not mixed with any emotion, just executing the designed program logic.

Standing up, the body surface of 'Jiadou' surged, and then returned to calm.

The next moment, the product of this black mud rushed to the Director of Heavenly Dao again.

And the Chief Secretary of Heavenly Dao also held the Kunwu gun and greeted him.


At the moment of the fight, the Chief Secretary of Tiandao noticed a slight difference.

Did this guy evolve with me?

Looking at the other party's same sky blue compound eyes, the corner of Tiandao's mouth evoked a smile.

This is really interesting.

It's a fine grindstone.

With this idea in mind, the Chief Secretary of Heavenly Dao is not in a hurry to end the battle.

Instead, he started to try something different to confirm his conjecture.

And although this counterfeit does not evolve in battle like the Director of the Heavenly Path, but as long as it is given some time, it can replicate the current Director of the Heavenly Path.

On the other side, Luo Zhen and the impostor stopped accelerating briefly.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Luo Zhen thought about it and rubbed his palm on the driver at his waist.

The three core coins in the original drive were automatically ejected and flew into the coin storage box.

In its place are three other core coins.


The ring scanner swiped and the tri-color halo popped out of the drive.

After noticing the situation at the Director General of Tiandao, Luo Zhen wanted to do a small experiment.

When the light dissipated, knights like the heroic heroes in ancient Greek mythology appeared on the battlefield.

The burly body just looks powerful.

Agida's and Kuga-like reinforced muscles cover most of the body in this form.

The exposed limbs are full of muscle traces.

The golden pattern is all over the body, and the mysterious rune is engraved on it.

The large horn resembling a ghost on the top of the head stretched out in an insolent manner.

The scarlet compound eyes were supposed to be full of warm colors, but at this moment they were filled with surging killing intent.

Clenching his fists, Luo Zhen let out a long breath.

Different groups have different focuses.

You will feel different when you use it.

Luo Zhen felt light and light in the previous speeder group. It seemed that as long as he stepped forward, he could go far away in an instant.

And now this alliance gives Luo Zhen the feeling that it is unmatched power.

Strong body, surging energy surging in the body.

As long as you stand on the ground, there will be far and constant power entering the body from the ground, as if it will never fall.

He opened his hand and sensed it slightly. The elemental aura in the air was so obvious that it was in no way inferior to the magician's combination.

Slightly tilting his head, Luo Zhen looked at the fake in front of him.

And the impostor did the same at this time.

Turning his head slightly, sky blue and scarlet compound eyes staggered in the air.

The next moment, the two moved at the same time.

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