For such a gentle and optimistic girl, it's really hard not to like her.

"Playing sound, get ready to go."

Ignoring Zayin's dissatisfied complaints, Yato strode forward in the combat uniform provided by the agency.

Before walking, the jet-black combat uniform turned into the sports uniform that Yato wears the most on weekdays.

Although it's still a combat uniform in essence, Yato said that he still looks a little more pleasing to the eye.


Putting down her hand, Soyin quickly followed Yato's pace.

For Soon, where Yato is going is where she is going.

Because there is only Yato in her world.

Chapter 781 Chapter 760: The Night Fighting from the Sky

Hachihara, a small town in Kumamoto.

Although it is a city, it is more like a large village in terms of scale.

Compared with Tokyo, which is already bright with neon lights, and Kyoto, which has a strong atmosphere of Shinto.

Everything here seems to be stuck at the beginning of the century.

This peaceful and peaceful town has large tracts of lush forests and creeks that sparkle in the sun in photos and paintings for Tokyoites.

Everything seems to be so beautiful.

But this peace was shattered not long ago.

A group of strange people gather in this peaceful town.

At first, the people in the town didn't pay too much attention.

Until later curious young people in town try to make contact with them.

More and more young people are starting to join that so-called sect.

At first there were only one or two, then ten, twenty.

During the period, many people expressed resistance and did not understand, but those people either died and disappeared or fell into madness in a long-term nightmare.

He disappeared shortly after being sent to a mental hospital.

Shadows hang over the town.

There were also attempts to escape the town during this period, but all failed.

They were all caught soon after.

Someone tried to connect online, and the results were obvious.

After being caught, he was beaten severely, and then he was sent to the building in the center of the town and never came out again.

Some are like the People's Temple incident that actually happened.

In 1953, priest Jim Jones founded the People's Temple Church in Bald Eagle under the banner of helping the homeless, the unemployed and the sick.

The purpose of the sect is 'people', 'kindness' and 'help'.

But in fact, there is evil and darkness behind it.

The founder Jones dominated the believers with ignorance, led the believers to build their own towns and used armed forces to maintain their status.

In the small town, Jones enjoys the status of a god.

In charge of the life and death of believers, you can enjoy everything at will.

He controls everything in the town like a real god.

After an accident, the news leaked.

A reporter accidentally discovered everything in this darkness, and after collecting evidence, he hurriedly escaped from this devil's lair.

Jones, the bishop of the sect, found the reporter's existence without hesitation and sent an armored vehicle all the way to the airport to shoot and kill the reporter.

Afterwards, Jones, who knew that he had no way out, even coaxed and used force, forcibly killing all 913 believers who followed him.

So far, the People's Temple Church, which is listed as the top ten most evil organizations in the world, has come to an end.

At this moment, the situation in the small town of Hachihara is so similar to that of the original town.

Residents of the town are living in panic and pain.

At this moment, the "reporter" who brought hope has quietly arrived.

"It's really unpleasant."

Standing in the shadows on the edge of the forest, Yedoubing's blue pupils stared silently at the town.

There was an aura in it that made him very uncomfortable and very familiar.

Before, he chased this breath and ran most of Japan.

But they failed to catch each other's feet.

At first he felt very incomprehensible.

But Luo Zhen seemed to have found the answer to the question after he reversely invaded along the wisp of black air he brought back.

A **** who uses his dreams to display his power?

Really annoying guy.

With a sigh, Yato seemed to understand something.

This is really not what he is good at.

Although this guy first needs to use blood as a medium to spread his power.

But it would be understandable if there were such a group of mad believers.

Yato is also a **** in itself.

A maniac.

If you believe in yourself, that's great.

But if you believe in other gods, it will be very distressing.

The mouths of these guys can really be as tight as a zipper.

Without using some special means, it is impossible to make the other party reveal any news.

Well, the mad believers that Yato sees are basically those who believe in those other gods.

Not to mention mad believers himself, there are not many believers.

"When is Yato going to act?"

Suyin, who was standing beside Yato, flashed a trace of unbearableness in his eyes.

The kind-hearted she has some sympathy and can't bear what happened here.

"Certainly now."

The ice blue eyes flashed, and Ye Dou said in a faint tone.

For these guys, he has a lot of resentment.

Seeing Yedou's palm stretched out, Zayin also very naturally placed his little hand on Yedou's palm.

Guanghua went there, and the gentle girl who always wore a long skirt disappeared in place.

In its place was a slender blade in Yato's hand.

Compared to those weapons with a cold and fierce aura.

The long blade of the sound is more like a slender baton or a bow.

A little less fierce, a little more gentle.

Holding the long sword, Yato looks like an artist standing on stage ready to put on a grand show.

The fierce aura quietly dissipated under the contrast of this long blade.

But that didn't mean that Yato's spirit had faded.

On the contrary, at this time, Yato only felt that a flame was burning in his heart.

"Come on together."

Holding a long sword in his hand, Yato said softly.

In fact, in the beginning, Yato wanted to contract another artifact.

After all, it is necessary to fight with the weapon that this child turned into.

Yato always felt that this child who was as pure as white paper would be stained with some dirty colors.

But after a serious heart-to-heart with Zayin, she chose to continue using Zayin to fight.

If nothing else, the two should be with each other for a long time, right?

Maybe it will go on like this.

If so it might be nice too.

Holding the long knife in his hand tightly, Ye Dou's eyes drooped down.

The breeze was blowing, rustling the branches and leaves.

At some point in the shade of the tree, Yato has disappeared.

On the other side, in the buildings in the center of town—

"It's almost time."

A man in a European medieval-style robe stands on a high platform.

On the altar in front of him was a pool of dark red blood.

Behind him are a group of cultists with fanatical expressions on their faces.

This group, like the men on the high platform, were all dressed in robes.

Some people's robes were held up high, and some inhuman features seemed to be visible in the shadows.

Turning around, the man on the high platform could not help but draw a smug arc when he looked at the disciples below.

Then quickly return to normal.

He knew exactly where he got everything from.

Clearing his throat, the man opened his mouth to say something.

However, when he opened his mouth, a cold voice came from above.

"Are you in a meeting?"

"How about taking me one?"

The next moment, a bleak sword light bloomed.

Chapter 782 Chapter 761 Investigator Sakamoto, get ready

Under the broken eaves, scarlet blood flows down the steps.

The platform was full of dead bodies.

The still warm blood gathered in one place and slowly flowed down.

A faintly scarlet light lit up and then quickly disappeared.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

On the high platform, the expressionless Yedou raised his foot and stepped on the face of the man in the robe who had the meridians of his limbs torn off.

A dazzling blood color was reflected in the ice-blue pupils.

Unconsciously increasing the strength of his feet, Yato ignored the man's wailing and thought quietly.

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