If there is reincarnation......

The human world has nothing to do with you.

It's not a man who holds the original imperial city in his hand.

From the current point of view, Hua Yu feels that it is still possible to live.

At least his life is still there.

Although it's embarrassing now.

As for the new human beings, the dignity of the curse spirit, and so on.

Hua Yu felt that it didn't matter.

It doesn't care too much about that.

What it cares more about is some forest nature and the like.

But now...

After seeing Luo Zhen's power, it almost gave up.

Originally, there was a magician named Gojo Gou in the world. Some people said that he was invincible and the strongest.

But none of the spell spirits paid much attention to them.

After all, Gojo Satoru is just a human being, and there is always a way to deal with it.

But before Luo Zhen's perception of Hua Yu, that magnificent figure did not look like a human being at all.

More like a **** on a high level.

Even if he does nothing and just stands there, he exudes a terrifying presence all the time.

No matter what he does, he seems to be under the gaze of the other party.

No matter what you do, it seems that you can't make the other person's emotions waver.

This feeling of despair soon shattered Hua Yu's heart.

If the complex emotions and hearts of human beings can be counted as weaknesses, then the gods above them will not have any emotions.

Nor will there be any weaknesses.

After moving his limbs for a while, the sharp blade slashed across the special alloy and made a slightly harsh sound.

If Hua Yu is interested, maybe he can try to dig a hole for this containment box with the sharp blade left by Luo Zhen.

After all, it is only a terrifying spell spirit that restores power.

Even if the abilities are blocked, it's still okay to try before you bleed to your death.

But Hua Yu didn't do that.

It didn't even bother to move.

The only remaining arrogance in its heart has been completely shattered.

Right now it just wants to be contained honestly.

Don't do anything to cause yourself to be killed by that god.

In Hua Yu's eyes, Luo Zhen was already on par with God.

After all, it has never seen the so-called God, and Luo Zhen's appearance is more in line with his understanding of God.

Maybe there will be a real **** in the future (in fact, there is already).

But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

After all, his current status is just a prisoner......

Lying in the cold and dark containment box, Hua Yu's consciousness also fell into darkness little by little, like a deep sleep.

Maybe it's because of the special effect of the containment box, or maybe it's because of Hana Yu's own choice.

Maybe both.

Little by little, the line of sight was covered by pitch black, and Hua Yu's consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

outside world----

After accepting the Courage Core coin, the golden light in Luo Zhen's eyes seemed to be a little brighter.

But it quickly returned to its original state, and it was gradually dimming at a speed unseen by the naked eye.

Think about it too, if this power is really problematic.

Just now, Hirota Ge Ye and Sogo Vibana won't go so easily.

I am not allowed to be beaten by a wave of seniors.

Especially Shogo Joban.

He used to beat his seniors (the old devil) as a junior in the past, and beating juniors was indeed a new thing for him.

It is not easy to have an opportunity to educate the younger generation.

As a result, he even fooled the other party because he was too excited. (crossed out)

Really guilty.

After that incident, Sogo Joban seriously practiced controlling his emotions and strength.

I practiced for about a week, and then I forgot about it.

Now, he feels that his practice has been completely completed.

There is only one younger generation who does not know whether to live or die to verify the results of his practice.

It's a pity that so far this unknown descendant has not appeared.

Shogo Vibana, who was doing it, was thinking about whether to reverse the time and space to beat his past self.

Ah, the time line has been closed by him, and he is the only one left.

It's okay, it's not a big problem.

Although there is only one Shogo Vibana, there are many more Gates.

Anyway, he used to beat himself often, so he should pay off the debt now.

Gates: Are you polite?

He closed his eyes and opened them after a few seconds.

The indifferent look in his eyes dissipated a lot, and he became a little more popular and agile.

Although Luo Zhen usually wears dead fish eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

Taichi Yagami on the side asked.

Although Luo Zhen gave people a strong, unfathomable feeling.

But Taichi Yagami thinks that Luo Zhen looks better before.

That guy who always had an indifferent expression was too unlike Luo Zhen.

It's a little bit normal now.

"It feels so much better."

Rubbing his brows, Luo Zhen said with some distress.

At the moment of using the divine combination, Luo Zhen felt that his consciousness, or his soul, seemed to be separated from the body in an instant and reached a very high place.

It's a wonderful feeling.

It seems that his soul has been sublimated or purified.

Luo Zhen felt like he was in the clouds, looking down at the world from above.

It's a wonderful feeling, but it's also very disturbing.

On the other side, Kamiyama Feizhen found a little knight who was sitting on a stone and writing and drawing.

"Yo, long time no see."

Although it still looks like it was before, Feiyu Shenshan felt a power far beyond the previous one from the body of the little knight.

Got stronger.

Yes, after all, fantasy books are completely formed.

Chapter 699 Gifts and Return

Putting down the quill in his hand, the little knight raised his head in confusion.

After seeing Kamiyama Feiyu's iconic smile, she showed a sudden realization.

It was this person.

It's no wonder that the little knight didn't recognize Fei Yuzhen Kamiyama for the first time.

On the one hand, the two have been seeing each other for a long time.

Strictly speaking, we didn't get to know each other for a long time the last time we met.

On the other hand, humans are still a bit difficult to identify for the little knight.

The worms in Hallownest have more personality than each other, and one more characteristic than the other.

But for humans, it seems to be the same.

Two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

"long time no see."

Although the little knight's mask could not show any expression, Kaguyama Feiyu really felt a sudden realization from the little knight.

He's even more angry than the last time we met.

Nodding imperceptibly, the smile on Feiyu Shen's face seemed to be a little brighter again.

Although I don't know what happened.

But Kamiyama Feiyu really thinks this must be a good thing.

Sentient creatures are far better than cold containers.

Thumbs up, the little knight nods towards Kamiya Feiyu, imitating the way Yusuke Five generations left when he left.

Although it is still an imitation, it is very different from the original.

At that time, the little knight's heart was like the abyss below Hallownest, dark and lonely.

At that time he may have feelings, maybe not.

Who can tell?

Maybe he didn't know much about himself at that time.

Sitting next to the little knight, Kamiya Feiyu really 'chat' with the little knight.

"It feels like a long time has passed without caring."

"You seem to have changed a lot."


"Really? I don't feel much myself."

"Maybe the hair is a little longer?"


"Hahaha, you think so too."

So how did the two of you chat?

It should be said that it is worthy of being a well-known novelist teacher Thomas.

Although I don't know what the reason is, the two of them are quite happy chatting so far.

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