The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

"Is there anyone here?"

In this space, there was endless darkness all around.

He walked forward aimlessly, but he didn't see even a little light.

"Is there anyone here?"

He shouted again, but he could only hear his own voice coming from a distance.

And there was no other sound.

"Where is this place?"

He stretched out his hand, but he couldn't even see his five fingers.

He didn't know how long he had been here!

In this dark space, time seemed to have no meaning.

He could only keep walking, trying to find anything else.

However, he didn't know how long he had walked, and there was still endless darkness all around.


Finally, he couldn't help but scream.

"Is there anyone!!"

"Is there... Is there anyone..."

Suddenly, a white light lit up!

It instantly pierced his eyes!

The next second, he found himself on a huge altar.

There were statues all around.

But these statues were all shrouded in black fog, and their specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

However, judging from their size, they were probably about the same as humans.

"Where is this?"

While he was wondering, an empty voice suddenly sounded.

"You are finally here..."

He asked loudly: "Who are you?"

However, the voice did not answer him, but just kept repeating the sentence.

"You are finally here!"

"You are finally here..."


He frowned and wanted to walk towards the statue closest to him.

But when he just approached the statue, his feet suddenly missed.

Then the whole person began to fall as if he was weightless.


He screamed in panic, and his consciousness became blurred as he fell.

"Lu Zheng!"

"Wake up, the teacher is calling you!"

"Lu Zheng!"


While he was dazed, Lu Zheng felt someone pushing his shoulder.

Am I dreaming?

At this moment, he suddenly woke up!

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his deskmate pushing him non-stop, with a worried look on his pretty face.

"Chen Qian, what's wrong?"

"Get up quickly, the teacher is calling you!" Chen Qian pointed at the podium.

Lu Zheng raised his head.

He saw a middle-aged man with sparse hair, a greasy round face and big black-framed glasses, looking at him gloomily.

This was Lu Zheng's math teacher, whose name was unknown, but everyone called him Lao Zhang.

It was said that his wife died early, and he raised his son alone.

Perhaps because of the pressure of life, he always had a bad temper towards students.

"Lu Zheng, you're sleeping in class again!"

"Stand outside!"

Before Lu Zheng could even open his mouth, Lao Zhang's roar had already sounded.

"Lu Zheng..."

Chen Qian, his deskmate, looked at Lu Zheng with some concern, but he shrugged indifferently and walked out of the classroom.

He had long been accustomed to such situations!

When he came to the corridor, the breeze mixed with fresh air penetrated his nose, and he felt a shock of energy.

Behind him, Lao Zhang's lecture gradually sounded, and the slightly noisy reading sounds of the next class came to his ears.

Lu Zheng's thoughts returned to the dream just now.

This dream again!

This is not the first time he has dreamed of the same scene.

In fact, he often dreamed of the altar recently.

And the countless and unclear statues around the altar.

Every time he approached the statue and wanted to take a glimpse of its true appearance, he would wake up instantly.

But this time, he seemed to vaguely see the statue.

If I'm not mistaken, it should be...

At this time, Lu Zheng suddenly shook his head.

It's been so many years, and I'm still thinking about these things!

It's because of the fantasy, so I always have that dream!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Could it be that I still can't accept the fact that I'm mediocre?

Although he lived again and traveled to this place similar to his previous life.

But he is no different from others.

The only thing that is better than others is that he still has excellent grades even if he sleeps in class every day!

Then again, this world is really very similar to the previous life.

The same world structure, the same historical culture


The only difference is that the globalization of cultural economy is not as common as in the previous life.

After coming to this world for more than ten years, Lu Zheng has hardly heard any news about foreign countries.

Even news reports rarely mention the situation abroad.

However, as an ordinary high school student, he naturally would not pay too much attention to these things.

"Lu Zheng, are you sleeping in class again?"

When Lu Zheng was thinking with his head down, a gentle voice came to his ears.

When he looked up, he found that it was his head teacher Xu Wanwen.

She was about 27 or 28 years old this year. Her appearance and voice were both of the kind of particularly gentle type, but her 1.8-meter tall figure looked very inconsistent.

Seeing Lu Zheng standing outside again, Xu Wanwen knew what was going on without thinking.

This student named Lu Zheng is also famous in the whole school.

He sleeps in class every day, but his grades are unexpectedly good.

Other teachers are no longer surprised by his sleeping in class, but only Teacher Zhang always holds on to this point and makes him stand outside every time.

Seeing that it was almost time to leave school, Xu Wanwen said, "Go back to the classroom first, I have something to announce!"

Lu Zheng did not say anything, turned around and walked back to the classroom.

Xu Wanwen also walked to the desk and interrupted Lao Zhang's lecture.

"Classmates! I just received a notice that due to the needs of relevant departments..."

"So after school today, our school will be closed for three days..."

Before the head teacher finished speaking, the class immediately exploded.

"Oh my God, it's time to go on vacation!"

"Did I hear it right? It's time to go on vacation!"

"Long live!!"


The class was full of discussions, and almost every student couldn't contain their excitement.

Even Lu Zheng smiled.

My deskmate Chen Qian turned around and asked excitedly, "Lu Zheng, where are you going to play during the vacation?"

"Nowhere, I'll sleep at home!"

For Lu Zheng, vacation is also a good thing.

Because if he has a holiday, he can sleep well!

How can it be more comfortable to sleep on the desk than lying on the bed at home!

I don’t know why, ever since he traveled through time, he has been very sleepy.

He goes to bed early and gets up late every day, and he still feels sleepy during the day.

His parents in this life have taken him to major hospitals for examinations, but they couldn’t find any problems.

In the end, Lu Zheng could only attribute it to the sequelae of the time traveler.

Lu Zheng’s answer did not surprise Chen Qian, but she still pouted and said with some disappointment: "You can’t sleep every day!"

Just then, Xu Wanwen on the podium clapped her hands and signaled everyone to be quiet.

After the classroom was quiet, she continued: "I know you are all very excited, but this holiday is not for you to play!"

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, so after the holiday, you should stay at home honestly, review well, and don’t run around!"


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