Pressing his head, Horikita recalled this somewhat unfamiliar memory.

Although I have seen it once in monitoring.

But looking at the past from your own perspective is another experience.

You can see a lot of details that are not in the monitoring.


"I saw the wrong person..."

Before Horikita school left, he gave Ayanokoji the phone numbers of himself and Tachibana Akane, saying that he could contact him if he had any difficulties after graduation.

Because his memory was erased at that time, he felt that he could give his sister Horikita Suzone TOEFL to Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

He and his sister agreed to wait for her and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka outside the school two years later.

But looking at Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's aloof indifference in the face of a crisis in his memory, Horikita suddenly realized that he might really be seeing the wrong person.

This guy doesn't look like the kind of guy who would act to protect others.

He only cares about his own interests.

From the point of view of seniors, Horikita thinks that Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is actually very capable.

Although the choice in the face of this situation is somewhat inhumane, it can be considered a more rational one.

But as the elder brother of Horikita Suzune, Horikita said that he could not accept that this kind of person was too close to his sister.

‘After that, I still have to find a way to contact Ringtone. ’

Putting down his palm, Horikita looked at Luo Zhen and Tom who were walking towards him.

The more important thing now is to take care of yourself first.

You may need to learn a lot later.

Horikita Gakuen didn't think that he would be able to take office directly as soon as he came up.

Luo Zhen also said that his future tasks are still quite heavy.

"How does it feel to restore your memory?"

"Honestly, not so good."

Chapter 919 Chapter Eight hundred and ninety-eight

Rubbing his head, Horikita said that the feeling after restoring his memory was not very good.

After all, the lost memory was also a growth for Horikita, and saw more things.

And after the memory is cleared, this growth is also cleared naturally.

Looking at my previous decision now, it's so stupid.

How did he think of entrusting his sister to such a person?

Especially when I watched the video before, Luo Zhen also explained to Horikita Xue the problems of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka very intimately.

In other words, this is a person who will be absolutely troublesome in the future.

With her sister's character, messing with this kind of person will definitely suffer a lot.

It may even be pushed out as a shield for the dead.

Thinking of this Horikita Academy, I feel a little restless, and I wish I could go back to the Advanced Nurturing Academy to contact Horikita Suzune and tell her to stay away from Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Horikita Suzune should have felt the problem with this guy, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

After all, you are in contact with a lot of people.

However, due to various considerations, such as being unwilling, he wanted to take D class to A class to prove his ability.

For example, he realizes that he still has big problems in the face of other class leaders, and he needs to rely on the ability of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

Therefore, Horikita Suzine still chose to continue to "cooperate" with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka to achieve her goals.

On the other hand, it can also be said that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has a good grasp of Horikita Suzune's thoughts.

Successfully obtained a tool person who seems to be able to resist but is actually quite useful.

Not only can you attract firepower to yourself, but you can also take the blame for yourself.

Who would believe that Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, a little transparent who has a very low sense of existence in the class, would have any bad thoughts?

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka himself didn't believe it anyway.

He just longed for a quiet, ordinary high school life.

In other words, if you really want a normal high school life, you shouldn't choose this school, right?

It can only be said that this guy has always been crazy about doing things.

If you put it in Gotham, it will be the next Riddler.

After all, a chaotic place like Gotham is actually the best place to show off your skills.

There are no rules of the game to follow, as long as you have a strong force or a smart brain, you can occupy a place in Gotham.

If you have both, you can wrestle with a certain Bateman.

Even Bateman can be slightly deflated.

Then he was quickly turned over by the other party and sent to the place where it was read as Arkham Asylum, where it was written as a support club for Batman fanatics.

"Well, sort out your own affairs first and report back at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"There are still many things that you need to be familiar with by then."

Looking at the time, Luo Zhen decided to let Horikita go back first to digest the amount of information received today.

First joined the organization, and then found that his memory was cleared and restored.

Then I realized that I seemed to have made a very stupid decision before.

It is actually quite good that Horikita Gakuen can still maintain a relatively clear order.

As expected of someone who can hold the position of student council president in that kind of place.

Nagumo, who looks very arrogant, can only appear as a challenger when facing Horikita Gaku.

Try to find an opportunity to overthrow Horikita Gakuen.

This opportunity he had been looking for shortly after he enrolled.

I couldn't find it until I graduated from Horikita College.

At the end, Nagumo tried to block Horikita school to see if he could pull him out of class A or something.

But not surprisingly, it failed.

It wasn't you that Nagumo won, it was me who graduated from Horikita College (crossed out)

If Horikita Gakuen hadn't always adhered to its own principles, and at the same time, as the student council president, many of the inferior methods could not be used.

Nagumo Ya was kicked out by Horikita Gakuen long ago.

Do you think you are the only one who can do those little tricks?

Sorry, Horikita has seen a lot of this little trick, not even less than you know.

"thank you very much."

Standing up, Horikita thanked Luo Zhen very seriously.

Whether it is now, or when he was clearing his memory before, Luo Zhen actually took great care of himself and his sister.

Although it seems to the other party that he is just a routine, but Horikita, who used to be the president of the student council, knows.

This seemingly simple routine is beyond the reach of many.

After all, people will instinctively meet their inner and spiritual needs after gaining power and power.

And vanity is the easiest to obtain and the easiest to satisfy.

But until now, Horikita-gaku hasn't been able to see the slightest bit of pride or arrogance from Luo Zhen.

It was obvious that the opponent was a warrior who had been in the dark all the time.

He has the capital and reason to be proud or even arrogant.

Even if he behaves very rudely, no one can say anything considering his exploits.

But in fact, Horikita school didn't see those things from Luo Zhen.

As if in his eyes these were nothing to brag about.

"It's okay, go back."

"Have a good rest tonight, you'll be busy starting tomorrow."

"Probably busier than you've ever been."

Waving his hand, Luo Zhen signaled again.

To be honest, he didn't really care about Horikita Gaku's thanks.

After all, you may not be able to get in touch with each other after that.

In fact, although Luo Zhen has been in the base for a long time, the people he has come into contact with are quite limited.

In addition to the other investigators, there are only Dr. Jane, Dr. Seymour, and Qianhu.

Sometimes Qianhu is also thinking about whether he has become Luo Zhen's exclusive secretary.

I feel that most of Luo Zhen's documents will be handled by Qianhu for help.

Well, it's not bad anyway.

For Qianhu, she actually likes this kind of work dealing with paper documents.

In the original world, although she liked to read books, she couldn't find much.

Many books have been destroyed.

After expressing gratitude to Luo Zhen again, Horikita school left the base a little erratically.

What happened today was still a little too bizarre for him.

It feels like the worldview that has been cultivated over the years is all broken at one time.

No, it can't be said that they are all broken.

Can only say broken, but not completely broken.

But what matters now is the matter of his sister.

You must not let Suzune continue to get too close to that guy.

With his sister, Geng, she can't turn at all until she sees the wall, and she'll be wounded at one end.

Being pitted is almost doomed.

After Horikita school left, Nozomi Tojo looked curiously into the room.

"Is that person also going to join just now?"

Tojo Nozomi asked curiously.

I feel that I have only rehearsed for a while in the past two days, and the base has changed a lot.

Chapter 920 Chapter 899

When Horikita school left just now, Tojo Nozomi happened to have a face-to-face with him.

I feel like he looks like a great guy.

With glasses, meticulous hairstyle.

It felt like a very serious feeling just going to that stop.

Much like Eri when she was working hard.

However, when he has a straight face, he is a little more serious and scary than Eri.

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