Maybe it's because most of the power goes into building that world?

Luo really doesn't know.

Maybe because of that, but Luo really didn't care.

All he cares about now is the guy who projects his power from other worlds to this world.

The shadows surging under his feet devoured the ground of the entire game field into an abyss almost instantly.

In the abyss, shadows were quietly watching the moon **** above.

Above the game field, golden rays of light shone, rendering the sky like the place where the gods were.

The holy breath spreads out in all directions.

The space occupied by the scarlet moonlight was compressed to the extreme almost instantly.

The scarlet moonlight surged around the angry Moon God, and a terrifying air wave erupted in the next moment.

The golden slash moved forward with some difficulty against the terrifying air waves, and then was smashed by the palm of the Moon God.

For a time, the entire gaming field seemed to be shaky.

"Maybe it won't let you succeed."

Kadoyaji, who was watching the play with his arms crossed, said with a chuckle.

The moment the voice fell, the shaky game field instantly stabilized.

He is also the destroyer of the world anyway, and he is no worse than the gods of a certain world in terms of force.

If I just let you run away like this, do I still want to hang out?

Putting down his palm, Luna looked at Luo Zhen and Men Yashi with fear.

The wound on the palm is so conspicuous.

Chapter 787 Chapter 766 Deadpool: Tomioka, you are really boring

When the battle in the game field began, the outside agencies were not idle either.

In a residential house, a frowning teenager was tossing and turning on the bed.

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

It can be seen that the young man in front of him is probably having a bad dream.

Maybe there will be hideous monsters chasing him in this dream?

And in the air above the boy, a scarlet airflow surged.

As if some monster was about to burst out of the air.

At one point, a rotting claw jutted out of the air.

It snorted like a film was torn apart.

Then came the arms, the head, the body.

Seeing that a rotten monster was about to descend on this world, a black muzzle suddenly blocked in front of the monster's face.

The man in the black combat uniform pointed his gun at the monster expressionlessly.

His lips moved as if to say something.

The next moment, the trigger was pulled.

With a 'puff' sound, an indiscernible voice sounded.

Special bullets are ejected from the muzzle.

The hit monster disappeared as quickly as a deflated balloon.

Leaving only a wisp of scarlet air lingering in the air.

Withdrawing the gun, the man's vicissitudes of life showed a slightly emotional expression.

Turning around to look at the companion behind him, he slowly opened his mouth. . . . . .

"How's it going? Did you take a good picture of Mr. Deadpool's heroic appearance?"

This handsome-looking middle-aged uncle is actually a skinned Deadpool.

Although I deliberately kept a serious look for a while in order to play handsome and record the video.

But the aura of a mouth suddenly disappeared.

It can only be said that Deadpool is really not suitable for serious looks.

The special fighter who partnered with Deadpool nodded silently without speaking.

He took out the memory-clearing spray from behind and sprayed it twice on the boy on the bed.

The boy who seemed to be waking up suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

After completing the memory clearance, the man took out something similar to a pen and gently shook it twice on the boy's head.

The familiar golden light blooms.

Similar to Luo Zhen's power.

The boy's frown slowly loosened.

This time, the boy entered his dream again, but it was obviously much easier than the last time.

It should be a sweet dream.

"Tomioka, you are still really boring."

"No wonder the popularity is not good."

"That would be disgusting."

Looking at the man's silent appearance, Deadpool complained.

This guy named Tomioka Yiyong in front of him is good elsewhere.

It's just too dull.

Deadpool doesn't like this stuffy gourd at all.

Couldn't he be given a more interesting teammate?

At least there must be a humorous soul to keep up with his train of thought, right?


The originally dull Tomioka Yiyong suddenly raised his head, looked at Dead Servant and said seriously:

"Not hated."


The tone was extremely firm and convincing.

If it weren't for Deadpool and this guy walking very close, I would have believed it.

Although this guy always shows a cold look, Deadpool knows that this guy just thinks that everyone who can fight against these monsters is very powerful. fighting.

So a little bit introverted.

By the way, this guy seems to be a little resistant to his original identity?

I don't understand.

But Deadpool thinks this guy is a good guy.

Although a bit weird.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the next place."

After saying the above sentence, Tomioka Yiyong once again returned to a somewhat dull state.

One boring and one talkative, this combination is really interesting.

Is it because Tomioka Yiyong is immune to Deadpool's mouthpiece?

Can't say for sure.

"Okay okay."

Deadpool, who retracted his gun, left the house behind Tomioka Yiyu.

He wants to try to shoot more handsome clips and cut them into videos.

Vanessa said that she wanted to have children recently, and Deadpool felt that she had to make a positive impression on future children.

Although the child's eight characters haven't been written yet.

But Deadpool is already preparing.

It's not just Deadpool and Tomioka Yoshiyoshi who received the task tonight.

Joseph, Yato, Little Knight, Irena, and even Gabriel were all pulled out to help.

Many monsters were pressed back before they appeared.

The few fully descended monsters caused some minor commotion but were well contained.

"Really, I'm going to have a good night's sleep when I go back."

Gabriel, who was playing Hache, released a ray of light to dispel the scarlet aura entangled in the girl in front of her.

She played games all night last night and was planning to get a good night's sleep tonight.

As a result, just as he was about to lie down, he was called out to help.

Tsk, although angels don't die suddenly, they still need sleep, right?

Full of resentment, Gabriel spread her pure white wings and flew to the next mission location.

On the way, I took off the blackened angel halo on my head and wiped it.

"This thing is really troublesome."

He casually hung the angel halo on his head, and Gabriel, who stared at the dead fish, complained.

Your angel halo is crying.

It's a symbol of an angel anyway, but Gabriel doesn't care at all.

Look back to the game field.

Although it is a game field, in fact, if you look at it from the inside, you can't see the game field at all.

The original pixel wind world has been completely obscured.

Below is a dark abyss from which countless shadows fly.

Above is a golden sky with gorgeous clouds floating.

It looks a lot like the scene when the Void God and the Supreme Radiation fought in the world of the original little knight.

Between the abyss and the sky, Luna, who turned into a scarlet blood moon, kept advancing, trying to break this damned realm.

But there is one person standing in front of it.

Stopping and dashing forward, Luna stared at this tiny human being.

Obviously just a human.

The scarlet airflow continued to spread towards Luo Zhen's body.

It's like he's going to cast a curse on this damned human being.

But every time it spreads to Luo Zhen's side, it will be swept away by the golden light.

"What an ugly guy."

Looking at the moon **** who turned into a scarlet moon, Luo Zhen didn't know how many times he said this sentence.

Compared to Radiance and Void God, even the Goathead and Moon God looked so pleasing to the eye.

The nature of this guy is chaos and madness.


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