Wu Yasha's husband is very good at using modern weapons.

There are not many such people in the Wu family.

Even the Wuzhi clan who specialize in physique will use some firearms to some extent.

Conversely, the Wuzhi clan who use firearms and powder are not low-level in physical skills.

Although it is not enough to see when facing the same family.

But if it is external, it is enough.

"No way, I have no confidence at all in front of Teacher Wu Yasha."

Constantly adjusting his pace control and Wu Yasha's distance, Tojo Nozomi responded casually.

Don't look at Wu Yasha's kind appearance now.

I had talked to myself many times before in battle, and when I was distracted and responded, I would hit him on the head with a stick.

Tojo Nozomi once wondered if his head would be knocked bald.


There was still a Yamato Nadeko-like smile on his face, but Wu Yasha's movements were not slow at all.

It seemed to be casually fiddling with the long stick in his hand, but at a certain moment, it suddenly burst out like a hunting cheetah.

The whole person was close to the ground and quickly approached Nozomi Tojo.

After entering a certain distance in front of Nozomi Tojo, the long stick in his hand was lifted up diagonally.

The front section of the long stick slid across Tojo Nozomi's forehead, lightly brushing a strand of bangs.

Tojo Nozomi, who was leaning back, quickly stopped his figure, and after a short pause, raised his knees and slammed into Wu Yasha's chest, and at the same time his palm touched Wu Yasha's shoulder.

She was still a weak high school girl a few months ago, but now her fighting moves have become very sharp and decisive.

Wu Yasha chuckled lightly, pressing his empty hand on Nozomi Tojo's knee in advance.

The knee strike that did not complete the force action did land on Wu Yasha's chest, but it did not cause much damage to Wu Yasha.

After a little shake of the figure, it has no effect.

On the contrary, Tojo Nozomi had two bright red marks on his two arms.

It was just beaten by Wu Yasha.

The front part of the long stick touched Tojo Nozomi's shoulder and sent it gently, and Tojo Nozomi's somewhat unstable center of gravity suddenly collapsed and the whole person stepped back somewhat uncontrollably.

The long stick in Wu Yasha's hand was raised high and then dropped.

I can't see any intention of holding back.

If it is replaced by a naginata, this blow can definitely cut a person in half.

However, this swift blow came to nothing.

The end of the long stick hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Tojo Nozomi, who was pounced to the side, barely supported the ground with his hands.

Before the body's center of gravity had completely stabilized, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards Wu Yasha's neck.

Although I really want to temporarily avoid the edge and adjust the center of gravity.

But Teacher Wu Yasha would not give her such a chance.

If you only want to dodge, then there will be no chance to counterattack later.

The slender palm was only a few centimeters away from Wu Yasha's snow-white slender neck.

But there was no joy in Tojo Nozomi's eyes.

In the next instant, a slightly rough palm grabbed Nozomi Tojo's wrist like a pair of pliers.

Tojo Nozomi, who hadn't reacted yet, only felt that his eyes were spinning for a while.


With a loud noise, Tojo Nozomi felt a sharp pain in his back.

To be precise, it hurts all over.

A section of the long stick stopped in front of Tojo Nozomi's neck.

"It's over."

Withdrawing the long stick, Wu Yasha pulled Tojo Hiro who was on the ground.

I am very satisfied with Wu Yasha, a student of Nozomi Tojo.

Much better than the crazy daughter of my own family.

Thinking of his own daughter, Wu Yasha felt helpless.

She doesn't know who this child's character looks like. She doesn't remember that she taught Garuda to be like this.


At the edge of the training room, Jing Xi, who was leaning against the wall, looked at the smirking guy on the ground with a displeased expression.

Strictly speaking, Nozomi Tojo is actually not giggling.

But in Jing Xi's eyes, Tiao Xi's every move is very stupid, very stupid.

Simply put, they are looking at each other with tinted glasses.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Turning her head, Jingxi looked at Luo Zhen beside her and asked.

She has always known that the purpose of the previous arrangement or this mission is to promote Tojo Nozomi's growth.

And the leader is the man in front of him who is the same age as Tojo Nozomi.

"Almost, there are no obvious problems."

With his fingers jumping on the tablet, Luo Zhen said without raising his head:

"The assessment of the two of you will be arranged before the end of next month."

"Work hard during this time."

Putting away the tablet, Luo Zhen glanced at Jingxi beside him.

Although it has always been said that Tojo Nozomi is always not calm when facing Jing Xi.

But the reverse is also true.

Jing Xi, who is usually quite calm, will be very impulsive when facing Nozomi Tojo, accompanied by a strong sense of comparison, and can't wait to prove that she is no worse than Nozomi Tojo.

In fact, no one has ever said that Kagami is worse than Tojo.

At this point, Luo Zhen didn't know how to enlighten the other party.

After all, this kind of thing has never been his forte.

What Luo Zhen is good at is the disgusting people who are arching fire and secretly poking.

I also have some experience with yin and yang.

But considering his own image, Luo Zhen is generally quite restrained.

"Speaking of which, where did that decade go?"

As if thinking of something, Jing Xi looked at Luo Zhen curiously and asked.

It seems like I haven't seen that guy since yesterday.

Today's share.jpg

Chapter 949 Chapter 928

"Ah, he."

After the movement in his hand, Luo Zhen said with a little erratic eyes:

"He went home to rest."

Because of the complaint of a three-good boy, Guang Xiahai came over angrily last night.

For the behavior of the door Yashi during this period, Guang Xiahai expressed very anger.

Stealing girls' lunches and beating innocent girls. (Tojo Nozomi)

pua ignorant girl. (Chuncheon Fengxi)

deceive middle-aged women. (Phoebe)

In the end, ignorant girls were arrested, and innocent girls beat middle-aged women.

Speaking of which, everything you've done during this time has something to do with women!

What are you doing outside when I don't know? !

As a result, the door Yashi was dragged away by the angry Guang Xiahai.

in a very unseemly posture.

The destroyer of the dignified world was dragged away like this, and it was quite unworthy.

After all, I am a celebrity now.

Can you not spare me some face?

This is what Monyaji said.

Although there are some deviations in the content, it is probably the meaning.

And Guang Xiahai's answer is very simple.


Although Menyashi wanted to resist very much, he couldn't get back on his feet after being hit by two Laughing Fingers in a row.

For Men Yashi, he would rather have a head-to-head fight with the Shuka Organization than face the angry Kwang Natsukai.

After all, this situation makes no sense at all.

If you can't make sense, you can only do it, but in the face of Guang Xiahai, you can't do it in any sense.

If you really dare to do it, the days after that will be completely impossible.

Even if you don't think about it, you can't do it.

Menya Shi said that he is actually a person who is very pity and cherish jade in his bones.

Well, it's just hidden deep enough that you can't usually see it.

After all, it is hidden in the bones.

It's normal to not see it.

At least he thought so.

"That's it."

Nodding, Jing Xi said thoughtfully.

This guy must be lying.

Looking at Luo Zhen's erratic gaze, Jing Xi said with certainty.

"Then this side will be handed over to you first, and I'll go to the other side to see."

After checking to make sure that nothing was missed, Luo Zhen said to Jingxi beside him.

Before Luo Zhen asked Tojo Nozomi what he thought after the battle with Nanmu.

"Probably just feel really lucky."

Touching his head, Tojo Nozomi said so.

In fact, she had other thoughts in her heart.

For example, only powerful people have the right to choose.

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